Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goods?

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Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goods?

Post24 May 2020

BK Gifts and, India's online Godly gift shop ... your chance to buy your own officially sanctioned (?) "Shiv Baba Bhog Thali", badges, trance lights, fridge magnets (noting that only little less than 30% of Indian families, or 10% of villagers, actually have a refrigerator), "Beautiful stickers filled with God’s Love and Remembrance, a beautiful Godly Gift" and wholesale quantities of rakhis.

Seems to be run by a BK living in their Shantivan, Abu Road campus.

There's gold to be mined in them thar hills! I shouldn't have become a BK critic ... I clearly should have just opened up my own BK shop selling them stupid tat.
B.K. Bharat Singh, Indraprastha Apartment

Second Floor, Gate no. 4

Shantivan, Talhati

Abu Road, Rajasthan

Contact: +91-9899518025


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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post25 May 2020

Sick minded people, masquerading in the for spiritual followers ... Surely, they are reaping the benefits ... One soul (Janki) couldn't get enough people at the funeral ... sorry affair.

Another soul (Gulzar) in the hospital for aeons ... totally forgotten by the clan/cult ... unfortunately unable to leave the body ... and the newer/younger once performing the dance now ... and will follow the same path ...

To think ... these self-centered minions talking about sweet/loving nonsense ... while trying to milk the gullible ... Shameful, disgusting ... and very appropriate representation of themselves !!
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post26 May 2020

Yeah, one of the Didis gave me those cr@ppy goodies when she returned from Madhuban a year ago.

Now, as I aint into this cult anymore, I have pulverized all memories of the Brahma Kumaris. And, trust me, there is eternal pleasure in mutilating those goodies into shreds.

The fact that they portray "Shiv" as a dominating and tyrannous being who will lovingly punish to death his followers who do not respect his symbols, makes it even more pleasurable as I break and tear the Baba lamps and copies of Murlis that were haunting my drawers.

Much joy, Yeeeeee!

And, yo guys, wassup?
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post26 May 2020

Do you have any vintage rings, shawls or Baba badges?

I was thinking of going back in undercover ... ;-).

Really old Sakar Murlis are useful too, to show how far they have been reduced and re-written.

Most BKs coming into today, have no idea what they were originally like, I think they are down to just a couple of pages now and all the politically incorrect stuff washed out of them.

Clearly the BK leaderships these days considers it knows better than god and are constantly remaking him to suit their PR.
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post27 May 2020

Even though they present a more polished and acceptable look to the public with their public merchandise, they don't realise how much disservice they do with their shoddy in-house merchandise, the cheap rubbish they sell to the converted, the BK fanboys and girls for whom every utterance and product is a miracle, when outsiders see them straight up for what they are without indoctrination.

I remember when I first went to London (I am Australian) and met a distant relative in south London. He asked what I was doing in London. I said I was working but really came over to study about meditation and Yoga in my free time at a big centre here. He said something like,
”There’s a lot of those groups these days. I went to one place in North London. Everyone was wearing white clothes, in a small crowded room sitting crosslegged on the floor, all of them just looking at this plastic red egg on the wall. It went on for ages, just staring, then this lady went and sat in front of them and stared at them one by one."

I think I changed the subject!
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post27 May 2020

There's a lot of old used books and CD on Ebay, not a lot of hardware items. All I can see at present is a ballpoint pen.

I do remember there was one purple and grey woven bedspread that was quite tasteful, and a few resin and metallic "disco badges" I used to call them that I quite liked ... and the old original 70s posters and book were very kitsch ... , but apart from them there wasn't very much in the way of any "products" to consume. Two or three Western quality book (Adi Dev, Travellers, a pocket size one), two meditation tapes (Jayanti's then Diane's), one LP (Diamond Harbour), Shiva and Lekhraj Kirpalani posters were given away free. Badges you could not buy, but had to be given. Old printed Sakar Murlis they had to use to wrap up takeaway food because they could not even give them away.

I guess they don't see much value in making "heirloom quality" items, if it is all going to be nuclear destroyed in 2 or 3 years?

We were forbidden for thinking about going into business in such a way - and it was below people to think in such a way but, cynically, it would have made sense ... what's the profit margin on 1,000,000 "official" Bhog sets? There's your target market. 1,000,000 of everything with a rush on holiday time for presents.

I wonder how it changed?

Brahma Kumaris Mount Abu India Om Shanti Souvenir Ballpoint Pen White Plastic


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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post29 May 2020

wonder how it changed?

This is well represented in the BK teachings themselves ... lo behold they did not realize that it was them leading the charge.

Past Murlis have stated that "Towards the end ... Bharat was at the top and it will be the worst.". And what do we see now ... the BKs getting worse by the day, or should I say by the hour!

As for "Bharat" the current India, the reality is so obvious ... Religiously Intolerant to the point of anti-Hindu violence, way down on Press Freedom, oppression of the minorities etc. And now with COVID-19 the desperate, pathetic situation of migration workers, dying on the road while walking/cycling to their hometowns ... While the BKs are having online f*$%# Yoga for strength to face and not fear the virusc ... Not even one word of social concernc ...
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post30 May 2020

ex-l wrote:BK_Pen_is.jpg

OMG! I had been given exactly that pen by that BK teacher! I remember I only used to write with that pen. As if using any other was like a sin. I called it lucky.

