Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

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the roots of corruption

Post23 Jan 2009

eromain wrote:the organisation had a moral obligation .

HAHAHAHA! These words sound good to me, and sweet. Too bad that I have never been impressed by the BK establishment's ethics.

These elevated messengers of God are ruthless people, insensitive and above and beyond laws. Such is their arrogance. Must be the high caste/mafia bosses arrogance that makes them think they cannot be questioned or touched. What applies to the rest of the world, doesn't certainly apply to the "inner circle".

They push many principles, taboos and rules of all sizes on their followers, but they do not expect everyone to follow them to the same extent. It usually depends on the wallets. I, more than once, came across teachers who got their ears pulled for having expected wealthy students to comply with Baba's directions, just because the party line is that of cunningly choosing to treat rich people with velvet gloves, so that they don't feel pressured to conform to the tough BK lifestyle and break too soon, so that money or facilities can be extracted from them for a longer while.

I am left with the impression of a company, which calls and defines itself as a Raja Yoga school, mismanaged, not run with integrity. This creates a stifling feeling, because in lack of a deeply felt sense of "honour", things do not flow naturally in the sense of righteousness. You can never predict what type of nonsense or unfairness is round the corner. You then wish you hadn't been exposed to it and to the doubts this created in your faith!! Such are the earthquakes BKs become immune to - or choose to leave - see all the rubbish and turn a blind eye to it.

john morgan


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post24 Jan 2009

Moral obligation = karmic account

Ruthlessness = dedication

Insensitivity = following Baba's instructions

Above laws = Authority of God law maker

Trust you get the gist.

Psychopaths are noted for lack of insight into their effect on other people. They can be highly manipulative and are often ruthless. Some are adept at instilling doubt or guilt into and taking money from their victims. Education does not school one in how to identify and deal with psychopaths. If you identify one or more by use of the above criteria the best thing you can do is get out of there like a bat from hell. ;)


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post24 Jan 2009

john morgan wrote:Does anyone know who the BK Director for Russia is?

Not sure but I think it is Didi Chakradhari.

john morgan


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post24 Jan 2009

ex-I wrote:I have to agree ... but the response from the leadership is always the same.

Whether it is child sex at the headquarters, suicides at the centers or this sort of property raking ... if that is what it was ... they just turn into stuck up lords and ladies who consider they are unanswerable to no one else but their Baba. