Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1985

Today, BapDada went on a tour to see the pilgrimage places of the Brahmins everywhere. Some places had an attraction of physical decorations. Some had the attraction of the vibrations of tapasya. Some had the attraction of an atmosphere of renunciation and elevated fortune – an atmosphere of simplicity that was elevated. A variety of stages of consciousness were also seen amongst the Brahmin children. BapDada took this tour to see how prepared the children are.

Brahma Baba asked: are the children free from all bondages? Are they ever-ready and just waiting for the time? Shiv Baba said: did you go on tour and see to what extent children are free from all bondage? To what extent they are yogyukt: accurately linked in yoga? Only those who are free from all bondage can be accurately linked in yoga. And only the soul who is accurately linked in yoga can achieve jeewan mukti. And so today Brahma Baba was specially taken on tour in order to see this.

It was seen that the majority of souls have stepped away from the large bondages, from the ropes that can be seen clearly. But there are subtle, very deep bondages, ropes that still remain, but can only be seen with a deep subtle intellect, with the subtle power of discrimination.

Firstly there is the subtle support of companions in service. Whether because a soul is specially co-operative, or has special talent or virtues, or there is a harmony of sanskars, a subtle attachment develops. It is forgotten that all of that is a gift from Baba. If the intellect bows down in front of another soul, even in thoughts, this bowing means that you have made that soul your support. And then, at a moment of need, that soul is remembered, instead of Baba, because that soul is co-operative on the corporeal level. Once the link of Baba’s remembrance is broken, it takes a great deal of effort to join it together again. It has not remained constant. So don’t think “this one”. To have spiritual love for all, to speak with love, to give and take co-operation in service, that is another thing. All are good – see their specialities. Be co-operative with everyone and take their co-operation. Don’t forget Baba. When Baba is there, there cannot be sin. When Baba is removed from the middle, then there is sin.

Secondly, subtle support is taken from physical equipment. Service fluctuates when the equipment is not available. Do not make equipment your support. Your support and foundation is Baba. The equipment is perishable. If you make it your support then your stage will be perishable too. Be detached and don’t let the mind be drawn into the attraction of the equipment.

The karmateet stage has to come. Karmateet doesn’t mean detached from karma – it means detached from the bondage of karma, to experience detachment yet still perform karma.

It was also seen that, from time to time, the power of discrimination becomes weak in some of the children. The reason for this is that the love in their intellect does not remain stable. They are not constantly lost in the love of the one Father, so they don’t recognise their own weaknesses: they cannot discriminate. More often a soul does recognise its weaknesses, but tries to hide them by trying to prove itself right, or by becoming stubborn. This is another sign of lack of discrimination. And so, lacking discrimination, there intellect does not become stable. Stablility doesn’t mean keeping the same stage of consciousness for a year, it means to constantly experience the flying stage. The flying stage means to experience that there is progress, day upon day.

You want to become karmateet don’t you? Let the intellect become stable and then check. Whatever subtle weaknesses there are will be seen clearly. Don’t take support from subtle threads or royal threads – they are not support, they are bondage.

You saw how Brahma Baba had special love for the children but was equally detached: the call came and he went immediately. In cooking, when something is ready, it leaves the support of the side of the pan. In the same way, leave the support of individuals, possessions and objects.

Never hide anything. When you hide something it increases further. The more you hide it the more it grows. The more stubborn you are, the more you try to prove yourself right, the more it grows. In this way, little things become large. So finish it while it is still small, and then it will be easy, and you will remain happy.

The double foreign children especially receive Brahma Baba’s sustenance, the sustenance of love. Brahma Baba created you children through special invocation. You have been born through Brahma’s thoughts. You became Brahmins. You are extra clever. You understand just through a signal. This is also a speciality. Although there are questions yet, you understand quickly.

: Today this hasn’t been a murli, but a conversation of the heart, the giving and taking of news. You are the souls who will enter the flying stage. If someone is seen to be worthy, capable, then a signal is given to make them into perfect yogis. Achcha.

To those who are constantly liberated from the bondage of karma; to the souls who are accurately linked in yoga; to those who constantly make the one father their support; to those who have stepped away from even subtle weaknesses, from the perishable support of humans or objects; to those who are like the father, jeevan mukt, stable in the karmateet stage; to such special children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

1 Comment

  1. Meenamaheswaram   |  

    Happy to join u


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