Seeing points of light

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Seeing points of light

Post23 May 2006

Does anyone see a point of light randomly?



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Post02 Jun 2006

i do - its like a star or spark that lasts maybe half a second. I am pretty sure I did not get them before I was a BK. They also don't seem to come at significant moments, they're entirely random - as far as I can tell.
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Re: what's the point

Post02 Jun 2006

sparkal wrote:Does anyone see a point of light randomly ? .

Yes, I did a lot and I still do. Indeed, I started a topic on the xBKchat forum about this. The " septic skeptic " take on it will be a phenomenon to do with your retina detaching itself from the back of the eye but I do not accept that. Ditto little sparks from low blood pressure when you get up too quick but these were of an entirely different nature.

When in Gyan, or soon after, it used to be extremely strong, quite a few times make me exclaim out loud at its brightness. Over the years since, not so strong nor often. I used to think it was some soul, or the Shiva soul, dropping in to check up on me.

I also had a non-BK friend who had a simlar experience. As he kid he had quite a hard time. His Father was a drunk and abusive etc. Once he saw this pin prick of light explode out light in a spiral and become a fully blown angel and then disappear back into itself. I knew the family, and context, well enough to say that he was not having me on. He was still quite a young innocent kid at the time.
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Post07 Jun 2006

I have had similar but it was like a group of 3 lights which spun around eachother only for a few seconds in front of my face and then dissapeared. They were quite bright and interesting to look at but I have no idea of what it was. It hasnt happened in a fair while i guess it felt more like a vision rather than actually seeing a soul. As the soul cannot be seen.
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point of light !!

Post10 Jun 2006


I often see these points of light, sometimes very bright sometimes less ... then I go back to my last thought to see what it meant or how it was connected, it seems that whenever you think something is 'right' according to you or to your highest self, the point appears, indicating: you are on the right track, or this is the right track ... keep going ... it is like a vision of your present and future, it is a nice feeling :wink: maybe a touch of "God's light?! ...

Freedom ... always ...
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Mind's eye

Post10 Jun 2006

pbktrinityshiva wrote:I guess it felt more like a vision rather than actually seeing a soul. As the soul cannot be seen.

Do we know that? cannot be seen by physical vision but what consciousness exists when out of the body or bodily consciousness? Does the soul see in the Soul World or in the higher Subtle Regions? Its a funny thing to say but I do not think we see through our eyes. It is something that has always puzzled me.

On one hand, folks that have out of the body experiences, which are *way* too widely reported for science to ignore and in environments already highly documented or scientific such as accident and emergency wards, report being able to see all around them ... no eyes.

On the other hand, the eye is fairly limited what it "sees" biologically is basically the one it is focusing on. So, I have never understood how we "see" the rest of the room around us. Additionally, in some medatitive states, I remember feeling like my eyes had been widdened and that I could see or be aware of much more around me.

This is way off into crackpot realms but I am wondering if the eyes are not really our organs of vision but more like our organs of position, e.g. trigonomic tools to measure distance within the material world. Considering in this the problems folks have when they lose an eye at judging distances. So what is it we are seeing with when we see visions or we see the Subtle Regions? What we are "seeing" is not there but we *are* seeing it. How do the trance messengers see?

This raises interesting questions about the mind/eye relationship and how the mind works as a receiver or "projector screen". It is funny but considering vision and the eye we see how body conscious our thoughts are.



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Post15 Jan 2008

Dear all.

By coincidence I felt in this point (':lol:'). Yes, these lights, they come and go. Stay steady or moving, but when you carefully look, they give you information.

Once a time, before the BKs, sitting in the kitchen, O was thinking how to solve this problem. And there suddenly these lights take a very nice form. They spin lovely together as the picture of the 8 powers that we know ... but this I did not know. Then, until I see the picture of the 8 powers years later. That is the reason I take this avatar on this forum.

How this can happen ... not a idea (':D').

greetings, peterbindi
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Post17 Jan 2008

An idea I have about these lights is that possibly one is seeing vortexs and dimensions opening as etheric being move in an out of earthly dimension. As the 'entity' - 'angel' - 'being' enters or leaves it could create a spark or flash of light because of heat - similar to when a space shuttle leaves Earth's spheres and enters deep space ...
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Point's of light

Post19 Jan 2008

Om Shanti

BK Mike here. I have seen these silvery points of light since Gyan also and in Shantivan last October was told by Baba/BapDada, i believe, (as i suspected) that they are the souls who are leaving their body and have cried out to God in their moment of leaving the body. So, to me, if you can see them you must be an Angel soul, as the information that came was unsolicited. I was simply walking by Diamond hall, traffic control began to play and i was instructed (by Baba/BapDada) to sit for Yoga.

My attention was immediately focused on the minarettes on Diamond Hall where representations of inverted brilliantine diamonds are placed. While i gazed at these in Yoga, i was simply informed the little silvery lights i could also see (again by Baba/BapDada) are bodiless souls who just cried out as leaving their body.

As you no doubt know, Baba says, "if you ask me i would tell you". For my part, i feel i don't experiment enough with the penultimate Dynamic duo!! Imagine what we could do if we did instead of deliberately or inadvertantly foucusing on our Karmic accounts with the "subliminal fear" based Silver Aged brethren?

Any souls who are based in the Land of Oz reading this, who would like to get togeather with the corporeal form present for service ideas, i (hopefully WE as in The Royal WE), would love to hear from you.

Again Baba tells us, "I am also bound by the law's of the universe {UNI-VERSE} the song of God and us perhaps ? So to me He means, if we don't intend to interact what can Baba/BapDada do with us personally?

M.M.F. congratulations & well wishes
In Baba's Yaad
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Mr Green


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Post19 Jan 2008

Go see a doctor.

john morgan


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Post19 Jan 2008

On page 8 of the Real Gita column 1 there is a paragraph that begins Children! The Soul World or Parlok is the highest region. It states that the soul can only be seen with the Divine Eye as the physical eyes see only physical objects within their range of sight. Well worth a read. I sometimes see points of light, I do not know for sure what they are but they always remind me of this knowledge.

A download of The Real Gita is available in the downloads section at
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Post20 Jan 2008

john morgan wrote:It states that the soul can only be seen with the Divine Eye as the physical eyes see only physical objects within their range of sight.

Usually translated as "the divine eye of knowledge". I think one or two might see auras, nothing to do with BK practise, but I don't think that they can "see the soul".

We were sold that line as well, "Dadi can see the soul" but I do not believe it. Like too much of BK life, it was just infatuated chitchat on behalf of middle management BKs. Correct me if I am wrong.

Try Google, example here. BK types are not the only one seeing such things. In fact, I know non-BK who have even better visions of points of light turning into angels etc. I quite liked paulkershaw's interpretation, that was an interesting suggestion.


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Post20 Jan 2008

Go see a doctor.

Before that, have a look at this; Dots before the eyes.

"Flashes are caused by improper stimulation of the eye's retina, or the optic nerve, which the brain interprets as light."

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