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Mr Green


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Post26 Jan 2007

I actually have it on very good authority that the 'senior' Sisters in london at least are aware of this site and have read the articles and seen the forum. I don't know about other parts of the world, so I'd like to say hi to Jayanti and Maureen
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BK Violence

Post26 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:I would like to request those BKs who are reading this post not to consider this as a vilification campaign by PBKs against BKs. I have provided the above information not on my own, but on being asked for it. And it is nothing but truth which can be proved.

I am sure that most or even all Western BKs would be disgusted to hear of this practise and condemn the BK Sisters in charge, despite whatever philososphical difference they might have. It goes entirely contrary to the teachings.

Any BK using violence should be banned from the organization for life. Not one that questions The Knowledge and history of the organization.

Unfortunately, too many of them are kept from knowing the truth and are in denial about the real nature of the organization they have invested themselves into.

However, questions should be asked of the Indian Seniors Sisters who must know full well and have discussed this practise. And again it raises the question of the lack of transparency and identifies a two stream communication system; one for the Indian senior Sisters, one for rank and file Western BKs.

I wonder what those BKs that have come and post here and who are ambivalent about stuff like the Murlis being edited. I wonder if they say, Haji, and trust the Senior Sister's decision in this matter.

It is the same as the child abuse issue; to turn a blind eye, to do nothing, to make no inquiry, to take no action is to condone and empower those individuals that make the actual assualts. The whole thing makes a mockery of 70 years of practise ... or shows it for what it has become.
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Post26 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:So the only way for a PBK to give message to fellow BKs is through pamphlets which are generally given only outside the venues of the big programmes of the BKs, where new and old BKs gather in large numbers.

Is it wise to do this? If I went to hand out BK literature at my local church gathering I would probably expect aggression towards me or at least some sort of confrontation.

Why do PBKs feel the need to convert BKs? Why are PBKs imposing their religion upon BKs at large BK progs? This may be normal in India, I do not know, but it seems like a questionable practise where I come from at least.

It goes without saying on the other hand, that I dislike violence


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Post26 Jan 2007

Is it wise to do this? If I went to hand out BK literature at my local church gathering I would probably expect aggression towards me or at least some sort of confrontation.

Not if you believe in what you have. Also you don't expect peace loving souls to respond in an agressive way. The question in hand is not why the PBKs are doing what they do, the question is why are BKs committing violence ? There is little wisdom needed to know who is fault here. I am not answering for the PBKs here, but on general principle. If I went to my local church, I'd expect them not to show any aggression, if so it simply goes against their whole teaching. e.g. loving each other as neighbours.

But yes, we do live in a "screwed up" society (is this also right term?). You teach children never to talk to strangers, which basically means everyone in the world except mum and dad and siblings. :shock: But we all, well many of us, are happy to interact with the most mysterious stranger of all, God.
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Post26 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:I actually have it on very good authority that the 'senior' Sisters in london at least are aware of this site and have read the articles and seen the forum. I don't know about other parts of the world, so I'd like to say hi to Jayanti and Maureen

If this is true (I don't doubt they have some awareness of the site) and they now know about the violence ... they are part and parcel to the BKWSU's condoning of it responsible.

They are one and the same with the organization in India.

I often wonder just they see each other and how they divide up the world. I understand that some of the Senior Sister really don't get on with each other and this is why one gets posted off to another country or zone. I wonder if they see each Zone as their own personal franchise or Kingdom to do with as they please.

Do, or have the senior Sisters ever held their stragetic meetings in full public or with an observer, transcriber present to minute what goes on? Of course, you could not expect a BK to be entirely honest about it but I bet some of them are really firey or entertaining. So much goes on unsaid, undiscussed, undisclosed.

Is it true that Sudesh was moved to Germany because she and Jayanti did not get on?


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Post26 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:I often wonder just they see each other and how they divide up the world. I understand that some of the Senior Sister really don't get on with each other

I was told that the worst vice for the Kumaris is ego, whilst that for Kumars is lust. Hence the old story of Krishna and his many Queens, all fighting over his property which he was willing to. (hearsay of course)
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Post26 Jan 2007

Sparkal wrote:Why do PBKs feel the need to convert BKs? Why are PBKs imposing their religion upon BKs at large BK progs? This may be normal in India, I do not know, but it seems like a questionable practise where I come from at least.

