Correspondence to and official responses from the BKWSU

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Correspondence to and official responses from the BKWSU

Post05 Apr 2007

What about sending official emails or letters from the group and documenting the responses or non responses?

Top of my list would be topics of Murli re-writes and Yagya history re-writes, I think the evidence is now overwhelming, we need to make a stand.
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Re: Official correspondence with the BKSWU

Post05 Apr 2007

John wrote:What about sending official emails or letters from the group and documenting the responses or non responses?

Top of my list would be topics of Murli re-writes and Yagya history re-writes, I think the evidence is now overwhelming, we need to make a stand.

This is a good idea but we have concrete evidence that the BKWSU, or at the very least certain centers, have blocked emails from this domain. It would appear that the BKWSU have centralized email server/s and so if individuals could also take these matters up personally then we might have more success.

Letters might have more power than emails, especially if they are copied to other concerned parties such as the United Nations Organization. Given that the BKWSU uses its UN association to give creditibility to its teachings, then the UN ought to be made aware of its modus operandi.

There are numerous and local address for the United Nations but perhaps this one would be useful;
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Post07 Apr 2007

As evidence, we tried to contact the BKWSU in New York regarding an individual that had attempted to write to them via this website.

We had received a message of sincere gratitude for the Avyakt Murli Summaries posted elsewhere on the site.

We forwarded this individual's request for access to the Murlis and Dadi Janki to the BKWSU but received the following rejection note. Similar notes have been received from other centers. We are blocked form sending to them.
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: 7 April 2007 02:18:39 BDT

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>:
host []: 550 <>:
Sender address rejected: Blocked

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2007 02:18:37 +0100
From: "" <>
Subject: A message from one of your followers to us

User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.3)


we received a message from one of your followers, left in appreciation on one of our Avyakt Murlis Summary page, here; Perhaps you would deal with it.

It underlines again the questions we raise about your monopoly of the Murlis, the secrecy and control that surround them.

A matter for your own consciences.

Please note, members have now published copies of early material showing that until approximately 1949 there was apparently no mention of Shiva in the Brahma-kumari philosophy, that both WWII and 1950 were prophesied as Destruction. Perhaps you could inform us when The Knowledge was revised?

Thank you.


On the post #318 "Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1969"

E-mail :


Million fold thanks for availing me the oppurtunity to read --

happiness is beyond my words & expression.

I desperately tried all means - today BapDada provided me a chance & showered with a stream of Murlis.

All these years - I am old, no transportation, not v. highly qualified.
Suddenly, I heard my Heard melodies are sweet but unheard are sweeter
whether you like it or not every day i will send my chart

In last Murli also, Baba asked us to send chart of our mistakes. No body will give Dadi's email adress. In addition to that i have lost Dadi JANKi's e-mail address.

Cant you send me every DAY'S Murli?

TRUE-WORLD service

I requested ALKA Patel

My popularity - this is not important - death is always behind - any day. They cant understand.

Sakar Murlis too - lot of help for those who are having one foot on the grave

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Official BKWSU responses (was Natives are getting restless?)

Post10 Apr 2007

Openess is what we need. Sometimes though I feel more BK than ex-BK. Though the BK ideas are very much in your face, I mean with things like the end of the world; but where is the discussion? It is fair to say that every BK is also partly ex-BK, though I hasten to say vice versa.
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Email from Official BKWSU forum

Post11 Apr 2007


I received a copy of an Email from Official BKWSU discussion forum. I wonder if it is directed at those on this forum. I find it rather strange the BKWSU cannot and will not come here and address the matters that have been raised here.

I thought some others might like to make comment on it and that it be archived and documented. Apart from a few spelling errors or typos, it is as written.

I wonder how many ex-BKs this individual has actually met face to face!?! (Personally, this forum and many of the revelations have made me both laugh and cheered me up no end. It is quite a relief to discover my intuitions were correct and my experiences not alone.
Subject: [brahmakumaris] Happy, smiling BKs get confused, thoughtful by hatred, negative thoughts.

Can you tell me if I am right?

Before coming to BK we were so much confused about Knowledge.

After coming to BK, our confusion became cleared by The Knowledge of Soul and Supreme Soul and our continuous effort is to remember Supreme Soul so that we can remain Soul conscious and remain in our original nature of Peace, Love, Happiness.

All other knowledge of Cycle, History and Geography are only side scenes what I can say, to entertain the mind.

Wherever we go, there will be negative as well as positive. There will be complaints that in the BKWSU, they are hiding Truth, they are following Bhakti, they are brainwashing the people, etc..

