Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Street

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Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Street

Post01 Nov 2019

As far as I can work out, two Brahma Kumari centre-in-charges beating a young girl servant with a stick, punching her, and burning her with a lighter in the street. Video has gone viral.

Is anyone able to offer a translation as to what was going on?

The videos are entitled, eg "Inhuman face of spiritual university manager", or "The manager of the divine university beat the maid with a stick and burn her with a lighter". Elsewhere it is written that they cut off her hair making her bald. See also, here. The manager twists her arm so she doubles over and then takes the lighter and burns her hand, her face and tries to set fire to her clothes.

From Abdullaganj or Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The maid has since gone missing.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post01 Nov 2019

Well, well well!

This was my story. A journalist friend of mine posted that video, we must thank him. Grateful to the daring person who shot this.

The video went viral on social media platforms, (how it went viral is another story) then next day it was picked up by many newspapers. I have those clippings. People gathered in the district magistrate's (DM) office and asked him to do something in this matter. The DM of Shahjahanpur later assured that he will probe the matter. It was closed later.

I know there was some element of pressure from BK MEDIA team, as their task was to neutralize the damage. The accused center in charges said in their defense (they lied through their teeth) that the poor maid was mad and her family is associated with BKs (that was not a fact but a manipulated story) and requested them to do this. (It was a well planned strategy by the BK system for damage control).

While the original video bites and clippings and recorded statements of neighbors say the BKs were inhuman and were torturing them as well. Those was the real facts, it was cross examined and found to be true. Villagers were right, these two ladies were very dictatorial and professional bullies. They were illegally (I was told this) constructing and renewing their center as well. And they were not even paying the labourers, the family living in that same lane told the reporters.

Will soon, post the detailed timeline and info of all these events.

BTW, their administrative heads and media team are professional bullies. How they pounce on an institution and their stories is of another level, they even blackmailed and even threatened that the person who covers their stories will be doomed and will serve multifold punishments for hindering in their Yagya.

There were so many such stories that would have went viral. I, personally, know so many of them, but couldn't went viral because of above such reasons. They even bribe the reporters in a certain way to please them.

(BTW, how can I upload a small 3 sec clip/gif here?)
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post01 Nov 2019

OceanIam wrote:The accused center in charges said in their defense ... they lied ... that the poor maid was mad and her family is associated with BKs ... and requested them to do this.

Does that make any sense whatsoever?

Is it "spiritual" ... is it "enlightened" ... is it good mental health care ... to beat up, burn and publicly humiliate mentally ill people?

Meanwhile, in the "100% impure", body conscious, Kali Yugi Western world, it is illegal for parents to even smack their own children, and yet the BKs see themselves as so superior.

I hope every Western BK who read this is utterly disgusted and takes the matter up with their zone-in-charge. If these recent stories are not evidence enough to want to leave BKism, I have no idea what would be.

Have you tried uploading the gif as an attachment to your post? See "Upload attachment" below the Reply window.*

* (There may be size limits, I do not know).


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post01 Nov 2019

You are right. They are senseless people. They aren't enlightened at all, they are only thriving on their fake publicity. They are they Indian Institute of Planning and Management of spiritual field, even worse than it.

Just want you all to know that the one who did this, the center in charges: they were well trained. They had certificates, they were the representatives of BKs in that city, went under proper training by their leaders and zone incharges. They were under the canopy of the HQ and zone incharges. The entire system had The Knowledge of their activity, so no one should think that it was a hurried thing, those ladies are doing this from quite a time and the system kept quiet. They silently allowed them to continue humiliating their followers and unpaid workers.

The BK system knew it and did nothing, it kept on happening over the years and when the water reached above the head, it was the poor villagers and reporters who stood against them. BK leaders did absolutely nothing. Same was with the AGRA rapist, he was also a proper trained BK, he kept on doing the same thing and BK incharges never stopped him never did anything to remove him. They let him continue doing what he wished to do, to enjoy his position.

I've seen them eating people alive in India, that's all I can say.

*I tried to upload it, but it's not accepting .mp4 file.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post02 Nov 2019

.mp4 is a video file. Can you upload it to Youtube and then link to there?
eating people alive in India, that's all I can say.

You mean destroy people, figuratively?

Do you think the BK rapist in Agra was a rapist?

As in, was the sex forced or coercive and against the woman or women's will? Was he just exploiting low ranking BK women who were entirely vulnerable and had no other options in life? Do you know more details about it?

I apologise to ask directly but it sometimes seems to me that in India the word or accusation of "rape" is just used for extra-marital sex, and is a way for some women to explain having had sex out of marriage in cultures that don't allow it.