Dear Sparkal,

Omshanti. As I have already said that PBKs do not go to each and every programme of the BKs. Only some of the big ones. That too they are given specific directions that if they wish they should distribute the pamphlets to the BKs or members of public at a safe distance from their venue or main gate, say about 100/200 meters. And generally the place where they stand to distribute the pamphlets is on the roadsides. In a democratic country like India are they not within their rights to distribute pamphlets containing Godly message to fellow citizens? And in most cases the local police is also informed beforehand that the PBKs would distribute pamphlets.

I would like to once again relate an incident which I have already mentioned in this forum or xbkchat. In the year 2005, at one of the South Indian cities where the BKs had organized a mega programme and had even called famous Movie stars (a mention has been made about it by someone in the Ex-BKs section). Naturally, thousands or even lakhs of public had gathered to see the Cine-stars more than to hear the BKs. Since the PBKs got prior information that the BKs would indulge in violence if they distributed pamphlets, hence the PBKs pasted posters all over that city just a day before the programme.

Although BKs had been successful in frightening the PBKs from distributing pamphlets, but the money that they had spent in gathering the crowd was used by Christian missionaries to distribute pamphlets to the crowd. So, you see the BKs have no objection in Christian missionaries distributing pamphlets outside their programmes, but don't want PBKs to give Godly message. While the lakhs of pamphlets posters, banners, huge signboards in that city displayed the photoes of Dadis and Cine Stars, the few hundred small posters of PBKs displayed the Trimurti picture.

Even if the PBKs distribute pamphlets, it does not contain anything against the BKs. It only contains The Knowledge of Trimurti. If you wish I can post the matters of most of the pamphlets that have been published by PBKs so far. Most of the pamphlets of PBKs contain the Trimurti picture and Murli points. And most of the BKs who are handed over these pamphlets immediately tear them off and trample them under their feet. This is the respect that they have for their own Father (Trimurti Shiv) and His versions. While they spend a huge amount in displaying Bhakti towards Dadis, they don't care to even read the Murli points printed on the PBK pamphlets.

As regards the need for PBKs to convert the BKs, I agree that there is no need. But you see, when the BKs can go to thousands of Hindu temples, Hindu fairs like Kumbh mela and spread their knowledge, which essentially means telling the Hindus that none of the Hindu deities (except Shiv) are Gods, deities like Hanuman, Ganesh etc. are nothing but animals, bathing in rivers cannot cleanse the sins, worshipping pictures and idols of deities cannot fetch any good, God is not omnipresent and so on and so forth.

Whatever BKs say is exactly opposite to what the Hindus believe. In spite of that BKs are allowed to organize exhibitions in thousands of temples all over India and probably foreign countries also. When they can go inside the Hindu temples and give a knowledge that is totally against Hinduism, then why cannot PBKs peacefully distribute pamphlets much outside the venues of BK programmes???

Even ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said several times that these methods of service like distributing pamphlets, pasting posters, etc. are not the actual methods of doing service. The good quality souls can emerge only through the power of Yoga and through one's high spiritual stage. But you see that there are all kinds of souls in every organization. Most of the PBKs have been BKs and have been habitual of doing the kind of service BKs do. But PBKs are strictly prohibited from wasting money on organizing conferences, exhibitions, rallies, cultural programmes, etc.

So the only occassion for a PBK to do such service is when they get to distribute pamphlets to their BK Brothers and Sisters. And they don't do it just for the sake of advertisement, but to give the message to the ignorant BKs that ShivBaba has not returned to the Soul World but is physically present in this world. When the BKs can spend crores of rupees in giving publicity to the Dadis/cine stars, don't the PBKs have right to tell their Brother souls that God is present on this Earth?????

Distribution of pamphlets is not an illegal offence even in foreign countries. I have seen on TV how pamphlets are distributed at public programmes and exhibitions. What Greenpeace activists do all over the world is well known. They demonstrate against the Governments. Christian Missionaries (both native and foreigners) can be seen visiting every house in most of the cities and towns preaching Christianity. They are never beaten up by the public. Most of the times Hindus welcome them home and listen to them even if they don't believe in them. But even if many people don't want to listen to them a polite 'no' is what the Christian missionaries get to hear.

Anyways, thanks for writing a few words against the violence.

