Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1985

BapDada is celebrating a meeting with the loving children and giving love in return. BapDada is bodiless – he takes the support of a body to make the children bodiless also. When BapDada comes into the body he retains the bodiless stage, giving others the experience of this stage. In the same way all of you can stabilise your consciousness as bodiless souls while in the body, and work through the body to perform actions. In order to follow the Father you must keep your intellect stable on two level of consciousness. Shiva is stable in the bodiless stage, the incorporeal stage. Brahma constantly has the ethereal (akari) consciousness. So stabilise yourself in both these stages of consciousness and follow the Father. Don’t come down into the consciousness of the gross body, the consciousness of humans – these pull the souls down.

Don’t allow any thoughts or dreams to pull you into descent. BapDada has drawn the lines clearly – don’t go outside any line. If there is disobedience, there is distress, and then repentance also. To easily maintain the stage of constant respect and to experience constant attainment, follow the Father. The alokic and the parlokik fathers give you this easy method.

The soul of Brahma in the corporeal form became the instrument to teach you how to perform karma. He is a souls who has completed the full cycle of 84 births. His corporeal life showed you how to be liberated while performing karma; how to be free from the bondage of karma while fulfilling the responsibility of the relationships of karma; how to stay in the body and yet remain in a bodiless state of consciousness; how to be free of bodily bonds by keeping the mind lost in the intoxication of love of One; how to use every penny of wealth in a worthwhile cause. A soul caught in bond of karma became the example and became karmateet. It is easy to follow that corporeal life, is it not? The answer to your questions about the body, relationships or wealth, can be seen in the life of Brahma Baba. Scientists today look to computers for answers. They think that which has been created is more accurate than the ones who created it. But for those of silence, the life of Brahma is an accurate computer, replacing questions with answers. Questions mean upheaval in the intellect – the very sign of a question is crooked. Contentment means a dot – there is nothing crooked in a dot – it appears the same from any direction – it is simple.

So follow Brahma the father in the corporeal form, or follow Brahma the father in the subtle form, or follow Shiv Baba. The words are the same – follow the father.

The corporeal form of Brahma shows the corporeal world the way. None of you call yourselves Shiv kumars – you are called Brahma kumars and kumaris. It is Brahma who becomes an example of living an elevated life while in corporeal form, as well as being the instrument responsible for the corporeal creation. This is why, although Shiv Baba is called the Satguru, the title ‘guru’ is also used for one who teaches, and it is Brahma who has been the instrument responsible to teach the entire world. Therefore you have to follow in every action. Brahma is called the Jagatguru because of this. This is why they give salutations to Brahma, the father of the world – they give him the title of Jagatpita. They don’t call Vishnu or Shankar the ‘Father of the People’. They also use this term ‘Pati’ in the sense of being the lord and master, because while he is the Father and is loved by the world, yet he is also detached from the world to an equal extent. And now he is teaching you in the avyakt form so that you may follow and create the avyakt stage of consciousness. Do you understand? There is no other soul who has this stage of detachment to the same extent.

The body has been taken on loan and must be taken care of. A good master uses the body according to its capacity, and according to place. Some children ask why this chariot in particular has been chosen – even this one (Gulzar bhen) had the same question – just as Brahma did not know the story of his own birth, she has forgotten her own blessing. This was the special blessing given to the child of sakar Baba at the very beginning of the part of having trance visions. This soul played the part of having visions at the very beginning, with Brahma Baba. He sat in tapasya, in solitude, and saw the child’s easy going nature and innocent life. And on seeing these specialities he gave the blessing that as she progressed further the child would continue to be the companion of Baba, and would look after his duty and become equal – the child would play a part in service equal to Brahma Baba’s. That blessing became her line of fortune and so she played the part of becoming equal by becoming the chariot. BapDada congratulates the child for playing that part. There has been the power of adjustment over such a long time, and that speciality of adjustment has been the gift that has given the lift. Yet still BapDada has to be concerned about the body. The musical organ is old and the ones who are using it are very powerful. Although there is the lesson of ‘haji’ (saying yes) and it is still moving well, yet BapDada has to use it in the right way and with precision. There is the promise to meet, but the method of meeting will have to change accordingly with time.

To those who are easy effort makers and follow the father in all aspects; to those who are constantly contented special souls; to those who constantly work through the instrument of the body and make it perform karma; to the master creator children; to the children who respond with their lives to BapDada’s love; to such children, love and remembrances filled with all affection, and namaste.

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