BK institution to change its name?

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BK institution to change its name?

Post22 May 2006

There is a rumour that the BKs are contemplating changing the name of their institution. It has something to do with the avoidance of income tax. It is also heard that the Govt. of India has asked the BKs to share with it a percentage of its income earned through the donation boxes kept at the BK centers in India. Anyone has any more information?
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On Godly service,
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name that org

Post24 May 2006

It would not be the first name change. Indeed there have been a number.
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Post26 May 2006

Hehe ... tax avoidance ... just like the "Church" of Scientology, huh? :lol:
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Re: name that org

Post28 May 2006

The BKs have got in trouble with the name university, as they quite clearly are not one :lol:

But yes, they will do anything for money (except go out and earn it for themselves) even if it is a bit on the dodgy side morally, (you should see how they do their accounts :shock:.
sparkal wrote: While it would cause Admin problems, it may help to stop it developing into a "religion", which it is not. It is a utility org.

......eerrrrrrr :|
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Re: name that org

Post29 May 2006

sparkal wrote:While it would cause Admin problems, it may help to stop it developing into a "religion", which it is not. It is a utility org.

Uh, yeah.... :!: :?: A totally pukka-BK I knew once refused point-blank to admit it was a religion (too much a nasty connotation with all the world's other "false beliefs", and of course the BKs are nothing like that being the ONE TRUE FAITH!) but even he in the end admitted that they were one :P
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Post07 Jun 2006

Our faith should be in the self, One and Drama. Not an organisation .
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Post07 Jun 2006

sparkal wrote:Our faith should be in the self , one drama and not an organisation .

of course, you mean your faith ... 8).
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Post17 Jun 2006

Faith is a very deep subject. Go to a topic called FAITH to continue. It will take more than a name change before there is credibility. Spirituality and money are chalk and cheese, oil and water.
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Post21 Nov 2006

It is also heard that the Govt. of India has asked the BKs to share with it a percentage of its income earned through the donation boxes kept at the BK centers in India.

Omshanti. I had made the above statement based on some information gathered from the BK friends a few months ago. Now Avyakt BapDada has confirmed the same in the latest Avyakt Vani dated 16.11.06, page 4 narrated through BK Gulzar Dadiji.

"Government vah bhandari band karaati hai na, toh BapDada punya ki bhandari khol rahey hain."

"Government is getting those bhandaris (donation boxes) closed; so BapDada is opening the bhandari of noble acts."

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Post21 Nov 2006

arjun wrote:"Government is getting those bhandaris (donation boxes) closed; so BapDada is opening the bhandari of noble acts."

Woo ...

I wonder if this is a government directive? Is the BKWSU a registered charity in India? Has it had its status removed?

This is pretty serious stuff and suggests a little financial intrigue, shall we say? ... I'd be interested to see or read of the Indian Government's statement. If it is official, it must be a public document.

Its funny to see Lekhraj Kirpalani's business sanskars pick up on such an important issue! My guess he must be accusing them of being Kansa all over again ...
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Post21 Nov 2006

Dear Bro. ex-l,

BKWSU is a registered society and perhaps receives certain tax exemptions from the Finance Ministry of the Government of India with the approval of the Parliament of India every year.

Since it perhaps enjoys tax exemptions granted by the Govt. it should be open to auditing by the Govt. and hence this step to check the inflow of money through the bhandaris.
The Indian Government/ State Governments are supposed to keep an eye on the finances of such registered institutions, especially when a considerable amount of money is spent on extravagancies.

The Shirdi Saibaba Trust also operates many Saibaba temples across India. I once heard that even they were going to be brought under the government scanner. I do not know what happened after that.



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Post21 Nov 2006

the latest Avyakt Vani dated 16.11.06, page 4 narrated through BK Gulzar Dadiji.

Dear Brother can you post this Avyakt Vani here in full?





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Post22 Nov 2006

ex-l wrote:Is the BKWSU a registered charity in India? Has it had its status removed?

Yes. BKWSU is a registered charity in India. All donations to charitable institutions are exempt from tax, however all income by a charitable institution is not exempt from tax. Income in excess of operating expenses viz. profit is taxable. All charitable institutions are known to show inflated expenses to avoid that. But beyond a point, it becomes difficult even with a sympathetic auditor.

Even God has to pay taxes! Yes. Lord Tirupati (Vishnu in South India) is a legal entity in his own rights for tax purposes. It is customary for many south Indian businessmen to execute a deed of partnership with the Lord as the minor partner (may be 0.1% partnership or so.) At the end of fiscal year, Lord's income is assessed and he has to file tax returns through his attorney. This is considered Lord's personal income separate from the income of the temple, which is taxed separately.
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Post22 Nov 2006

i bet they've got a fair stash of rupees sitting in the bank over there
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Post22 Nov 2006

Surya2037 wrote:Dear Brother can you post this Avyakt Vani here in full?

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I have only the photocopy of the Hindi version of the Avyakt Vani which cannot be posted on this forum. If anyone has the English version they can post it in the related thread in the BK section. Since the BKs release only the PDF version of the Avyakt Vanis to their confidants, if someone has secured the PDF file, one of the PBKs would be ready to type the same as a Word File and post it in this forum.

I think that the BK members of this forum can use their contacts to share the Avyakt Vanis with us. If they fear any backlash from the BKs, they can simply forward it to the Admin. I think the Admin would ensure that source of the Avyakt Vani would not be revealed.

I know that it would require a great amount of courage for any BK to do that, but the goodwill that it would spread across the world would overshadow any obstacle that may be created in this path.

With regards,

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