Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

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john morgan


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Well ex-I,

There are two topics in your last post.

Dadi Gulzar and Bap Dada.

Your issue is with Bap Dada. The words "Baba comes and gives his own introduction" in some minds inspires faith. In yours it promotes doubt.

When I left the BK I was very angry with God for the first time in my life. How could God give me so much pain? As I gradually disentangled myself from the web of BK interaction I found, one day that I could create thoughts of faith without the nagging doubt that had plagued me through my study. It was an easy matter, just to create a thought of faith, to leave the doubt alone. What good that has done me I am not sure, no classes, no Murlis, BK putting the phone down on me etc. These BK have left me with no alternative but to forget all about Bap Dad and create different thought forms and therefore a different life.

Now your situation is other than mine, if for example, you suddenly found that you could create thoughts of faith the BK would welcome you with open arms. Perhaps they would be influenced by the notion that this forum would cease, though if they were really responsible they would support it. I can see it now, you standing in front of Bap Dada and he saying Accha! ex-I, I have heard so much about you! Continue with the good work! Come and see me whenever you wish! You have understood my true wishes, I never wanted to exclude anyone, its these Sisters that messed it up, I am their prisoner! Then he may say "Are you still in touch with that John Morgan, you know the creative writer? Well, bring him next time, he has direct experience of my being the funniest person in the world. :roll:

So thoughts of faith or thoughts of doubt? Do we really have a choice, Yes! But and its a big one, so important to be careful, to have deep faith and let the Sisters do anything they like still makes my alarm bells ring so loud the sound is deafening :!:
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

I am not sure any of them are god, so do not be too angry. "Jinn" more probably ... maybe a "relatively" higher teacher. Time will tell.

Are you going to make it to 2036 ... let's go and get drunk and laid if Krishna has not been crowned by then. You show me your Zimmer frame and I will show you mine.

john morgan


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Make mine a Jinn, sorry Gin!

Hey, what's going on here I don't drink :D.

I wonder if Tete will come too!
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

John Morgan wrote:I can see it now, you standing in front of Bap Dada and he saying Accha! ex-I, I have heard so much about you!

I would drag along a VIP to get a photo of that "Drama"! I have always suspected ex-l would show up all dressed up and with a BIG badge to boot. :doubt:

2036.png (54.94 KiB) Viewed 8470 times

ex-l..2036 wrote:No, I said ask her if she wants to get laid"

John Morgan..2036 wrote:Oh, I thought you said to ask her if she was running late"

Now, if you both want to get drunk and laid in 2036 perhaps we should order an ambulance on standby because you may just not make it ... just a look see my set of your pacemakers by then!

... OK, got to run :mrgreen:
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

John Morgan wrote:I wonder if Tete will come too!

Yes, I will be on standby in the ambulance ready to assist with any resuscitation for you two ... in "Seniors Gone Wild 2036!

ex-l Zimmer SatNav.png
ex-l Zimmer SatNav.png (133.54 KiB) Viewed 8426 times

I noticed that ex-l's Zimmer, has Sat Nav ... So, that one is still trying to find those lost Murlis. :shock: That one just doesn't give up! :mrgreen: If you look to the left, you can see John Morgan sitting down on his Zimmer! :biggrin:

P.S. Any minute the Admin will move all three posts over to Jokes. :oops:

john morgan


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Important to explain here that I used the edit feature to say "I wonder if will Tete come too" after her post.

Regardless, Tete is the wise old owl of this forum .. a real Hoot! :D
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Say, I just noticed ex-l's Zimmer SatNav has Sena instead of Seva? And an big i for! :shock: Hey, I know the Admin will reprimand the lot of us for carrying on here ... like teenagers. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Take a close look at the photo ... is that the floor plan of the "ex-BK Seniors home"? :wink: I just drop in to visit ... :lol:.

john morgan


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Just follow the arrow ex-I, just follow the arrow..and no speeding :D

When ex-I is old and grey
Will he still know how to make hay
Or will his feet be wheelchair bound
His footsteps making not a sound
I think he'd like a nurse called Tete
to keep him feeling young and great
Just follow the arrow Tete would say
And smile and recall the days of hay
Then the fountain of eternal youth
would come and say gawd struth
come with me ex-l
you look a little overstrung
Then he'd speed around for hours and hours
Thorough the corridors and under the bowers
Of The Tree of life where he'd become young
and again have lots and lots of fun.

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