Avyakt BapDada 21st February 1985

Today, the sun of knowledge and the moon of knowledge are seeing the lucky and lovely stars. This spiritual constellation can never be seen again throughout the whole kalpa. The power of science cannot see this constellation. Only those who have the power of silence can see this constellation, and can understand it.

: Today, touring around the entire constellation, and seeing the variety of stars, BapDada has been extremely happy. Baba is seeing how each and every star takes the light and might of truth from the sun of knowledge, and is seeing to what extent the soul has become the embodiment of truth, like the Father. Baba is also seeing to what extent the soul has been able to inculcate the power of coolness from the moon of knowledge, and has become the embodiment of coolness like the moon itself. On the one hand intoxication from truth, and on the other an equal level of coolness. You need coolness to be able to reveal the truth. In today’s world every soul is burning with one form of fire or another. So no matter how arrogant or angry they may be, make them cool first, and then they will be able to recognise the truth. The power of coolness includes love for the soul. The coolness of love of the mother moon can transform a child no matter how spoilt it may be. First the coolness of the mother makes the soul worthy to come in front of the father. Then the power of truth from the sun of knowledge will make the soul a yogi.

A soul with the power of coolness will remain cool in the speed of thoughts, in words, in connections, under all circumstances. If the speed of thoughts is fast there is a great deal of waste, and it takes a long time and extra power to exercise control, and sometimes there are accidents. The one who embodies coolness will move at the correct speed and will be safe from waste and accidents. Coolness is like the shade of a tree which gives rest and comfort to travellers. Each one will be attracted to go to this soul and experience, in their shade, the peace and bliss that come from coolness, for even a moment or two. When there is intense heat and sunshine all around, people search for shade. The fire of vices is going to become even more intense in the world, and people will cry out and come in desperation to you, the souls who have coolness. They will cry out for even a few drops of that coolness.

On the one hand there will be the fire of destruction, on the other the fire of attachment and the vices. Then there will be the fire of repentance. In all directions there will be nothing but fire visible. At such a time you should have so much coolness stored within yourself that you are not affected even slightly by the heat of the fire on all sides, but are able to give coolness to all. If there is even a trace within you of any of the forms of fire, then the fire outside will catch hold in you, because fire always catches fire. So check yourself.

The power of fearlessness will protect you from the fire of destruction. The fearless souls will not experience upheaval. Freed from fear the soul will dance with happiness and coolness. Even whilst seeing destruction the soul will be seeing scenes of construction. They will have the sweet home of mukti in one eye, and the heaven of jeevanmukti merged in the other. They will see only their own home and their kingdom. People will be crying out “he is dying” and you will say “”he is going to his own sweet home”. These will be the bells around your anklets as you dance and sing. They will be crying out and you will be moving forward together.

In order to be safe from the fire of the vices, remember your original and eternal clan of the Father. Remember you are a completely pure, satopradhan soul. You belong to the original clan of the deities, and so you are a divine soul, completely viceless, complete with sixteen celestial degrees of purity.

To protect yourself from the fire of attachment to the body , bodily relations, and possessions, make Baba your world. Let Baba alone be your world then everything else in the world will be tasteless.

To be safe from the fire of repentance, become the embodiment of all attainment now.

Now check all these four things and you will become the embodiment of coolness, goddesses of coolness, yogis of coolness, who are able to extinguish the heat of all others.

Achcha, to those who are constantly like the Mother, the moon, the embodiment of coolness; to the children who bring and age of truth through the power of truth, and bring comfort and rest to the hearts of all others, through the shade of coolness; to the cool yogis, the goddesses of coolness, who remain safe from the fire from all directions; to such children love and remembrances from the sun of knowledge and the moon of knowledge, and namaste.

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