Janki Dadi's class from Mount Abu

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Re: we have to..

Post05 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Do the Senior's come to this site? And if so why would they?

It is Maya and it is forbidden.
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Re: we have to..

Post05 Jan 2007

tinydot wrote:It is Maya and it is forbidden.

So what was tinydot referring to? Apologies as I am new to this and some things appear a bit 'political'
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Post06 Jan 2007

It is Maya to go to this site and is highly forbidden - that is my strong opinion that you will get from Seniors.



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Re: we have to..

Post06 Jan 2007

Do the Senior's come to this site? And if so why would they?

Dear Brother,
I know - for sure - of one senior that visit this site. They come here to see their future fate.
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Post06 Jan 2007

My apologies to tiny Dot for the inaccurate and blasphemous statement. :P However, it could be that I did read such a thing, but attributed it to the wrong person. I don't mind being wrong if it inspires posts from others and unearths more .info

I cannot imagine that such a surrendered soul would have a bank account regardless of how much is in it. It is a personal thing and nothing to do with us or anyone else, is not it? (?) If you have money in a bank, that money does not belong to Baba as such does it? In terms of, "the moment" at least. Or perhaps she is just leaving the door open in case she decides to bear children or something, or buy a holidy home.

Actually, I think it is OK, I mean, what if things went crazy and she found herself stranded way out somewhere? Also, Look at poor kumarka Dadi, there is no telling how we will pass on and how long it will take. A sorry end to such a succesful life, and there could be medical bills. What if some extremists took over the BKs and HER money was left in there? What if this is rather strange behaviour from a surrendered soul, the most stable mind on the planet. I won't debate that.

What if ... what if we change our ways rather than try to hide / mask / justify them, which is Dadi's message to us I guess.
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Post06 Jan 2007

I have no problem as such with her and other Seniors owning their own stash of money. They might indeed need it at some point. What I do object to is the Dadis encouraging others to give as much as they can and also such ideas as cashing in your pension and giving it to the Yagya as we won't be here to need it. That sort of thing stinks as not only is someone like Dadi alright for cash, she won't ever have to spend her own money on her upkeep.

Also Dadis enjoy the highest of healthcare but this is paid for by the Yagya not themselves.

I am not knocking this as such it's just it appears you were unaware of this and thought they might pay for it themselves ... the top doctors money can buy are flown in for them. Understandable you might say if they are who they pertain to be ... but are they?
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Post06 Jan 2007

How can Dadi respond if this forum does not exist?

To put it another way, the BK method is to put thy head in the sand rather than confront such issues. Also, it depends entirely on what it is we are doubting. I tend to doubt the ostrich and its method of dealing with issues, it could easily get its ass kicked :)

The 8 powers had a tortoise, but no ostrich. The power to face came up in last seasons Murli's. We could all benefit from these quality's and powers. Perhaps there is too much pressure on Dadi, too many souls looking to take from her. We take from the source, the unlimited source.


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Post06 Jan 2007

We take from the source, the unlimited source.

So we should ONLY read the Murlis, and thus forget the rest such as classes held by Dadi's, Senior's classes, Raja Yoga books and courses, Living Values Books, etc ? And even this forum ?

Nowadays, you can get a bottle of mineral water from the Alps or Andes halfway round the world though it is bottled locally. Well, that is what it says on label. Well, you drink that water on The Knowledge that it comes from the source (from a physical spot on the earth). Do you go to check the source of the water ? No, you go and ask the bottlers who are authorised and have patents and legal and scientific and government papers what nots. Basically you have someone to ask.

So I'll ask DJ where she got this class from, and ultimately it would be from The Supreme Soul, through the Murlis. The Knowledge that all these BK information is therefore all coming from the Murlis, or the closest interpretation that BKs can edit and write about them in maybe a more simpler and digestible manner, at least to start with. Now, we've progressed and begun to understand more, our thirst is greater. Go to the source..visit Madhuban.... but where are the original Murlis ?

