Avyakt BapDada 9th March 1985

Love for the Father and love for service gives life to each one in their Brahmin life. You have now reached the Golden Jubilee. Let this wave spread in all directions: that it is now time for the Golden Age – the golden period is coming. In all four directions the scene should be like the early morning sunrise, spreading the light of good news in all directions. Darkness is forgotten and they come into light. Give souls of the world the rising sun of good hope. Just as there is the wave of impending destruction, so too spread the wave of the establishment of the Golden Aged world.

You children, while seeing the world of sorrow, are constantly and automatically ware of the land of happiness, and this awareness lets you forget the land of sorrow, and lose yourselves in preparations for going to the land of peace and happiness. So prepare others to go also. Give hope to those who have no hope. Give good news to those who have become weak hearted. Reveal your knowledgeable form.

They now understand that you souls are the embodiment of peace. You show the easy path to peace. This image has emerged and continues to emerge. So too, let this sound emerge from everyone’s mouth: “if there is true knowledge, then this is it”. Now the seeds of knowledge have to be sown.

The waves of hope in your hearts create the atmosphere that attracts souls closer. Now the hope and enthusiasm in your hearts is arousing hope in them as well. Now when your hearts dance, their feet begin to move.

Achcha. To those who constantly experience their right to the Golden World, who constantly remain in the hope and enthusiasm of creating their Golden Aged stage, who with merciful hearts are constantly absorbed in showing the path to the Golden Age to all souls, who inculcate every golden version from BapDada into their life; to such souls who are constantly seated on BapDada’s heart throne, who are merged in love; to such victorious jewels, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

For half a kalpa, the people of the world have suppressed the shaktis, so this is now the time for the shaktis to move forward – this is why BapDada gives them a chance at the Confluence Age. The gathering of the shaktis has always been a very good and lovely form. Now too, take the opportunity to come forward. Pandavs are always with you anyway, because the task cannot be accomplished without both. Achcha.

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