On the other hand, you can see the people who complain about BK, their only aim is to spoil the name of BK and spoil the minds of new Students.

For example,
    you can see the person who complains about BK, his face will fully expose the hatredness which he has been developing in his mind for a very long time, which is not at all a nature of a pure soul,

    his vibration will only bring out the negative thoughts from within us instead of being peaceful,

    their general preaching is that there should be balance and we should not consider ourselves as soul, they mention the word ghost in place of soul and they will put us in such a condition that we would feel yes, I am neglecting my body.
In fact, even the Doctors have proof that by having pure thoughts (by being SOUL CONSCIOUS and not coming into body conscious), our body becomes healthy day by day, even by-pass surgery can avoided by just having pure thoughts. They have found the negative thoughts are the main reason to have Cancer and especially main reason to have deposits of fats in our blood circulation path and in lever being the reason for heart attacks and Diabetes.

You can also see those people who are creating negative thoughts about BK, they will have all sorts of disease and they will be always complaining and their disease become worse day after other inspite of all medications, whereas you can see BKs, even though they have disease, it will be only getting cured day by day and they never complain about the disease even with little medications.

What I would like to tell you, we are not against anyone or anything, our aim of coming to BK is only to realize our own Self and imbibe the good sanskaras which we have come across after undergoing several mental pain and suffering of searching and asking many questions. Now after coming to this stage and now our aim of becoming a BK gets diverted to finding the real truth and listen to only Shiv Baba who is none other than the One who was introduced to us only after coming to BK.

The person who complains about BK will also say that it is not Shiv Baba who is coming to Madhuban but it is only Brahma Baba and after sometime by confusing you with some questions, then they will make you say, YES, it is only Dadi Gulzar who is speaking. Then after sometime they will say Shiv Baba never come to the Earth at all, it is only He triggered Brahma Baba to speak since all soul is all knowing naturally, for this I would reply that if you would have seen BapDada speaking, does he speak anything for selfish reasons, did he speak anything worldly. He speaks everything for the benefit of our own self, His love towards us when speaking to us, have you observed anywhere in the world, the love expressed equal to everyone irrespective of if she is Dadi or he is a student of one week.

Bap Dada’s Powerful vibrations, his Authority addressing the huge crowd, meeting the Presidents, advicing the souls individually, Can you see anywhere in the world such a Selfless One, that Personality, whether it is Brahma Baba, or Dadi Gulzar, I believe He is the combined form of ShivBaba and Brahma because the words of Truth what he speaks are only Truths and when He says He is BapDada, He is BapDada only because that Personality, the Ocean of Truth and Ocean of Love cannot utter a word of mistake and cannot speak a false sentence.

I am telling you , even if that personality (BapDada) is not really ShivBaba, still we can sacrifice our life for that Personality because such a Selfless, Loving, Caring, Merciful, Kind, Powerful, Motherly & Fatherly loving personality you cannot see anywhere in this whole Universe.Have you not seen human souls sacrifice themselves for the sake of their love at first sight, although they do not achieve anything through the other.

And people will also say, once Destruction did not take place as was said before but people who say this do not try to see that already people are dying miserable deaths, if you see the status of deaths by Earth Quake, Natural calamities, even by road accidents, the number of deaths are more nowadays compared to those of earlier days. If I am dying at this moment, for me the Destruction is now not later.How many have already died and have seen their own destructions even before they could transform their own sanskaras. For the one who transformed their Sanskaras, being in their Original nature, for them every moment is auspicious moment, for him this moment is moment of being in Satyug. So the time of Destruction or being in Satyug depends upon individual effort and transformation.

So, there is nothing here to take personally, it is just like we are going to office, our spiritual life also, it is only a part of life, let us see what is good for us, what is required by me, if it is only peace of mind, love, happiness let me a BK. If it is hatred, finding fault with others, in the name of improving ourselves by finding the faults instead of looking for the positivity in others, and be devoted to only Shiv Baba by hating the BK, tell me how love for God and hate for His children can exist in the same mind, is it justice to God?

My understanding about people who spread negative thoughts about BKs is that they too are the most beloved Children of God but they are the ones who find difficult to transform their sanskaras and Baba by means of Drama has provided them a separate surrounding to transform their sanskaras in their own way, at their own pace, so that they do not pollute the good vibrations created in the gatherings of BK.