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Post26 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:Most of the pamphlets of PBKs contain the Trimurti picture and Murli points. And most of the BKs who are handed over these pamphlets immediately tear them off and trample them under their feet. This is the respect that they have for their own Father (Trimurti Shiv) and His versions. While they spend a huge amount in displaying Bhakti towards Dadis ...

And there you have the truth folks ...
what with the co-ordinated beatings, this is the general level of enlightenment amongst God's chosen angels or deity souls within the BKWSU. I salute Arjun for be honest enough to report it without any sense of malice whatsoever.

Let me speak out where you might not Arjun ... this is pure, hateful, ignorance institutionally organized from within the high ranks of the BKWSU. Actions speaking louder that VIP words.
    The facade has come off for me ... Raja Yoga Gyan has been turned upside down.


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Post26 Jan 2007

Well you know the old saying, anyone who commits violence would probably have had the same done to them, or have the same to be done to them. A person who knows how to pick up a stick and beat another person, well someone was taught or they have seen how to do it ... say may be someone in their home surroundings when they were young. Thus, these souls need a lot of mercy for them to be able to understand and get out of such habitual actions. It is not really their fault, they may have joined the organisation in order to try to break from these impure sanskars, but are not directed correctly by their Seniors, who in turn are not directed by their Dadis. So at the end the responsibility of their actions lies with the Dadis. Or more precisely, Dadi P.

Note: I've now mentioned twice (in as many posts) that Dadi P holds the burden. I have nothing against her, she has a very soft voice, but rather feel sorry for her having the organisation entrusted to her in 1969 at a young age. However, that and this is the drama which is still unfolding. Note 2 : I've always called her Dadi P not as a sign of disrespect.
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Post27 Jan 2007

Note: I've now mentioned twice (in as many posts) that Dadi P holds the burden. I have nothing against her, she has a very soft voice, but rather feel sorry for her having the organisation entrusted to her in 1969 at a young age. However, that and this is the drama which is still unfolding. Note 2 : I've always called her Dadi P not as a sign of disrespect.

As far as I understand the organisation was not entrusted to Dadi P, but another Dadi, yet another twist in the 'Tales of the Yagya' ...


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Post27 Jan 2007

Oh, if it not Dadi P, then I am mistaken. However, the Head of any establishment is always holds the main burden. The successes or failures of the organisation at any point in time lies with the Head at that point in time. Whilst there are many successes with the BKWSU, there are also failures, which need to be addressed, and overcoming these failures is the real sign of success.

I don't think anyone really has any deep hatred to anyone who has inflicted damage on them (even in Mr Green's case which I have sincere feelings for). What one needed is same sort of explanation of principles and morals and virtues which can apply to that soul's intellect at that point of time. The problem is not that the Dadis or Seniors are not working for us all and doing service, it is that they are not striking the arrow in each heart, which when done on mass rather than one-to-one means more misses than hits. The recent Avaykt Vani of this season has already hightlighted for those in responsible positions to give such accounts.

In terms of accountability, things like service and feelings and virtues are intangible which cannot be reflected in a Balance Sheet. Neither that of time. Tangible results, such as the number of current BKs of 825,000 does not mean much if there are 824,999 souls having body consciousness.

However, the overall problem the BKWSU has is the absence of BapDada for most of the time, each season he asks for a show of hands during His meetings, but at times not everyone puts their hand up (well at least one, me :oops: ) since we are not completely pure but it does not mean we are not making efforts. However if BapDada was present in the Chariot, as according to the Gita, each day, then the children will simply have the love and direction to not go wrong.

PS: Mr Green, I do not know what the result of all this is will end up, but I think at least you are able to hold yourself aloft as you've been open and honest in expressing your personal situation. And I think many people on this forum, as well as passer bys, have learnt much from your sharing. Thanks.
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Post27 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:Oh, if it not Dadi P, then I am mistaken. However, the Head of any establishment is always holds the main burden.

No, you are not mistaken :). Dadi P took over ... a coup maybe, I am not totally sure.
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Post27 Jan 2007

Amaranthine wrote:it sounds like this is only ever going to be hearsay which if it is true must be very frustrating for you. the only way I can think of neutral people accepting your claims would be to get some kind of video or photographic evidence of these physical assualts - but even then that is open to falsification. these are strong accusations, criminal infact and as such do need strong evidence for them to be believed.