One has to remember that any classes that Dadis give, even though there is much to take from and I have also learnt much from them myself, is ultimately only a reflection of their own experiences with the Supreme Soul. It may not be the same for you. A class given by Dadi pre 1976 maybe different to that after 1976. Well, it depends if the Murlis during that period are the same as the Murlis of today. (Murlis in this case are the daily morning BK Sakar Murlis)
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Post08 Jan 2007

I have no problem personally with Dadi's classes, she says all the right things, understands what she is saying, and says it with an honest heart.

Sometimes, when I hear her and some others speak I think, that sounds a bit like me, or me them and wonder what all the problems are about. The problems are coming from middle management fear and ignorance.

I don't want to know where Dadi got or gets her money from, but go ahead if you like. These are not Sakar times, we don't need to put all we have into the bandara, so perhaps it is OK for Dadi to have a bank account. We have said much to bring her off the pedestal created by others, let's not put her back up there by saying she is beyond having a bank account.

Also, The family has been fragmenting, especially in India, though I know little or nothing. There are people in this world who really p me off, but Dadi is not one of them, at least not directly. We need to support yogi souls, not pull them down. There are a small number of powerful souls who must start radiating in top gear, and they need the support of others. Many yogi's have been abused by those in pursuit of palaces and kingdoms, which is why some centres may not be doing as well as they would like.

Perspective - This is a Brahmin forum, so the subject of Dadi will come up often.

Love cures all.
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Post08 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:I have no problem as such with her and other Seniors owning their own stash of money, they might indeed need it at some point, what I do object to is the Dadis encouraging others to give as much as they can and also such ideas as cash in your pension and give it to the Yagya as we won't be here to need it, that sort of thing stinks as not only is someone like Dadi alright for cash,

Seems funny quoting yourself, but I wanted to re-iterate this point as it's not the money I take issue with with Dadi, its the hypocrisy I dislike.
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Post09 Jan 2007

What do you mean by hypocrisy?
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Post09 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote:What if ... what if we change our ways rather than try to hide / mask / justify them, which is Dadi's message to us I guess.

I have a problem with her having a stash of cash, if that is what she has. Where did she get it from if she has been unpaid for the last 70 years? If it is a widespread practise, the tax man might also have aproblem with it. I especially have a problem with it as the charity is set up to alleviate poverty .. whose? I can imagine it is all spread around bank account in various nations so as to avoid inspect too.
    To state it clearly, it is another situation where if in any lokik enterprise the same matters had arisen, one could demand and expect a public statement about it, e.g. director, politicians ...
I have a problem with them wasting money on first class flights to ship her around and spending it on "top doctors" as if she is some kind of Princess Di character. Generally, quite ordinary, humble doctors are just as capable and more interest than the big buck doctors and as she hardly fills a standard air seat what is the problem? I am sure Gandhi would have travelled steerage class.

The problem is the double standards on one hand and the emotionality of it all on the other. It is driven by emotional attachments, name, fame, status, Dadi Bhakti etc ... all the stuff that they say we are meant to give up. Along with our pensions and mortgages.

I also heard that big name Sister in the US, Dr Hansa had private accounts and pension funds. I do not know about the rest.

I can imagine that "when Destruction comes", they will all be chartering private jets to run back to India leaving the rank and file BK behind to suffer in foreign lands.
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    Post09 Jan 2007

    Mitra wrote:What do you mean by hypocrisy?

    I thought I had been clear :lol:

    I mean Dadi used to regularly tell everyone, especially surrendered members to give as much as they could monetarily to the Yagya to further service and especially projects like the building of Diamond House in london. She would give classes about those who hold money back haven't understood Babas task, and when surrendered people asked about such things as their private pensions they were advised to cash them in and give all the money to the Yagya as Destruction would take place before they got old.

    ... ... and it turns out all along that Dadiji has a nice tidy stash herself in the bank, not donated.

    Is that a clear enough example of hypocrisy?
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    Post09 Jan 2007

    is that a clear enough example of hypocrisy?

    Sounds clear to me.

    Are you able to comment on that Mitra?



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    Post09 Jan 2007

    projects like the building of Diamond house in london,

    Hi Mr. Green,

    Where is the Diamond House? Is the GCH or is it another building?


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