Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1986

Today, Baba the bestower of fortune is seeing the shining star of fortune on each child’s forehead. BapDada sees and smiles – he has great pride in all his fortunate children, those who remain lost in the love of One. Even the last number is greatly elevated compared to the fortune of the world.

All have given love in service, and have glorified the Father with love and courage, hope and enthusiasm. In this land and abroad, those here and those who are sitting far away all become co-operative through heart-felt thoughts or through service. May you always be successful and accomplished in every task – may there be the revealed form of this.

BapDada has a TV more powerful than the corporeal TVs – he can see the acts and thoughts of each one – he can see the mind. So what has been seen? Baba has come today to give congratulations and so anything else will not be spoken of. There was this one enthusiasm in everyone – that through service Baba should be revealed. The beauty of the hope of revelation brought a wave of happiness into the atmosphere. The majority experienced the holy offerings of happiness and selfless love.

You had golden thoughts for the Golden Jubilee. What special golden thought did you have for yourself, so that every thought and every moment be golden, throughout the year? In every second there should be in both your eyes the golden world and the sweet home of golden light. One is golden light, and the other is the golden world. Mukti in one eye and jeevanmukti in the other. Every second should be golden. Every thought should be golden. Shower golden flowers of love and happiness on every soul. The shower of constant love will change an enemy into a friend. With constant self-respect, continually give drishti of love and spiritual regard. They may not believe in you, but you believe in them – as your sweet brother or sister. They throw stones, you give jewels. You are masters of the mine of jewels, multi-millionaires. You are not beggars that would think “I will give if they give”. The children of the bestower never extend their hand in order to take.

Only when you become a selfless yogi will the wave of happiness of the golden world reach out to the world. Science has a very powerful means of finishing the world, and it can be done in a short time. Just as the power of science is creating such refined things, so the ones with the power of knowledge must, with a powerful attitude, create such an atmosphere, that the wave of happiness, of the elevated future of the world, spreads very quickly in all four directions. Half the world is now half dead – it is sleeping on the deathbed of fear. Give them an injection of the wave of happiness.

All that there has been up to now is good. Do even better in future.

To the most elevated, fortunate souls; to the obedient children who make every thought golden, who are all accomplished, who constantly bestow every blessing, who bring mukti and jeevanmukti; to the children who are constantly full, BapDada’s love, remembrances, congratulations, and namaste filled with golden love and flowers of golden happiness.

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