Destruction 6 years away?

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Destruction 6 years away?

Post13 Jan 2007

Interesting video. ... tate=flash

Interview starts after 18mins.
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Post13 Jan 2007

Seems 2012 is the new 1999.

Each group touting the date is of course selling a 'product' to go with their prediction. When that date passes, it will be forgotten and a new group will come up with say, 2018 as the new destruction date with of course a new set of 'products' to sell.
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Post14 Jan 2007

John wrote:Seems 2012 is the new 1999.

See the thread, Its the end of the World ... again!.

Then there is always 2036 to look forward by which we will all be too old and dead and the BKWSU will be run by kids that never got to hear the truth in the first place. Let us guess what The Knowledge will consist of by them?


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Post14 Jan 2007

Some of the quotes (may not be accurate (was typing as it was speaking ...).

    "We are experiencing these things (earthquakes, tornados etc) all the time"
    "We (humans) have very little to do with global warming"
    "What is causing the earth warming up if man has nothing to do with it" Reply :"I do not have an answer for that, but ... earth warming is cyclic ..."
    "... something about energy transfer between Earth and Sun ..."
This is within the first 5 minutes of the interview.

Thanks for the links. Interesting video, it's easy to understand for BKs who have had the Destruction topic drummed into them, but for the general public it can be alarming.

However, why wait for 6 years or 30 years, why not this afternoon? Come on, let's spin the earth a bit faster and get this Destruction out of the way. In the meantime, I've got to go out and get some rice for tonights dinner. :P
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Post14 Jan 2007

i don't want the world destroyed, to me it's such an ugly pathetic premise.

I think people who long for the end of the world are actually part of the problem, I embrace the world warts and all, I love people ... to want it all destroyed so I can sit on a throne ... it's just pathetic.

Become part of the solution, love the world, love people, have hope (don't suppose this will go down well here, but it's how I feel).
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Post14 Jan 2007

"Destruction" has a lot of benefits for some, or rather making others believe it is soon coming has benefits for them. It keeps people in fear states and obedient to their rules, it makes people think there is no use in keeping their money or property (do you see the BKWSU doing this? No. They are busy aquiring new properties all the time. Look out for a new "Retreat Centre" planned for Scotland soon). It makes people think that their "lokik" friends and family are best abandoned in favour of "Brahmin" family.

Destruction, my ****. It all stinks. Unless you are a Brahmin of course, when it smells of English Roses, haha!
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Time Loop

Post16 Jan 2007

David Icke wrote:The time loop

My words in the first ayahuasca session said that the five-sense 'world' that we daily experience is a 'time loop' that goes around and around basically repeating the same sequence in theme if not detail. What we call the 'future' eventually becomes the 'past' and spins around to repeat the 'present' over and over. This is basically what happens in the Time Loop. The same experiences keep repeating. The cover picture of this book was produced by an artist friend, Neil Hague, from a design and information I gave to him that symbolised what I learned in the ayahuasca sessions.

I would emphasise that the picture is only symbolic because I was told that the Matrix is a vortex, like a whirlpool in a river, with the Time Loop - our five-sense reality - in the densest part of the spiral. Think of the Matrix as a whirlpool and the Infinite Oneness as the river. The Matrix. is still the 'river', the Infinite One, but, like a whirlpool or eddy, it is operating in its own little world to its own agenda. What has happened, I was told in my altered states, is that the Matrix has forgotten it is the Infinite - the whirlpool has forgotten it is the river. Vortices can be remarkably stable if the circumstances don't change too drastically.

Observe a whirlpool in a river and so long as the flow of water continues in a certain direction and speed the vortex will hold indefinitely. In the same way, the Matrix/Time Loop is going around and around in a perpetuating spiral or cycle that has become a prison for the consciousness trapped by its seductions and illusions. The imprisoned consciousness, too, has forgotten it is Infinite Oneness. Subconscious mind had become imprisoned by fear, the voice said, and this had caused the illusion of disconnection from the Infinite or Infinite Love, the only 'is' that we all are. This had reached such proportions that these lower levels of subconscious mind had developed a deep and deepening fear of the unknown that lay beyond its 'disconnected' awareness. It had forgotten that it is Infinite Love and that what lay outside of its apparent boundaries was also Infinite Love. To ease its fear of the unknown, subconscious mind had created a collective thought projection - a sort of three-D 'movie' - that I refer to as the Matrix.

When people are in fear, the voice went on, they find comfort in the familiar and predictable and this had happened on a collective level of subconscious mind. It was a way for consciousness to whistle in the dark, giving itself comfort in the familiar. At this point the Matrix and its five-sense Time Loop were still only a collective mind projection of the type now being identified by the more enlightened expressions of science. This projection was dependent for its survival on subconscious mind continuing to hold that reality, much like a movie projector beaming on a screen. Once the projector is turned off (in this case the sense of reality changes) the movie disappears too, and another is created to reflect the new sense of what is real. The reason why the Matrix projection needs the energy of fear to empower itself is because it is fear, self-aware fear, the voice said. It had been created originally by the fear of subconscious mind and, as projected fear, this is the only energy source the Matrix entity could access and absorb. The more fear its manipulations generate through wars, conflict, stress, guilt and aggression etc., the greater its power to increase this cycle of fear production.

