Brahma Kumaris Fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

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Brahma Kumaris Fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post16 Apr 2018

The Brahma Kumaris in Bengalaru were fined Rs 10,000 for falsely claiming property ownership in the case relating to a dead follower's Will going back to 1995.

We've often accused the Brahma Kumaris of being a money and property grabbing cult ... despite the paradox of indoctrinating their followers to believe that the world is going to end, and hence all worldly riches be pointless, on numerous occasions within their history; WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 and so on.

What is outstanding in this case ... not the only such case ... is how determined they are to grab deceased followers' properties from their families and rightful heirs. Employing lawyers, making appeals to the high court on the grounds that ...
"the lower court’s dismissal of their application would compel them to file a suit that would lead to multiplicity of proceedings [from other such families]".

Fighting 23 year legal battles while, presumably, sitting comfortably in the property "remembering God" and going "Om Shanti".

In this case, they not only lost but were fined for their impudence and abuse for the legal system

I suppose the BKs would argue that it's not an "abuse of the process of law" if you are remembering their god spirit while you do it?

They are shameless, equally too are all the Western BKs who clamber onto the BK gravy train while turning a blind third eye to all such fraudulent, pernicious and invariably financial activities.

Details of the case are, here.
Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000

The High Court has imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Bengaluru, for once again claiming ownership of a portion of a building though their claim was dismissed earlier.

The Brahma Kumaris approached the High Court seeking a direction to a civil court to allow them to implede as an additional respondent in a property case. The children and other legal heirs of one S Veerabhadrappa were fighting a property partition case.

The civil court had in 2015 passed an interim order disallowing the application of the Brahma Kumaris. The partition suit has been going on since 1995. Brahma Kumaris sought to implead in the case claiming that the second floor of the building that was being partitioned had been willed to them by Veerabhadrappa in 1993.

The civil court dismissed their application.

In the HC, the advocate for Brahma Kumaris argued that the lower court’s dismissal of their application would compel them to file a suit that would lead to multiplicity of proceedings.

The respondents (heirs of Veerabhadrappa) argued that the Brahma Kumaris have “been making constant but unsuccessful attempts to stake its claim over the property belonging” to them.

It was pointed out that the family members had concluded a civil case in 2010 itself. The Brahma Kumaris challenged it in 2011 which was dismissed after being withdrawn in 2012. The trial court judgement of 2011 was then challenged in a review petition. This was dismissed in 2014. They had also filed an application for impleadment in another case in 2011. It was also dismissed. The 2015 dismissal by the trial court was yet another impleading application. The heirs alleged that the Brahma Kumaris were “thus abusing the process of law.”

The HC in its judgement said, “A careful analysis of the facts leads to an irresistible conclusion that the petitioner has made untiring, but unsuccessful attempts in staking its claim over the second floor of the Schedule ‘A’ property. Counsel for the respondent no.1 is right in his submission that, repeated application for impleadment, in the facts of this case borders on abuse of process of law.” Imposing a fine of Rs 10,000 on the respondents, the HC said, “Petitioner is not diligent in prosecuting its case. The respondents are being drawn to court time and again on the same application and deserve to be compensated.”
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post16 Apr 2018

Another area where the Brahma Kumaris habitually operate not just in legally grey areas but, in some cases, outrightly fraudulent areas, is in visa related issues ... on an international basis.

I note the BKWSU is currently listed on an official 'List of Institutions Imparting Training in Yoga, Vedic Culture, Indian System Of Dance, Music, etc. Where Missions are Authorised to Grant Visas Upto a Period of One Year answering how it is able to bring in Western BKs to work for them in India.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post16 Apr 2018

If you don't believe in the BKs' conscienceless property grabbing ... which, to be quite frank, all leading BKs know is going on and many must be involved in directing ... read this report.

Key elements are ... "quite beautiful by conventional standards ... well-paying job as an officer in a Central Government ministry ... husband passed away or left her ... fell into depression ... had a pretty big house in a nice area.

That is a typical recipe for a victim of "BK VIP service".
How do I free my Sister out of the brainwash done by the Brahma Kumaris sect?


This happened to an office colleague of my Mother’s.

Now understand this woman's situation. She was quite beautiful by conventional standards, and had a well-paying job as an officer in a Central Government ministry.

Now I exactly don’t remember what happened, maybe her husband passed away or left her, that she fell into depression. She had a pretty big house in a nice area, and still had her job to care for herself and her daughter.

Until she fell in with the Brahmakumaris.

Her behavior became erratic, she stopped sending her daughter to school. Now as it is in a government office, employees are more concerned and helpful about each other’s lives, which is not something you will find in a private company. So people asked and inquired about her, and it so emerged that she was completely neglecting her child. had stopped sending her to school, and spent practically every waking hour at an ‘Ashram’.

People who tried to talk to her were answered in cryptic riddles and incomplete answers. This went on for 6–7 months, until some colleagues visited her home and found it to be in a very sorry state.

An year after her husband’s leave, she up and quit her pensioned government job, and with it all the critical facilities one without any family support, may need.

It was later found out that the sect had completely brainwashed her into naming her house and property over to them. Once this was done, she continued her life at an ‘Ashram’. Her daughter was legally adopted by her husband’s parents (who claimed in court that the mother was psychologically unwell, and the neighbors also testified to the same). The judge, apparently found the actions of the mother to be negligent enough to take her own child away from her.

End result? No job, an uncertain future for the already traumatized child, and of course, brand new property for this cult.

Back to your question- you see, the problem is that if your Sister is above 18, there is not much that you can do. I will not encourage you to take and violent or threatening action. Ii will only tell you to talk to her- to explain cases like the one above. These sects are primarily targeting property, and will pressure your Sister to give over to them her salary, share in your family property, or any jewels she may own. They will do this by slowly pulling her away from her only support system- her family.

They target vulnerable women- like widows and estranged wives. But these women are strangely, never poor or in need of help. They target only those who (at present or in future) have property or jewelry. And they WILL take it from these women, right out of their hands, by brainwashing them.

If your Sister is a minor, I think you can take legal action- but you will have to prove wrongdoing, or intent hereof.

Look, better than any legal/illegal action, the best thing is to talk to her. If she has been going there for 6 years, it means that she finds solace and peace there.

It also means that she has not found that same solace and peace at home, as she should have. Is there anything at which she may be angry at you? Anything that you stopped. banned her from doing?

Find out why she is not happy at home. And change that. You can lock her up in chains all you want, but if you really want her to come back home, correct any mistakes you may have made with her.

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