Avyakt BapDada 15th January 1986

Today, Baba the jewel merchant is smiling, seeing his children who are the businessmen making the greatest deal. The deal is so huge and yet , compared to the world, those who make the deal are so ordinary and innocent. The deal is so huge that it is made in one birth yet keeps you full of treasures fro 21 births. An income of multi millions is received so easily – it takes only one second to make the deal. You accept from the heart and say “my Baba”. How inexpensive it is! There is no expense, nor do you need to give time. You have made a fine deal, haven’t you?

Who is well known in the world of businessmen? They create a special directory, don’t they? Whose names are in Baba’s directory? Those to whom the eyes of the people of the world are not drawn are the ones who have made a deal with the Father. They have become the stars of the eyes of God, the jewels of his eyes. The souls who had no hope are now special souls. Do you constantly have this intoxication? “We are the special VIPs of the directory of God!”. God praises the innocent ones. God is clever but he accepts the innocent kingdom – he does not not lie the external cleverness of the world – it is their kingdom in kaliyuga, the kingdom where they are multimillionaires for one minute.

Yours is not the kingdom of fear. You are fearless. In today’s world, if there is wealth they eat and sleep in fear. And you are in the carefree kingdom, fearless. Fear is a ghost. Where there is consciousness of “mine” there will definitely be fear. “My Baba – only one Shiv Baba” makes you fearless.

Silver and gold become pure when the alloys are removed by melting them in fire. So, become real silver and real gold.

Have you accumulated so much credit that you remain complete for 21 births, so that your clan remains full of treasure? Not only for 21 births, but even on becoming a seeker in the copper age, there will still not be anything lacking. There should be so much wealth in the copper age that you are able to give a lot in donation and charity. Even at the end of kalyga, during the last birth, you were not beggars – you will not become a beggar in the whole kalpa – even in your last birth you will still have dhal and roti.

What will you do for your 21 births? Will you be the ones who earn and income, or will you claim the right to the kingdom and rule the kingdom? The royal family does not need to earn an income. The subjects will have to earn and income, but even that will be number-wise. There will be wealthy subjects and ordinary subjects, although no one will be poor. The royal family claims the reward of the kingdom. For birth after birth they claim the right to be part of the royal family. They don’t claim the right to the throne every birth, but for birth after birth they claim the right to the royal family. And so what will you become?

Keep a chart of your whole day. How much were your powers increased by using them in actions? If you don’t use your powers, there is no income. Did you give happiness to anyone? Did you do service that was powerful and essential? Did you speak such words that hope was created in someone without hope? Did you bring courage in someone without courage. Did you bring anyone into the hope and enthusiasm of happiness? Give something to everyone.

You are doing the service of purifying not only human souls, but also the elements. The Godly budget is such that every soul and the elements become happy and peaceful. You grant mukti and jeevanmukti for innumerable births to everyone – you liberate them from beggary, peacelessness, and sorrow, to stay in comfort for half the kalpa. Their desire for mukti is to be fulfilled.

To those who keep the elevated deal in their consiousness; who accumulate credit, and increase each power by using it; who understand the significance of time, and become great, and make others great; to such elevated, wealthy, sensible children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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