Avyakt BapDada 25th November 1985

Today, BapDada is seeing the rosary of those with faithful intellects. The sign of faith is victory. Everyone has firm faith, so why are only some in the rosary of victory? There are 8 jewels. the 108 jewels, and the 16,108 jewels. What is the difference between the praise and worship of the 8 deities, and the praise and worship of the 16,108? Baba is One , and everyone belongs to One. If there is this faith, then why the difference? Can there be a percentage of faith? If faith is a percentage then can it be called faith? The 8 jewels have faithful intellects, and so do the 16,108. With faith, victory is assured.

Together with faith in Baba there should also be faith in the self. Have faith that you are victorious. An intellect that has faith is a victorious one. Because the power of thought is very clean in the mind f a victorious one, judgements for the self or others will be easy, truthful, and clear. There will not be any confusion.. They will always experience pleasure. There will be the waves of happiness. Even if the circumstances are like fire, that fire will give the happy experience of victory. In the lokik world, victory is celebrated – they laugh, dance and applaud.

If you have faith, you will never experience loneliness. There will be the feeling: “Baba is with me”. And compared to Baba, others are nothing. Where there is Baba, there is the whole world. The whole tree is within the seed. You will always be supported. You will always dance in happiness.

You will never experience temporary distaste. Sometimes a very forceful attack of Maya will cause limited distaste – for a while they say “it is better to leave all that”. This attitude arises out of desperation, but it is temporary. This limited distaste is a retreat, a withdrawal. A victorious jewel will never withdraw from any task or individual, but will always experience victory within defeat, and victory within victory. You will face and co-operate, with unlimited distaste (verag) which is eternal. You will never speak about your victory – that would be a sign of emptiness – something that is empty clatters a great deal. The fuller it is, the less the clatter.

You will inspire courage in others, and not make others seem less, because you are a bestower. Like Baba you are a master support, uplifting others. With faith you always remain at a distance from waste – from waste thoughts, words, or actions. If waste is finished, defeat is finished. If you have firm faith you will always speak the truth.

Some have faith in knowing, some in believing, and some in being. Everyone believes that they belong to God and have found God. To believe and to know is the same thing. But you are numberwise in being, in becoming. There is a difference in the practical signs of being victorious, of being free from attachment. The philosophy of becoming free from attachment is very deep, and will be spoken of another time. Faith is the ladder to become free from attachment. Achcha.

The children are masters of the home. Your home is Madhuban. If you consider your temporary place of service to be home, there will be attachment. The home of the soul is paramdham. The home of Brahmins is Madhuban. No one can be thrown out of their home. Comfort is received by coming into the home, is it not? Comfort of the mind, comfort of the body, and comfort of wealth. You don’t have to go out and earn and income. You get a rest from preparing food. Everyone serves God, but here God is serving the children. He serves you. This faith will make you live in constant happiness.

To those with faith, the victorious jewels, who always embody remembrance of God and their fortune, who always experience victory in both victory and defeat, who always give support and co-operation; to the elevated souls who always experience being in the company of God, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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