Avyakt BapDada 13th November 1985

Today, the Creator, the Father of the new creation of the new world, is seeing his children, the new creation, who have claimed their rights to the new world. All of you are celebrating the new life of the new creation of the new age. Everything has become new. Thoughts, sanskars, and relationships have all been transformed, have become new, a new religion and new actions.

Nothing can be hidden from Baba in the heart to heart conversation. Some children think: we have become Brahmins, have stepped away from the impure things, but are not experiencing as much as we would like of the attainment and greatness of Brahmin life, or of the supersensuous joy of the double-light angelic stage – we only experience these things for short periods of time. What is the cause of this? If there are still any thoughts, sanskars, and relationships of the old birth, then the soul becomes divorced from all the attainment and happiness of the new life, new age, new relationships, and the new world.There is a game you play in dramas where you show a costume which is half black and half white. Don’t think that this is what is meant by Sangamyuga: half shudra, half brahmin. Sangamyuga means the new age, and the new age means everything new. Whatever thoughts you have, whatever your words or actions, just check: is it new?

They show the swastika, and in each of the four ages they put the dot. Why do they do this? At the start of every task the they always say “salutations to the swastika Ganesh”. What is this the memorial of? Why is the swastika called Ganesh? This is the sign of the consciousness of being stable, being in the consciousness of the reality of the eternal self. It is also the symbol of the knowledge of total creation. Ganesh means “filled with knowledge”. Within this one symbol of the swastika, all knowledge is merged. The basis for success in any task is to be filled with knowledge, to be wise, to be the embodiment of knowledge. You Brahmin souls become filled with knowledge, and in that stage, every thought that you create will bring success. But if there are still any thoughts, sanskars, and relationships of the old birth, then the soul becomes divorced from all the attainment and happiness of the new life, new age, new relationships, and the new world. You will experience thought and success simultaneously.

So be firm, be determined. Strong success is put into the foundation, to make the foundation strong. A foundation of sand will not last long. Check for thoughts like “I will try” or “I will do as much as possible” or “others have these weaknesses also”. Don’t mix sand in the foundation. It is very easy to look at others but it takes effort to see the self. If you are caught in the habit of looking at others, then look at Brahma Baba. He is also another.

Baba was checking everyone’s account (Diwali is the time for the year’s accounting), and in the accounts it was clear why there isn’t the experience of Brahmin life to the extent that each one wishes. It is because the vision is drawn toward others. Waste thoughts are drawn by others and the soul becomes trapped in external bonds. There is far too much thinking and speaking about external situations and difficulties. This is why you now need to realise the vision of your eternal self through the cycle. By focusing on the eternal self, the things to do with others outside come to an end. Let every day be new, with new thoughts and new sanskars, and then new hopes and enthusiasm will emerge automatically. Everything new has to be based on the principles and disciplines of Brahmin life.

Why take only half when the whole is offered?

Let there be visions of the golden world through your eyes, your words and your actions.

Achcha. To such elevated children who through their thoughts and actions give others a vision of the new world, who through their golden stage of consciousness emerge the light of pure hope that the golden world is about to come; BapDada’s love , remembrance, and namaste.

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