Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1986

Today, BabDada is seeing the gathering of carefree kings. This gathering is more elevated than the gathering of the kings of the golden age. Why? There there is no knowledge of the difference between worry and intoxication, but now the entire world is worried about something or other, about their family, friends, relations, work or business. All of you begin the day by becoming carefree kings at amrit vela, and fulfil yours tasks as carefree kings, and sleep in bliss and peace. Have you become such carefree kings or do you have some worry?

If you hand of over responsibility to the Father, you will become carefree. There is worry when you consider yourself responsible. Be an instrumental server, an instrumental karma yogi. So don’t have baskets of worries on your head, but be a carefree king with a crown of light. Baba has come and removed the innumerable baskets of the burden of innumerable births, and made you light.

Only when you become a king will the senses remain under your control – only as a king will you conquer Maya.

Baba has been invoking you for a long time, and so you are drawn here as if by a magnet. You feel that you do not know how you came to belong to Baba? It feels god that you have become so, but just sit and consider what happened, how it happened, how each of you has come to be here. When you think, you realise how amazing it was, don’t you? It was written in drama, and that pulled everyone out of every corner, and brought them to the one family. All of you, in the colour of Baba’s company, have become extremely lovely. Spirituality is visible on everyone’s face.

Foreigners like to make up their faces. This is the place where you can make up your face like an angel’s. The spiritual make-up makes you sparkle.

Foreigners like to walk hand in hand. So BapDada says – always walk hand in hand with Baba. Do not walk alone. If you walk alone you may become bored, and someone’s vision may fall on you. If you move with Baba, the vision of Maya will not be cast on you, and also you will always be happy.

Everyone likes their companion do they not? Or do you want another companion sometimes, to amuse your heart? You have been liberated from relations that deceive, so that there is neither deception nor sorrow. You have been saved, forever.

Europe has had good expansion, and has become the largest of all families. The UK is large anyway, and separate – but what about the rest of Europe? Everyone has a connection with the UK, because it is the foundation of the world. No matter how many branches emerge, the foundation is always maintained. In London, especially precious gems have been made instruments, because it is the foundation – so with that connection, directions can be received easily. It is like this, is it not?

Sometimes there are such storms of Maya that the intellect is too unclear to pick up Baba’s directions, or his power. This corporeal medium has been created for such a time. Those people whom you call Dadis and Didis are all instruments and because of them you need not waste time.

Seeing you elevated family, there is special happiness. The pandavs are the special teachers. The shaktis are always helpers. Through the pandavs there has always been the special, visible fruit of expansion in service. And the shaktis have brought sparkle and flourish to the centres. The pandavs have a good planning intellect, and the shaktis are good at applying the plan in practice. Without the pandavs there would be no plan, and without the shaktis, the plans would not take a practical shape. Both therefore are essential. A centre where there are no shaktis has no sparkle and flourish, and if there are no pandavs then it is not powerful. This is why both are necessary. Will the shaktis unfurl the flag, or will the pandavs? Both will do it together.

Now that you have woken, innumerable others will wake easily. One will listen to the next and expansion will be rapid. Where there is a greater influence of religion, that land takes time in yielding fruit, but now the fruit has begun to emerge. Once the fruit begins to emerge, then other fruit follows in quick succession. You are the first fruits of the tree, and so you are special.

Determination brings success. Om shanti.

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