Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1985

BapDada comes into the stage of sound, from the stage of nirvana, the stage beyond sound, because of the children’s love. He comes to give them the experience of the stage beyond sound, which is like himself, to take the children to the sweet home of nirvana. The consciousness of nirvana is free from all vices and evil thoughts. I, the incorporeal take the support of the corporeal, and I speak, keeping the incorporeal consciousness. This double consciousness of the original incorporeal and the corporeal support is a powerful consciousness. So do not forget the incorporeal form whilst taking the support of the corporeal, or there is labour in trying to remember again. With the power of knowledge you have recognised your true form, so remember it just as you remembered the consciousness of the body.

Check yourself while walking and working: am I , the incorporeal, taking the support of the corporeal while doing this task? Then automatically and easily the stage of consciousness will be freed from labour. It feels laborious when you forget again and again. So why do you forget the original form and remember the artificial? BapDada is sometimes amazed on seeing the children – how can you forget yourself? And having forgotten yourself you experience distress.

BapDada cannot bear to see the children labouring – a master almighty authority, the master of all powers, labouring! With pure thought you can invoke whatever power you wish at whatever time, and that power will be your servant. Will a master labour, or simply order with pure thought? You are the kings are you not? You are the souls who have claimed all rights. All powers and virtues are your servers. Just invoke them and they will appear. Learn how to invoke. Learn how to order. The servers will obey the master. The master must not become the server. You have been liberated from labour of the mind.

Labour of the body for service is a separate thing. Those who recognise the importance of serving the yagya do not feel that is is labour – it is like a game. Their love for Baba changes the form of the work.

However, now the time has come to be liberated from the labour of the mind. Since the copper age the mind has been labouring, searching, seeking, and crying out. The labour of the mind increases the labour of earning a living, and causes sickness of the body. It also takes labour in trying to please everyone in ones own family – sometimes one sulks, and sometimes another one sulks. Today they all belong to you, and tomorrow they do not: they have turned around. All these varieties of labour make you tired. You have become tired of everything: your body, your mind, your wealth, your relationships.

BapDada first finishes the labour of the mind because the mind is the seed. The labour of the mind gives the experience of having labour through the body or for wealth. When the mind is happy, nothing seems difficult. Weakness of the mind pulls it into the weakness of the atmosphere. BapDada cannot bear to see the children experiencing the labour of the mind. There has been labour for 63 births and now this is the one birth to experience enjoyment, the birth to experience love, the birth to experience attainment, the birth to experience blessings, the birth to experience help. There should be no labour in this birth. Transform the labour into love.

: Today Bap and Dada were having a great deal of chit chat together over the children’s labour. BapDada was smiling. Because of the labour of the mind, many crippled children are born. Some do not have a face, some do not have an arm, some do not have a leg, and so, many wasteful children are produced. And then because of such a creation being created, there has to be even more labour in sustaining the creation, and the soul gets tired. And then the heart loses hope, and it seems difficult. The soul doesn’t want to leave anything, and doesn’t want to fly. And then you have to walk, and this takes effort also. If you stop creating weak creation, you will be liberated from labour of the mind.

Should we tell you the amusing things that are said further? Baba asks “why are you creating this creation?”. And then just as the people of today say “What can we do? God has given us this creation”, and so God is blamed for everything, so you say “I do not want it, but Maya comes”. So, become the masters, become the ruler. Just sit on your elevated throne of the consciousness of the eternal self, and be the masters. Order your servers, the powers, to obey, and they will appear in front of you. So is it better to labour, or to be master? Constantly practice one thing: “I the incorporeal have taken the support of the corporeal to do this task”. Order the sense organs to work.

In the consciousness of the original real incorporeal form, the original virtues and powers will emerge automatically. The consciousness will automatically create the stage. Finish the word “labour” from your life, and the word “difficult” will finish automatically. Achcha.

To those who constantly make difficult into easy, who transform labour into love; to those who, through the consciousness of the original form, experience the elevated powers and virtues; to those who constantly give Baba the response of their love; to those who become like the Father; to those who sit constantly on the elevated throne of elevated consciousness; to those who become masters and do all the tasks through their servers; to such royal children who are the masters, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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