Baba says Sanyasis go to jungle to be free from vices or negativities but we will not be free from them unless we transform ourselves, it is the nature of mind that it needs change always even if it has attained everything (otherwise we would nat have come down from Satyug) .To satisfy the mind, we can entertain the mind, increase our fortune (by making others smile, see how much happiness we get in return), by sharing whatever gained by us to others (even if it is little) rather than going back to Kaliyug from Sangam yug, being in the company of people of hatredness.

How long we will go after Knowledge to satisfy ourselves, why not now, we make others smile by The Knowledge which made us smile, made us peaceful.?

Let us live to spread Peace and Happiness not Hatred towards our Brothers and Sisters
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Post11 Apr 2007

It's what i would call a h.i.t.s. BK.
    Head In The Sand BK.
They are not interested in finding out the truth, but would rather go back to their cosy BK ignorance is bliss life. Although what is being revealed on here has come from the BKs themselves I guess to the casual observer this is not so obvious.

OK, fair enough. It's the ones who do know all this and are trying to hide it are the ones for concern.
You can also see those people who are creating negative thoughts about BK, they will have all sorts of disease and they will be always complaining and their disease become worse day after other inspite of all medications, whereas you can see BKs, even though they have disease, it will be only getting cured day by day and they never complain about the disease even with little medications.

Maybe someone should tell the poster about the illnesses of the Dadis, what a delusional fool.


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Post11 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:I wonder how many ex-BKs this individual has actually met face to face!

Rather, if this email has been sent to offical BKWSU BKs, I wonder how many BKs this individual has actually met face to face.

The individual goes from
Email message wrote:The person who complains about BK will also say that it is not Shiv Baba who is coming to Madhuban ...
Email message wrote:I am telling you, even if that personality (BapDada) is not really ShivBaba, still we can sacrifice our life for that Personality because ...

Is this individual a BK or not ??

It seems this individual is trying hard and making efforts, but seems a bit confused. Well, I suppose we all are. Should join this forum, and I wish him/her well.
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Post11 Apr 2007

Hahaha ... his email is full of hatred.
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Re: Email from Official BKWSU forum

Post11 Apr 2007

The anonymous emailer wrote:his vibration will only bring out the negative thoughts from within us instead of being peaceful

I noticed this quote. It can only be the critic who is at fault for making the BKs upset and angry or even dubious about the facts of Gyan.
You can see the person who complains about BK, his face will fully expose the hatredness which he has been developing in his mind for a very long time.

But, you know what!?! It is all true! Following on from this news article here...
    a) When I was a center-in-charge, I used to look like this;
    b) Now after joining, I look like this!!!
    c) And at 4 a.m. each morning, I have visions of Dadi Janki at the foot of my bed and she looks just like this ...
    So be warned folks and may The Farce be with you!
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Post11 Apr 2007

Hehehehe nice work.
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Post11 Apr 2007

Thanks Guys. So typical of the BKWSU... "even doctors have proof ...!" do not make me laugh.

They are always seeking to shore-up their stream of consciosness by hitching it to whatever they believe will serve as incontrovertible 'proof' that they know it all and the rest of humanity is bit by bit cottoning on to the fact that: God has come. It is so slimy, not to mention dangerously paranoid. Words almost fail me when I read that sort of nonsense.

Oh, and thanks for the humour guys. Very, very much appreciated. Only this morning I was thinking that it was about time we had another bout of the Inner Space shop front type humour on the forum.
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no time for this crap

Post11 Apr 2007

the anonymous emailer wrote:You can also see those people who are creating negative thoughts about BK, they will have all sorts of disease and they will be always complaining and their disease become worse day after other inspite of all medications, whereas you can see BKs, even though they have disease, it will be only getting cured day by day and they never complain about the disease even with little medications.

Doesn't it sound a bit like a threat?

My personal feeling is "discard this crap, we wasted enough time". Time now for exploring the self without fears and dogmas, and work towards a higher consciousness

Love to all
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Re: no time for this ****

Post12 Apr 2007

alladin wrote:Doesn't it sound a bit like a threat?

To me it sounds like the reality of a very large part of the BKWSU consciousness.

Medieval superstition. The need to create a group mythology.
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next is talismans

Post12 Apr 2007

We can always arrange an online sale of anti-evil eye charms and amulets, according to the example set by the $ making BK machine!
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Post12 Apr 2007

If at first you don't understand, go skydiving!

One would reckon by now that they'd appreciate this forum -'cause we give 'em an opportunity to test their stage every day, all day.

And I really cannot see who's talking bad about the BKWSU at all, people are just sharing their own experiences and viewpoints, its a free world, well except for Sudan, Iraq, etc.

Hey, send the email back and ask 'em what spiritual service is being done in those places!


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