Brahma Kumaris Resort to Privacy Manipulation for Money

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Brahma Kumaris Resort to Privacy Manipulation for Money

Post10 Aug 2023

Evidence that the Brahma Kumaris uses private personal information, given to them in confidence, in order to later exploitation for donations, also that they ask openly for donations and how much followers give.

The section about the BKs starts around 13:00, the section about the money manipulation starts around 16:00.

It's interesting because it documents how the BKs work, using younger women with more affinity to non-BKs to get them to soften and open up, then flatters them with status and position, then call in the older, hardened BK elder Sisters (Didi) to ask about money. In this case, the Didi asked her how much money she had donated for the opening of a new centre, told it wasn't enough, asked for more, then attempted to exploit her on the basis of the information she had disclosed to the younger Sister in private. This proves, again, that the BK Sister speak about and share private information that had been confided in them by followers.

Another common pattern is how she went "cult shopping" before meeting the BKs and how they exploited a dark phase in her life.

Video requires log in to Youtube; BRAINWASHING spiritual organizations?My STORY at SOKA GAKKAI and Brahma Kumari + analysis

Typical responses from others.
@kkv316 wrote:6 months ago

My wife.. her mom and her unmarried daughters are all in this cult BK organization.. I do not understand how to help my wife to come out of this **** ... Im tired explaining her... Please help.

She keeps writing notes of this **** Murli or whatever they call, bloody basterd.. she keeps listening Murli for atleast 6 hours a day to that so called idiotic old women who recently died.. the 1 who acts with some strange evil voice.. people say tht bastard Baba enters in her body to explain tht ******* Murli.. she wakes up at 4am and does this idiotic meditation for hours, recently we had a huge fight because she started waking up at 6am to go to their centre... she doesn't talk much, doesnt discuss anything with me which we used to do earlier, no sexual relationship after 2020, wants to cook her own food, no garlic no onion, ******* keeps on repeating some or the other stupid lines before drinking water, tht idiot shivani once said tht if we repeat those lines then the bad vibrations from the water will go away.. she sometimes behaves like absent minded... These bloody assholes are only money minded to get the property and money from innocent people.. my Father in law used to hate these basterds a lot because my mother in law is following these bloody BK from past 20 years and insisited all her daughters to surrender themselves in this cult organization , out of 8 daughters 2 of them surrendered here for 15 years and latter both got married, latter after few years 1 of them who had a love marriage got divorced and the other 1 is depressed of her marriage as the guy she got married to a stupid old guy and it was a arranged marriage... my only Brother in law used to hate this organization too but he passed away in Father in law too got passed away because of covid so now his wife & her 5 daughters including my wife are doing this openly and discussing over the phone for hours.. they all were about to donate my Father in laws property to these people but because of some missing property papers they couldn't do it.. my wife made me donate a lot of money to these basterds as she thinks tht these people are the god and not the one who People are praying to.. she used to say this to me before tht duniya khatam honi wali hai.. ek time aayega jab puri duniya bolegi mera Baba mera Baba... I am sick of this ****... My wife was good before my Father in law and Brother in law's death.. now my enter life has got shattered because of these bitches of BK... They are breaking homes of innocent people and God knows what is their aim in life ..
I left my parents for my wife and she has done this with me... I feel extremely betrayed... I do not know when will god listen to me or all those innocent people who are helpless to bring back their family members from these ******* basterds...
@jaykan8086 wrote:9 months ago

The brahmakumaris are not spiritual at all, they have history of abusing peoples wealth. Look at the madhubhan they live a lexuary life. The teaching itself says about the ravanas dynasti in the Brahma Kumaris. They hide all that teaching, they cut that particular lines, Say for example there is 44 pages of Murli, they will only give you four pages and they keep it hiding because most of the teaching is about sree Ram lord Shankar and jagadamba who are living in this group. And these people who are in the Brahma kuris do not give introduction of person who plays shaker or lord rams role. And if you listen Murli its says Brahma Baba is not god of geetha ( Krishna is not god of geetha) that is the first line. Because their back ground in semetic religion they are always interested in london and paris etc and they collect a lot of money from those place. They made a picture of ShivBaba ( equal to stone worship of shivling) but the teaching says worshipers are devils. OK now you know who is devil ( asur) one who give bad drishti . If you take those drishti your positive vibration comes down. But look how easily the devil manipulate the world that they are gods (that is Maya).
@erinpilla wrote:9 months ago

I had a relative who frequented Brahma Kumaris. When I read about their murders and when Hindus told me to get him out, I told my relative to run away from it.
@poonamgibson wrote:1 year ago

everything is bang on! Hypocrisy and double standards are at the core of this organisation. But that’s only because you are constantly being pressurised to suppress your emotions and feelings and bring out or portray a self which is unrealistic. Don’t even get me started on the contributions through money that takes place here. I’ve seen lives getting ruined families being separated finances going haywire and the list doesn’t end.
@basudevna775 wrote:1 year ago

I have also faced the same situation

BK wants to extrat money only.

They want to brainwash me, and become one of them.

@kshitijpal wrote:1 year ago

My problem with BKs was that in their Murlis, asking questions was always criticised and science and new technology was looked lown upon. And yeah... Same thing as you said about money and stuff. What BK shivani tells in a general platform is completely opposite to what she says in meetings.with other BKs. She seems a logic minded person at first, i wonder why she's doing this?
@prashanthtamilselvam wrote:1 year ago

Brahma Kumaris is a worst cult organization which manipulates young vulnerable girls and spoil their entire life. Their claims are baseless and are not sensible. They are using hypnotizing technique to brainwash the young people through the names like soul, light, Raja Yoga, traffic control, karma etc... Spiritual world is something which is real and needs to be appreciated and revered but cult organization like this should be banned and abolished from the society without any mercy or second thought for the benefit of younger generations.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Resort to Privacy Manipulation for Money

Post11 Aug 2023

@ShirishJadav wrote:1 year ago

Your analysis is completely true about BK, I have read and understood lot of it my ex was in it, I tried explaining her for four years but their whole family is in it and they cannot get out of it and they won't listen they are fully brain washed. Funny thing is they have got the BK flag on their house. Other thing is there are sexual activities with in BK (they call them self Brothers and Sisters but there are prohibited for sex however they do it in the garden in Abu and many involve outside, I saw my ex was also involved with a guy around 40 years old while she was 20-21 around). Which is much darker then this.
@adoremus wrote:1 year ago

The founder of the Brahma Kumaris was initiated into occultism by a saddhu and started to have hallucinations, however, they will not speak about this to the public. He subsequently had a nervous breakdown. The organisation practices necromancy and many members have experienced demonic voices. They claim that god is speaking through mediums, however, they have no proof. Their teachings are exactly the same as the freemasons and the New World Order one world government. Brahma Kumaris tell people that if they donate money to the organisation they will go to the Golden Age. Be warned.
@twobirds1817 wrote:1 year ago

Thank you for making video to warn the world.I was part of this cult and it did tremendous damage to my life.
@adoremus wrote:1 year ago

I saw many people's lives damaged. Vulnerable people who needed a little help in life were cheated of their life savings, became exhausted, ruined family relationships, unable to function properly in society, lost friends and damaged their health mentally, physically and emotionally. I wish you well in your road to recovery.
@debojyotighosh wrote:1 year ago

Fake illusions organization
Brainwashing Kumaris
@travelworld7798 wrote:1 year ago

Before I believed in god but after join Bramha Kumari I became ethicist.
They just brainwashed all loser and coward people join and spent whole life they don’t have any guts they don’t talk about logically just "Baba ko Yaad karo".

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