We have the case of Virendra Dev Dixit and the AIVV still going on at present and it's not clear to me if those accusing him were willing or not, or whether it is just their families making the accusation in order to try and regain their family member's status, i.e. changing the context from a willing but dumb act, to one of victimhood.

This video is great though. It really portrays the underbelly of the BKs so inarguably. An underbelly even the rich and privilege Western BKs have to accept responsibility for supporting and being part of.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post03 Nov 2019

Just want you all to know that the one who did this, the center in charges: they were well trained. They had certificates, they were the representatives of BKs in that city, went under proper training by their leaders and zone incharges. They were under the canopy of the HQ and zone incharges. The entire system had The Knowledge of their activity, so no one should think that it was a hurried thing, those ladies are doing this from quite a time and the system kept quiet. They silently allowed them to continue humiliating their followers and unpaid workers.

This issue is not isolated to the BK system alone. It is part of the underlying decay in the tribal attitude that is still prevalent in the Indian society. This is how I see it working today, and BK system is part of the whole, note ... I cannot call BK as a organization anymore ... it is a Business Entity.

Also, all of these type of situations occur with the active concurrence and connivance of police/politicians. Just that the cellphone/video is now bringing these out to the open ...
    1. Rural villages (North India) - What you see in the video happens in daily life and in business (like BK). Rural/tribal/non-rational thinking and acting ---- Because no money to be extracted from them
    2. Rural villages (South India) - BK is not that prevalent, hence more subdued activity ... Again no money coming in.
    3. Smaller Towns (North/South) - More visible activities - smaller cash flow, increases with volume of activity.
    4. Bigger cities (North/South) - More money flowing in - with more VIP VVIP boot licking ... Politicians/Movie Stars etc.
Now starts the subtle coercion of those with money (doctors/businessmen etc. into giving their wealth to BKs.

Here are some of the other prominent/wealthy/thriving Business Entities that are thriving in India today, with a supportive government for Business Operations and Expansions (aka spiritual orgs).
    1. BK
    2. ISHA - Jaggi Vasudev
    3. Nithyananda (Swami)
    4. Ravi Shakar (Sri Sri) Kriya Yoga
    5. Amritananadamayi - aka Hugging Guru
    6. Kalki (Bhagavan) - recent IT raid unearthing thousands of crores of cash/jewels/gold etc


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post03 Nov 2019

Following were some of my newspaper snips that I took on the next day of this video incident.


news against bks shahjahanpur.jpg
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post04 Nov 2019

Are there more details worth translating from them?

Why did the police drop their investigation? The evidence is inarguable.

What happened to the center-in-charges?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post04 Nov 2019

if she is centre in-charge then we can assume at least she must be following the Shrimat for about more than 15 years or so?

What sanskar has she acquired so far when Baba is teaching her for so long not to hurt anyone even with your words and actions? Did she forget the Gyan given by her beloved Baba not to take law in hand? Is not that dis-service and what her Seniors are doing apart from being sakshi?

For all those years she has enjoyed the hard earned money of people and hard service done by the naïve followers. Is there any internal system exist in BK-Yagya to look at such matters and dismiss the so called service centre?

Is there official comment available on such matters or any official BK dare to speak in the public forum that how and what was exactly happened and what action they have taken against the in-charge?

Or they will simply link it with their Gyan which says ... "oh, it’s a drama and every soul has unique role to play. They must be having the karmic account which is settled this way".
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punch, Burn & Head Shave Servant in Stree

Post05 Nov 2019


The main thing the BKs are concerned with is wealth and influence, and that means their public reputation matters. To maintain their reputation of being spiritually and ethically supreme, obviously instruments of God herself, there is no bribery, flattery, duchessing, quid pro quo they won't stoop to offering in private or with a nudge & wink, "know wha’ I mean guvna?”

This site has many posts regarding the BKs willigness to manipulate, ignore, break immigration laws, charitable organisation laws, tax law, building codes, etc etc - let alone what they gladly pride themselves in by way of interfering in people's lives and relationships "for their own good".

But, as ex-l said elsewhere, they are merely doing what is culturally normal in India, in this case, mistreating servants and abusing the mentally ill "for their own good".

This shows that BKs are not what they say, that they are more enlightened than the general society, the highest spiritual beings who will ever exist. No different.

Actually, correction. It reveals that the BKs are worse, because others who do this kind of thing mostly don't go around making such hypocritical claims nor excusing themselves with such two-faced equivocations or by being able to call in ‘favours’ from local authorities.

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