Months later it got damaged due to overuse. Dumped it.
Burned it.

Loved having got rid of it.


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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post01 Jun 2020

Property in Bharat

31 May 2020

Dear Jewels of the BK family, Greetings of love!

You may receive an invitation from individuals and organisations in Bharat to buy property where you can come and settle in India. Our suggestion is not to take up this offer. It’s best that you stay settled in the country where you live and work. Whenever governments allow travel, of course you may come to Madhuban. Madhuban is home, and you are always welcome.


What is happening here ?

Have the BKs started their own Real Estate business for residential properties ... they already are in the real estate business for themselves ... but this might be new ?
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post01 Jun 2020

Bizarre, who or what level did this come from?

Could it be third party real estate agents outside of the BKWSU have caught on to what is going on and are targeting BKs - either genuinely, or as part of a scam?

Or, like the commercialisation, is it real estate agents inside of the BKWSU?

A long time ago, we heard of BKs doing deals for property in Abu/Abu Road and money being transfer via the organization, but I never saw any further confirmation of it. Given their targeting of the wealthy middle classes, I can imagine the word got out a long time ago.

They want they volunteer/slaves to remain around the world for whose interests, the BKWSU's or individual's?

What are the legalities of foreigners buying property and land in India? Or are the agents targeting desi BKs?

If a BK has the money, why cannot they live where they want? Where they feel best?
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post02 Jun 2020

Real Estate agents are notorious for trying any and every angle to make a sale, so if someone has decided to target BKs who might be interested to buy or rent property in India that is just them doing what is Real Estate business.

Why should the official BK organisation tell people where they should live? If someone wants to move to India or anywhere else they should be free to make up their own minds.


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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post02 Jun 2020

Where is smoke, there is fire so, there would be real estate agents within the BK org, in Abu Road/Mt Abu, who must be running a Real Estate side-business. Let me correct myself .. NOT side-business but primary business. Also, this would be with The Knowledge of the BK leadership (some if not all) getting a kick-back. Fits perfectly with the corrupt system in India everywhere (Politics, Police etc etc).

With current degradation of the BK unit, there is no more shame or fear of openly performing these tasks, just the same as having all types of nonsensical events ... totally unrelated to their original "projected" path.
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post02 Jun 2020

That's basically what we were told.

I also got the feeling where a low ranking BK thought to do it themselves, they got a slap on the wrist and told not to. Senior Brothers involved. There is a belief that the BKs will end up owning the whole of Mount Abu. Not sure how the residents feel about that, but I'd guess they have the money power to do so. If the others would sell.

How much of Abu/Abu Road do they own now?

did not at least one Westerner attempt to establish themselves there, the woman who ran the juice bar?

To be frank, it's probably a good thing they cannot as it's a national park, otherwise they would just develop it all. The Aravalli range was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1980, before they really got going. Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary spreads out into a plateau which is about 19 km (12 mi) long and 6 km (3.7 mi) wide.

Are the BKs involved in the Mt Abu Master Plan-2030, now the Government of India has declared the area around the sanctuary an Ecologically Sensitive Zone? I note in the article it says, would be developers are
The plan was drawn up without any consultation with residents or experts, and goes against the 2009 notification. It would pave the way for commercial exploitation of green areas and allow construction on steep slopes, leaving the region more prone to landslide. The plan also provides for change of land use in areas where construction has been done.

No carrying capacity study of existing infrastructure was ever conducted ... no inventory of already existing infrastructure was made.

Many of the land owners hail from Gujarat and are not residents of Mt Abu.

Master plan files, here.

The great paradox of Abu is that it is supposed to "the purest place on earth" for the BKs ... yet it is also a honeymoon destination! So the jungle is not the only place there's wild life at night going on.

18 Best Hotels In Mount Abu For Honeymoon Couples In 2020


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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post05 Jun 2020

The great paradox of Abu is that it is supposed to "the purest place on earth" for the BKs ... yet it is also a honeymoon destination! So the jungle is not the only place there's wild life at night going on.

To be objective, I think this type of situation does not reflect on any individual or group's definition or activity "in total". Of course, environments can and do have an impact on us, however, we also can minimize or eliminate that impact, just as, for example, "an accident or brutal act or kind act" having a different level of impact on different individuals based on various factors.
Are the BKs involved in the Mt Abu Master Plan-2030, now the Government of India has declared the area around the sanctuary an Ecologically Sensitive Zone? I note in the article it says, would be developers are

I do believe that the BKs would have a major part in this decision-making process and would influence the outcome fully to their benefit. Similar activities by other pseudo religious groups, such as that of "Jaggi Vasudev", "Nithyananda", "Kalki", "Singh", "Ramdev" and this list can go on and on ...
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Re: Buy the Products: BKs own line of spiritual consumer goo

Post05 Jun 2020

How much political/money clout do the BKs have in Abu?

How's the current relationship between them and the locals?

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