The ultimate manipulator of the Matrix and its five-sense Time Loop, the voice said, was the very fabric of the Matrix itself and its power source was the consciousness trapped within its vibrational walls. The Matrix was a self-ware entity that was knowingly manipulating to ensure its own survival by generating the events necessary to produce the fear that empowered it. Humans were indeed 'batteries' or powerstations for the Matrix and we were providing the power to maintain our own prison.

Title – Tales from the Time Loop
Author – David Icke
Published – 2003 by Bridge of Love
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Re: Destruction 6 years away?

Post17 Jan 2007

Dear Amaranthine, Om Shanti.
amaranthine wrote:Interesting video.

Sorry if I have hi-jacked this topic. The discussion interested me and I wrote my replies without realising I was in the BK part of the forum. Duh!

What I do is, I look for posts made on the day I am looking at my computer, or for a few days before if I have not been online for a few days. If I see anything interesting then I reply to it. I will take more heed of where I am posting in future. I used to be a BK and I think it is reasonable, fair and considerate that you have your own discussions without being "jumped on" by ex-BKs with very different views. My apologies. Just tell me to get off if that is the way you feel. I can post on other places away from the BK part of the forum and express my views there. That way you will not feel inhibited. I hope you know what I am trying to say. I want BKs to have their chance to discuss matters on this forum with ease and courtesy.

Sincerely, proy.



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Post18 Jan 2007

My internet speed doesn't allow me to watch the 60 minute video. Anyway I don't regret it.
ex-l wrote:Then there is always 2036 to look forward by which we will all be too old and dead and the BKWSU will be run by kids that never got to hear the truth in the first place

Hopefully if my karmic accounts don't kill me before that I will be a good 52 year old man then, and that gives me a good chance to take over this forum or I will create a spin off called Y-BKs and appoint myself the ruler :lol:



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Post19 Jan 2007

hi proy,

i did not realise non BKs were not supposed to post in here - if that was the case i don't think there would be much of a thread considering the lack of a BK presence on this site, so thanks for your input. maybe i should have posted it elsewhere or given it a different title as my aim was not really to generate discussions about Gyan as such but rather to compare and contrast what was said with Gyan in order to deepen each ones individual beliefs - BK or otherwise.

Regarding the interview, what i found interesting was that the guy was talking about how all the ancient traditions say very similar things, i.e. some kind of transformation and that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that these ancient cultures were very sophisticated.

i've listened to a bit of David Icke stuff, and i think a lot of what he says makes sense.
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permits to post

Post20 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:I did not realise non BKs were not supposed to post in here - if that was the case I don't think there would be much of a thread considering the lack of a BK presence on this site, so thanks for your input.

As far as I know anyone is allowed to post anywhere on this forum. It is the lack of BK presence I was concerned about.

I remember when I was a BK and posts that I had made were severely criticised, I would get put off and not want to post again. At one time I stopped reading the forum and just listened to what the BK Sisters said to me at the centre. I want to see more posts from BKs on this forum. My thought was that if I was putting them off from posting then I am quite happy to hold back, even to refrain from posting on the BK section of the forum if that will help. I am pleased that you appreciate my input, and that we share an interest in David Icke. I have most of his books in .pdf format. He talks a lot about similar themes as the BKs. If you want I can email you the whole book, or his most recent book "Infinite Love is the only Truth, EVERYTHING else is Illusion".
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Brent Miller

Post23 Jan 2007

I would have to do some more research on this but Brent Miller, who gives the "End of the World" predictions for 2012 in the video seems to me to be a neo-con type Christian. These people believe in bringing about a war which will destroy the middle east. See The Project for the New American Century.

The more people believe in destruction the more it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Would you not prefer to believe that the whole world can live in peace as Brothers and Sisters?

These born again evangelists for the apocalypse would love to have their dreams come true so that they can set up a worldwide fascist state. Do the BKs really want to align themselves with these people? Just take a look at their web site and see what sort of a Golden Age they are proposing.



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Post25 Jan 2007

Interesting point proy - my research has come to completely the opposite conclusion and i would place him leaning much more towards the Alex Jones camp than the neo-con 'crazies'.

See; Terrorstorm Video for more info on Alex Jones.
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Post25 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:Interesting point proy - my research has come to completely the opposite conclusion and I would place him leaning much more towards the Alex Jones camp than the neo-con 'crazies'.

Can you point me in the direction of your research please?

I could not find much about him except what I saw on the video with him talking about Jesus etc. I will watch the Alex Jones video when I get on to my laptop computer. This old desktop computer does not cope very well with streaming video, not enough memory and getting old. Like me, hahahaha.



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Post25 Jan 2007

Try this link

Its a link to youtube - someone has posted the horizon project dvd. having watched this i think its clear that this guy is not a neo-con. As in the previous video link at no point does he try to create fear in order to persuade individuals to give up their civil liberties, which is what i think the neo-cons are all about. He may be a bit of a doomsday preacher like his remote viewing friend Ed Dames (research 'the kill shot') but then its up to each one to review the facts and see if there is any validity in what he is saying.

This guy is going to do a three hour interview on 'Coast to Coast' near the end of the month (this is a talk radio station that has plenty of New Age, ufo and new world order experts - some kooks some not - David Icke has been on this show several times. i'll listen to the show and report what he says if you like.

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