Avyakt BapDada 11th December 1985

Today, BabDada is seeing three specialities of each loving child, and to what extent each has become complete with these three specialities. The specialities are love, natural yoga (co-operation), and power – being a a living moving lighthouse and might house. These three should be clear to others in your thoughts, words, and actions.

They should experience waves of love coming from you, the master oceans of love, just as they experience coolness and peace on the shores of the natural ocean. You should fill the atmosphere with the fragrance of spiritual love. Baba knows you all have love for him, but now love has to radiate into the world, so that every soul can experience its fragrance. You should have love for all and it should be constant. The heart is disenchanted with selfish love, having seen it again and again. Spiritual love is the support of life.

On the path of bhakti, they speak to take something, but here you speak to give. People meeting you should experience and take away the real wealth of knowledge, love, yoga power, co-operation and the other powers. This is true service. Those who bestow in this way will always progress. So be co-operative and a natural yogi in this way. Real co-operation is unlimited, so help everyone, not just one or two.

Use all the powers, not just for the self, but for the service of others. The light and might of your tolerance should reach others, as should all the powers. A lighthouse gives light to others, and shows them the path. They will experience moving out of the darkness of weakness, and into the light of power, through your help. Their connection will be with the father, but you will be the instrument responsible. But don’t entangle the soul in yourself – Baba should be visible through every action and every word – if they see you and not Baba then that is not service, but you will be making them fall. If the Father is not there there is definitely sin. So be a true server and link others with the truth, point them to the Father.

To those who are constant bestowers and fill every soul; to those who use every treasure they have received from the Father in service; to those who are stable and move forward at every moment; to those who always signal towards One and are the true servers of all; to each such child of BapDada’s, love, remembrance, and namaste.

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