I would like to think that this would not happen in the uk and do believe that it would not (the physical assualts that is) - from that assumption do you think this a cultural thing?

I agree that it may appear to be hearsay for most foreigners who might not be used to such things, but in India anything is possible. Even worse things happen in case of other religions and sects of Hinduism. Australian Christian Missionary Graham Stainnes was burnt alive along with his two children by Hindu fanatics in the state of Orissa in India many years ago. The culprits are yet to be punished. The legal system in India is such that it takes years or even a life time to get justice. So the offenders get away with violence and do not fear law. I saw a news on a TV news channel that the terrorist who masterminded the attack on Indian Parliament had been caught by Indian Police about one and a half year before the incident of attack on Parliament. But his wife bribed the police and freed her husband. Now her husband has been sentenced to death by hanging while his Brothers have been collecting lakhs of rupees from separatist Kashmiri groups in the name of their Brother who is waiting to be hanged.

You must understand the PBKs are in a minority when compared to the BKs. A handful of PBKs go to distribute pamphlets to BKs numbering in thousands sometimes in alien cities. Most of the PBKs are from middle or lower classes of society. When they hardly manage to finance the printing of pamphlets, how can you expect them to have video cameras to film the violence? However, I remember that at one of the BK mega programmes in Delhi, where the PBKs had informed the entire Police establishment about their plans to distribute pamphlets, the Police as well as PBKs had taken video shots of the pamphlets being torn by the BKs and the hundreds of pamphlets strewn on roads. That was a couple of years ago. So I don't know if any video proof exists. If there is any proof and if Baba permits, it could be uploaded here. But that will anger my BK Brothers and Sisters even more.

I know that I am putting my life at risk by giving all these details, but the aim of uniting the world is greater than anybody’s life. When people do not have any fear in doing illegal or immoral things, why should anyone fear revealing the truth, especially when we know that a soul cannot be harmed, it is only the mortal body that can be harmed. Moreover, Baba has already taught us to die while living. When I do not have any illwill towards my BK Brothers in my heart, why should I fear them? When some BKs who have beaten some PBKs black and blue do not fear the consequences from a BK point of view; when the PBKs who have smilingly tolerated all the beatings without retaliating, have no fear of physical harm, then why should I fear in just giving the true information to others?

I would like to reiterate that the above information does not mean that all BKs are like this. Most of the BKs are just silent spectators and may not have any say in the daily affairs of the BK centers. It is only a minority of BKs, who might have been misled due to their past sanskars, that they adopt violence as a method to curb the progress of Advanced Knowledge. I am sure that they would realize the futileness of their actions and mend their ways.

Thanks for the concern.
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Mr Green


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Post27 Jan 2007

That's very kind of you Bansy, and I am glad for this site. It has helped me come to term with what happened to me. At first my loyalty to the BK family prevented me from even reporting it, let alone sharing it on a public forum.

I'd like to state as well that I don't hate any BKs, even the person who actually did this stuff. I even asked that he personally wasn't to be held accountable, that it should be the Seniors that were to blame, as he was under their instruction and, according to the system, I reported everything to them but they did nothing ... In fact, they even went against my wish and contacted him and tried to get him to pay some money back to me; which he at first refused ... I think he was forced to pay some at a later date ... but all this I disagreed with, in a way I felt it wasn't his fault ... if these people aren't policied then can they be entirely responsible?
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Post29 Jan 2007

John wrote:As far as I understand the organisation was not entrusted to Dadi P, but another Dadi, yet another twist in the 'Tales of the Yagya' ...

"Baaki aaj say sabhi kay liye kaun nimitt hai vah toh aap jaantey hee hain - Didi toh hai, saath may Kumarka madadgaar hai. Jaisey aur sabhi likhapadhi chalti thi vaisey hee headquarter say chalti rahegi. Yah dono aap sabhi kee dekh rekh kartee rahengi."

"As for the rest, you know who is instrumental for all of you from today - Didi is there, and along with her Kumarka is a helper. Just as all other correspondence was going on, it would continue from the headquarter. These two would continue to take care of all of you." (Avyakt Vani dated 21.1.69 narrated through BK Gulzar Dadiji)

Note: The English translation has been done by a PBK.

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