Avyakt BapDada 24th March 1985

Today, BapDada, loveful and lawful, was seeing the accounts of the children, to what extent each had accumulated a stock. Whatever you accumulate in this one birth will determine your royal status for 21 births, and your worship worthy status for the rest of the kalpa. Those who belong to the eight jewels are the most elevated deities. The number one worship is for Krishna, the most elevated soul. What you accumulate in this one birth will be the return you receive for the entire kalpa. “If not now then never” – this is the slogan for Brahmins. Do whatever you want to do now, with hope and enthusiasm – this is the time for intense effort.

Instant donation is the greatest charity. If there is time spent between the thought and the practice, Maya gets a chance to slip into that gap of time, and the situation changes. The offering of mind, body, and wealth, as an instant donation, is the greatest donation, called Maha Prasad (the great offering). Instant donation means to have a thought and to do it instantly. If it is a pure task, then it should be done instantly – don’t waste any time thinking about it.

Just as there is multi-million returns for one powerful thought, so one wasteful thought creates an account of sorrow and hopelessness, and all happiness disappears. Then they will say “I don’t know what made my happiness disappear”, or “I prefer solitude – I would like to go away somewhere”, but where would they go? Do not go anywhere alone without the Father. By all means become alone, but never become lonely. Sangamyuga is the age of being combined – never again in the whole kalpa can there be such a wonderful couple – even Lakshmi and Narayan are not such a couple. There should not be separation for even one second. What happens if there is separation? Everyone has a lot of experience in this. Sometimes you go to the shore of the ocean, sometimes you go on top of the roof, sometimes you go to the mountains. To go to these places for churning is another thing, but do not go alone without the Father. Wherever you go, remember the promise you made: “we will stay together, we will move together”. Do not go away into the jungle or into the ocean. Stay together, live together.

So today the accounts were being seen. To what extent have you accumulated a treasure store of elevated knowledge, elevated powers, elevated thoughts, and elevated actions?

BapDada has great pleasure in meeting every child and taking the sweet, sweet, spiritual fragrance of every child. BapDada understands the three aspects of time for every child, whereas the children understand only their own present. BapDada sees the elevated future, rather than the present upheaval. The speciality of every child is seen. Achcha.

To those who constantly have the elevated thoughts of instant donation, and of becoming great charitable souls; To those who constantly change themselves now; to those who receive the blessings of this period of time and fill their aprons with blessings; to those who constantly follow the father Brahma and, together with him, claim all rights to the elevated kingdom and to the elevated worship-worthy status; to those who constantly stay combined with the Father; to such children who are the constant companions, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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