BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

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BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post03 Apr 2020

In their habit of "showing respect" to the most elderly, rather than the most effective or whatever, the BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini and Dadi Ishu. I don't know them. Gulzar (aka Hradyamohini), I understand, is pretty much senile now so one wonders how she can administrated anything?

Let's be honest, these aren't really the people who run the BKWSU.

They say Ratan Mohini was born on 25-3-1925, at Hyderabad Sindh and was barely twelve years old, Dadi came in contact with the Om Mandli, meaning 1937. She was one of a few BKs who first travelled abroad to an interface meeting in Japan, in 1954. They call it 'The World Peace Conference' but it was actually just a meeting of a handful of people and a "virtual" conference of a few books published. This was at the time when they thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was God Brahma, and prior to the development of God Shiva.

She was the BK they first sent to London to try and start up a centre with the support of Jayanti's mother, circa 1972 to 1974, before Janki was sent?

Ishu I know even less about. She handled the mail when Lekhraj Kirpalani was still alive in Abu?
BKWSU wrote:After Dadi Janki's ascension to the angelic realm, a meeting of the Management Committee of PBKIVV was convened on 30 March 2020. After paying respect to Dadi Janki with 2-minutes of silence, and sharing deep and loving sentiments for Dadi and all that she accomplished on the field of service, the members discussed the future running of Yagya systems.

According to the Bye-Laws of the Divine Constitution of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Dadi Hirday Mohini (who was previously the Additional Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris) is to be appointed as Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris;

Dadi Ratan Mohini is to be appointed as Additional Administrative Head and Dadi Ishu will continue her role as Joint Administrative Head.


GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post03 Apr 2020

Ex-I, you are correct in terms of the 3 Sisters being figure heads. Most likely the handlers who have been in the operational management chairs are continuing with business as usual with the day to day operations.

It's interesting to learn whether there will be internal fights for positions.

I remember Ratanmohini conducting lectures for the double foreigners 30 plus years ago. She has to be way up there in age and the BKs need to set up cool retirement homes for them on their Mount Abu campus.

The 3 Sisters do have value for the organization; their wisdom and mediumship can be invaluable.
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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post03 Apr 2020

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I remember Ratanmohini conducting lectures for the double foreigners 30 plus years ago ... The 3 Sisters do have value for the organization; their wisdom and mediumship can be invaluable.

The question being, wisdom in doing what?

Ratanmohini is about 95. If we take 11 in 1937 ... then 18 in 1944 when she would grasp the adult things going on around her. She was one of their "original jewels", but only a child at the time, therefore growing up entirely during their cloistered period. (I have no idea whether she lived in Om Mandli or with her family, I presume that her mother at least must have been a BK).

She would have been 30 when they introduced God Shiva into the religion around 1955/56. What impression did she give you back then?

Ishu Dadi Sister was called Lachu, and she was also an early treasurer of Yagya.
In an Avyakt Vani dated 13/04/11 BapDada said to Ishu Dadi:

You are the one who has known the Father’s secrets from the beginning. Having lived with Sakar Baba, you have understood, but you remain incognito. It is good to remain incognito, but you sometimes have to appear and be revealed.

Note the photo of Gulzar is one taken some time ago when she was more alive. The BKs appear to have announced that "Avyakt BapDada", the alleged psychic channelling of "God Shiva" and Lekhraj Kirpalani by Gulzar, is official over. No more mediumship, at least for her.

They appear to have a Kremlin like control over news regarding her health.

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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post03 Apr 2020

My memory of Ratan Mohini is that she was always one of the sharper tools in that shed. Came across to me as more pragmatic and also was a very empathetic person. Whether she is still sharp is another question. Ishu was very much a background figure, a worker bee.

Anyway, it all feels like discussing who gets to be captain of the badminton team at a Butlin's holiday camp we once went to for summer holidays. Outside, the real world goes on.


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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post04 Apr 2020

ex-l wrote:Ishu Dadi's Sister was called Lachu, and she was also an early treasurer of Yagya.

As far as I remember Lachu was the Sister who used to set up the Bhog in front of Gulzar when she was sitting preparing to channel the BapDada. She was short and slim. Died years ago.
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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post04 Apr 2020

Elsewhere I wrote,
For me, the entire inner circle are corrupt. They sustained a lie about their history. They maintain lies about their various revisions and modifications. They close ranks and cover up endless malfeasances within the organisation. And given the extremely strongly likelihood it is all a load of self-serving nonsense on their behalf - and their vague and unrealistic predictions of the past, present & future are never going to happen - what does that really say about the depth or value of their spiritual practises?

"Purity" and "spiritually" re-defined as a willingness to conform to an ever shifting illusion. "Service" as a willing to promote and project it.

For me, that's the opposite to spiritually.

Ratan Mohini, or Rattanmohini as she is sometime referred to, is said to
Since childhood she had an inclination for spirituality, which led her to dedicate her life to spiritual service. Right from the beginning, she had an intellectual bent of mind and was encouraged by the founder of the institution, Prajapita Brahma, to study spiritual knowledge in depth. A deep thinker and insightful speaker on spiritual subjects, Dadi exemplifies a life of purity, peace and elevated purpose.

Sounds wonderful but it is true?

Take, for example, "encouraged by the founder of the institution, Prajapita Brahma, to study spiritual knowledge in depth.

To outsiders this may sound wonderful ... but spiritual knowledge to outsiders does not mean the same as what the BKs call it and looking at and reading the early material produced during that period, was it really of any value? Even Lekhraj Kirpalani himself had the brains or foresight to discard it all in a pit as their left Karachi, leaving only a blank slate onto which they could project whatever they want at a later date.

It wasn't spiritual knowledge, it was literally a madness. She did not "dedicate her life to spiritual service", she was a child victim of their Stockholm Syndrome turned evangelist for the cult.

Their endless perverting and re-definition of language to manipulate outsiders disgusts me.

I wonder what access to her and how open and honest she would be willing to be now?
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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post05 Apr 2020

I suppose in the short term, it's a policy that avoid any debate and, god forbid, the need for any democratic process? How many of the original Om Mandli are left, enough to see them through until Destruction? Those old Sindhis sure did have good genes when it comes to longevity.
Gerontocracy, "a state, society, or group governed by old people, government based on rule by old people".


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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post05 Apr 2020

ex-l wrote:I suppose in the short term, it's a policy that avoid any debate and, god forbid, the need for any democratic process? How many of the original Om Mandli are left, enough to see them through until Destruction? Those old Sindhis sure did have good genes when it comes to longevity.

Gerontocracy, "a state, society, or group governed by old people, government based on rule by old people".

It is a continuation of the dual shows; one for the masses, and one for the elites. The old Dadis and the daily Murli will be used to keep the masses in place, while the other group (Karuna, Jayanti and cohorts) will continue their dance with the Elites, Political, Moneyed, Famous, and enjoy a very comfortable life.

Now they have a dedicated attender for these folks too. So, life is good :|.
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Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

Post05 Apr 2020

What do you mean, "dedicated attender"? Do you mean each VIP has a specific handler?

What's happening now that there will be no new Murlis? I see reference to "Murli experiments".

Imagine if the leaders of the BKWSU had to make policies and had to be elected by the following. Probably most of the same people would be elected, but it would be interesting to hear them have to say what their policies would be and hold them accountable to them, like politicians.

What are they doing, all gripping onto their positions until they too drop dead, under the guise of "earning their inheritance", or for the lack of being able to hold down a real job? Do anyone of them have private money tucked away? I don't suppose the organisation considered having pension plans ...

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