Avyakt BapDada 20th November 1985

Today, Baba, the creator of Brahmins, is seeing his small, spiritual and beautiful family. The Brahmin world is even more unique and lovely than the world of the Golden Age. The Brahmin form is more special than the deity form – every soul is special, a self-sovereign, a king. Every soul wears the tilak of remembrance, the eternal tilak, the tilak of self sovereignty. Every one wears a crown and is seated on the heart-throne of God.

Every Brahmin has one Father, one family, one language, and one knowledge, the same understanding. Every one has an elevated aim for this life, the same attitude, the same vision, for the one Godly task. The smaller such a world is, the lovelier it is. Every Brahmin sings a song in their mind: our small family is unique and lovely. The customs and systems of this world are unique, and its love is very special. Do you ever leave this world to go into the old world? Do you?

Every one of you can see for yourselves whether you have become new and unique – have you new thoughts, new language, and new action? Does anything of the old world remain? Do not let anything of the old world remain to attract you from the high world into the low world.

The heaven of the Confluence Age is higher than the heaven of the Golden Age, because now you gain full knowledge of both worlds. Here you see it, you know about it, and are detached and loving. This is why you experience Madhuban as heaven. There, in the Golden Age, you will not speak of heaven. Previously you used to hear about how the fairies of heaven were very beautiful. but nobody had ever seen them. Now you have become the fairies of heaven. You have changed from ugly into beautiful. You have received wings – unique wings of gyan and yoga. Your wings can take you the three worlds with great speed.

Nothing is unattainable in the world of Brahmins. When you find the Father, you find everything. You become master of not just this world, but three worlds. Sometimes you swing on the swing of supersensuous joy, sometimes on the swing of happiness, sometimes on the swing of peace, sometimes on the swing of knowledge, and sometimes on the swing of God’s love. You swing in God’s lap, lost in love and remembrance. It is as if you merge into his lap, merge into God’s remembrance, and become lost in his love. This spiritual love enables you in a second to forget the pain and sorrow of many births. Do all of you swing on the swing in this way? Did you ever think, even in your dreams, that you would have a right to such a world?

: Today BapDada is seeing his lovely world. Do you like this world? You don’t keep one foot in this world, and one foot in the other world do you? You saw that world for 63 births. You experienced it and what did you receive? Did you receive anything or did you lose? You lost your body, your peace, your happiness of mind, your wealth, even your relationships. Where did the beautiful body that Baba gave you go? Even if you accumulated wealth, it was dirty wealth. Where did the clean wealth go? You lost everything, so is it sensible for the intellect to be pulled there?

So keep your elevated world in your consciousness. Become the embodiment of this consciousness, and you will become free from all attachment. Do not accept anything of the old world into your intellect. If you do accept then you will be deceived, and will experience sorrow. Keep the contrast clearly in front of you – what this new world is and what the old world is.

Achcha. To those who reside in this small, lovely world, the special Brahmin souls who constantly swing, to the children who are constantly detached, to the children who are loved by God, Godly remembrances, Godly love, and namaste.

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