Avyakt BapDada 30th December 1985

Today, Baba, the ocean of love, the bestower of all treasures and blessings, is celebrating a spiritual meeting with the children who are co-operative and easy yogis and who love all. This meeting of spiritual love – this meeting of the spirits – is unique in the whole kalpa to the Confluence Age. At this time the blessed children receive eternal blessings from the bestower of blessings. BapDada smiles seeing such a spiritual gathering.

BapDada is seeing the innocence of those who attain so much. Those who are ordinary in the world have been made responsible. You have the speciality of knowing the self and the Father – the famous do not have this. Though innocent and ordinary, you claim blessings from the Father, and become worship worthy. Do you have the intoxication of this? Baba creates hope in souls who have no hope. BapDada knows you are the heirs to the kingdom of the world, and Baba loves the souls who love from the heart. Love from the heart is the main foundation for elevated attainment.

The people of the world are still waiting – “when the Father comes…”. You have already found him. This is why he is praised as the lord of the innocents. You special souls have the speciality of being able to recognise. You have recognised, you have attained, so now become the ones with merciful hearts – have mercy on all souls. All souls belong to the unlimited family. Let not a single member of your family be left without receiving blessings.

You are now celebrating the Golden Jubilee. Only a few are up in front as the whole gathering cannot conduct a lecture. But it is only when everyone has a duty that the task can be accomplished. Everyone must become responsible. Wherever you may be, whatever duty you may have, let there be constantly good wishes and elevated feelings for unlimited world benefit. Some will be instruments in corporeal form, some will be instruments through speech, some will be instruments through action, and some will be instruments through the mind. Do not think responsibility means to receive a special duty. Just think ” I must be co-operative”. Waves of happiness, hope and enthusiasm should be spread all around, throughout the world. Spread the wave of happiness that the Golden Age is about to come. Create hope for an elevated future in souls who are fearful. This is golden service for the Golden Jubilee. Have the aim to be real gold by moulding yourself to every task. Make effort with love. Prepare the land. There is always elevated fruit in pure feelings. Achcha.

A very great meeting has been celebrated. But time is limited. There is no limit to time in the subtle regions.

To those souls who have the right to self sovereignty and the kingdom of the world, who maintain a constant and unlimited attitude for unlimited service; to the special, elevated souls who constantly extend spiritual love and hope and enthusiasm, and who are like the Father; to such souls love, remembrance, and namaste from the spiritual Father.

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