Avyakt BapDada 30th March 1985

Today, BapDada has come to meet his constant companions. Baba cannot do any task without the children and the children cannot do anything without Baba. This is why from the very start Baba created the Brahmins together with Brahma. It was not just Brahma alone that was created, but the Brahmin children also. The true companions follow the Father – every step is like the Father – their companionship is imperishable, and they do not have to labour. You are such companions are you not? In your every thought you are aware “Baba belongs to me and I belong to Baba”. In the intellect there is the unlimited treasure you have inherited. In the heart is the comforter of hearts. And so, Baba is merged in the hearts, minds, and intellects of the children who are the true companions. Remembrance is merged within the soul, and so, as is the consciousness, so is the stage, and so are the actions performed automatically. Baba, seeing the hope and enthusiasm of the children, congratulates the children. Sangam yuga is a time for congratulations at every moment.

Obstacles will come, because to be a Brahmin means to challenge Maya. Only through challenging Maya can you conquer Maya. Recognise it to be a game. It comes and it is gone – the soul sees it from a distance and chases it away from a distance. You must neither be influenced by any obstacle, nor must you yourself become an obstacle in front of others.

Firstly you must have purity. Secondly you must have unadulterated remembrance, so that no obstacle disturbs your remembrance even slightly. Then you will be constantly content and will give contentment to others. The virtue of contentment is the mirror of inculcation. Constant contentment is a sign of being part of the eight jewels, the special deities.

Service is good, and BapDada congratulates you for this, but to become one of the eight you must pass with honour in all subjects. So remember and check three things. Firstly let there be no limited attachment to anything at all. Attachment to Baba is another thing, but have no limited attachment. Secondly let there be no tension, neither within the self nor with others. Let there be no struggle with each other. The basis of tension is the consciousness of “I” – not the consciousness of “I the eternal soul” but the consciousness of the body. Thirdly let there be no form of weak nature. Maintain the pure feelings and elevated stage of the eternal self. Your true nature is that of soul consciousness. If your nature becomes an obstacle then there is a weakness. Your original nature is elevated, like the Father’s.

Constantly distribute the fortune that is the fruit of your renunciation, and co-operate with others and move forward. Let your hands come together and share the tasks with each other. Do not follow others. Brahma Baba always kept the children in front. If anyone praised Brahma out of love he would say “there is no inheritance from Brahma. Do not keep a photograph of Brahma”. These were his words: “do not consider Brahma to be anything at all”. He always said this. This is the stage of renouncing even the fortune that has come from renunciation, by using it in service. This is the stage of the doubly great donor.

Do not pull towards yourself. If something comes easily, that is elevated fortune. If you pull and take, there will be great labour and less success, because you will not receive everyone’s blessings through this. If something is received easily and naturally, it is filled with blessings from everyone.

Never say “my nature is this, because of living in this land” or “because of being born into this religion”, or “because of the company I keep”. Which land do you belong to? Germany? England? These are simple superficial places in which you stay in order to serve. Neither is anyone a foreigner, nor can anyone have the intoxication “I belong to Bharat”. All of you belong to the one Father. The people of Bharat are Brahmin souls, and the people living abroad are Brahmin souls. There is no difference. Why have you people taken birth in foreign lands? You went there to open service places, otherwise the people of Bharat have great problem with visas. You can live there easily, and this is why service is possible in so many lands. You have only gone abroad for service. And so do not let nature become dependant on such aspects.

Baba’s nature is the nature of the children also. What is Baba’s nature? Good wishes and the feelings of benefit and mercy for every soul – this is Baba’s nature, the nature of uplifting everyone to the elevated stage, the nature of sweetness, the nature of humility. Baba’s nature is also the nature of the children. So never say “my nature is to speak loudly” or “my nature is to become irritated and jealous” or “I don’t know why it happened – this is my nature”. Where did “my’ come from? This is weak nature. This is wrong. Do not let there be arrogance, but maintain the stage of eternal respect for the self.

So pay attention to these three things, attachment, tension, and weak nature. And in order to keep away from these three aspects, remember three others. Firstly maintain constant balance in all things in your life. Balance service with remembrance. Do not be too serious or too entertaining. Secondly take special blessings from the Father in the early morning hours of nectar. Each day in the hours of nectar, BapDada fills the apron of the children with blessings. You can take as many blessings as you wish. Thirdly be blissful.

Achcha. There are another three things. Inculcate three other things. Have as your aim to finish the first three things, to remember the second three things, and to inculcate the following tree things. Firstly let there be reality in everything – the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. The soul dances with truth. If there is truth then the soul will constantly dance with happiness. Secondly, let there be royalty – do not bow in front of little things. Be the constant embodiment of attainment. The eyes will not be drawn anywhere. The intellect will not be drowning in anything. It is spiritual royalty, not the royalty of clothes. Thirdly let there be unity in thoughts, words and actions. Let the many become one. And so there are three things to inculcate: reality, royalty and unity.

BapDada has reserved the early morning hours of nectar (amrit vela) for the Brahmin children. BapDada constantly sees the speciality of every child and the virtue of service of each one especially at that time. Special sustenance is given – the sustenance of blessings and the co-operation of love. BapDada makes imperishable the speciality of every child through special blessings at that time. This is why amrit vela has been reserved specially for the children. You just have to say “Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba.”. BapDada fills the soul with power to prepare it for the entire day. This sustenance is in fact available constantly, but there is extra sustenance at amrit vela. Take as many blessings as you wish with a true heart, not out of some desire. The more powerful you make your time at amrit vela, the easier your whole day becomes. Do you understand? Achcha.

Do not set aside progress for the self for the sake of progress in service. Do both things together, otherwise the ones for whom you have become the instruments remain weak, and they have to work very hard.

Sangam Yuga is the time of celebration. BapDada says – by all means eat, drink, and enjoy yourselves, but in remembrance, and there will be nothing but pleasure. Otherwise, one moment you celebrate in pleasure, and the next there is confusion. So eat, drink, and celebrate in remembrance. Achcha.

To those who have the aim of passing with honour and who inculcate those virtues; to those who, like Brahma the Father, share the fortune that has come from renunciation, and so make other souls into elevated fortunate souls, the number one renunciates; to those who have claimed all rights to easy attainment; to those who easily maintain the balanc
e between progress for the self and progress in service; to those who are constantly co-operative companions at every step, and so move forward; to those who create a powerful state of consciousness and stage, and always follow the Father; to those who are constantly obedient and trustworthy; to those who remain content, and who understand the significance of making everyone else content; to such greatly elevated, charitable souls; to the children who are the doubly great donors; BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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