Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1985

Brahma has been remembered as the great great grandfather. The incorporeal father has made Brahma the instrument responsible for the creation of the corporal world. He is the creator of the human world, and the memorial of this has been shown in the form of the tree. The seed is incognito. First there are two shoots and the trunk emerges from this. Adi Dev and Adi Devi, the form of the mother and father, are the foundation of the tree, and Brahma is the instrument for this. It is through him that the trunk of Brahmins emerges. Innumerable other branches then emerge from the trunk of Brahmins. This is why Brahma has been remembered as the great great grandfather.

When Brahma incarnates, bad days finish and great days begin. The night finishes and the holy time of Brahma begins (Brahma muharat – the hours of the brahm element – also known as the early morning hours). Although they say “the hours of the brahm element” it is in fact “the time of Brahma”. This is why Brahma has been shown in a mature form.

The incorporeal Father and the grandfather give you grandchildren so many gifts which last for 21 births. He is the bestower of wisdom. He gives you tray-fulls of the jewels of knowledge. He gives you the golden gift of all the powers in an unlimited form. He gives jewellery boxes full with all virtues to you. How many boxes of decorations do you have? Wear new decorations every day and they would not be used up. These gifts will always stay with you. Physical gifts will be left here, but these gifts will go with you. You will not need to work for a living – you will be able to live on these Godly gifts – you will be liberated from all labour.

Everyone has come especially to celebrate Christmas Day. BapDada calls it Kismis (raisins) day – the day of sweetness. Everyone enjoys eating and sharing sweets and you can sweeten someone’s lips in this way for a short while. But if you become sweet yourself, then sweet words will emerge form your lips constantly. Everyone is happy eating and sharing sweet things – in the same way sweet words bring happiness to the self as well as others. So, constantly sweeten everyone’s lips in this way – let your vision, words, and actions always be sweet. This is the way to celebrate Kismis day. To celebrate means to become.

Give everyone sweet drishti for just two moments – speak a few sweet words and that soul will be filled for all time – their world will be transformed – those two sweet words will become instruments for change for all time. The inculcation of sweetness is so special that it can even transform a “bitter land” into a sweet one. Baba transformed all of you with two sweet words (ie in Hindi): you are a sweet and a pure soul. Sweeten everyone’s lips in this way. Always keep this gift of sweetness with you.

Achcha. To those who fill the apron of the intellect with the jewels of knowledge – who are always full of all powers, and constantly decorated with the jewellery of all virtues, and so are elevated souls – to such sweet children who have constant sweetness and sweeten everyone’s lips – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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