Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1985

Today, the true father, the true teacher, and true guru, is seeing his children who are the embodiment of the power of truth. How great is the power of truth – true knowledge! This is what attracted you to the Godly University, to Raja Yoga. You received the true introduction to the true father – true knowledge. You found the true family. You received true love. You experienced true attainment.This is what attracted you. The word “sat” (truth) has two meanings: it means truth and it also means eternal attainment, eternal relationship, eternal love, and eternal family. This same family is going to continue to meet you for 21 births in a variety of names and forms.

Just as you have been attracted here by that recognition, you must now reveal the power of truth, the true knowledge, to the world. For 50 years the land was being prepared. Just as all souls of a variety of religions recognise that there is only one who is the supreme soul, in the same way they should recognise that there is only one true knowledge which is accurate from the father. That is, there is only one path. Until this sound is spread around, souls cannot stop stumbling around, and they will continue to seek the support of tiny little sparkles of light. Now at least they understand that this is one of the paths, and that it is a good path. But they have to recognise finally that the one father has one introduction, and that there is one path. When all the innumerable illusions finish, then this will become the basis of peace in the world. The flag of glorification cannot be hoisted until the truth is recognised, and the wave of power has been spread in all directions, everywhere.

In the Golden Jubilee you will give special invitations to souls and bring them to the Father’s home. Through your stage and elevated atmosphere, through the influence of pure intellect, the land of love, and the sustenance of purity, you will begin to clearly reveal your true knowledge. A clear introduction should be given. They should hear things that they have not yet heard in the world. Whoever is speaking should relate the experience of their own transformation, and each speaker should clarify a new aspect of knowledge. Use truth and humility to clarify the knowledge. The greater the humility, the greater the authority. Explain that God is not omnipresent, nameless or formless. Explain the drama, and the specialities of the soul. Let them experience both newness and truth together. Let them dance in happiness.

As yet the Father shows the son. Now let the son show the Father. You have taken 50 years to prepare the ground. When the ground is tilled and made worthy, it does not take long to sow the seeds. Powerful seeds yield powerful fruit.


You souls are very thirsty for knowledge. It is good. Brahma Baba gave all of you birth after invoking your for a long time. You have been born through special invocation. Although it took a long time, you children are strong and healthy. Baba’s sound was reaching you, and when the right moment came, then you came close. Even though the majority of you did not see Brahma Baba, you are able to experience the living quality from the picture. Even though you did not see, you have been experiencing great sustenance, and you say from the depths of your hearts “Brahma Baba”. This is the connection of special subtle love. Even though he is in subtle form, yet the sustenance is equal to the corporeal sustenance. That is your experience, is it not?


Make yourselves golden , and the jubilee will be golden too. You must have attention on the balance of self and service – progress of the self, and progress in service. When making a plan, first pay attention to the consciousness of the self, and then there will be power in the plan. The plan is the seed.

Achcha. To those who reveal the truth; to those who maintain the balance of truth and humility, who through every word prove the one introduction of the one Father; to those who, through constant self progress, experience success; to those who hoist the flag of Baba’s revelation in service; to such children of the SatGuru, the true father, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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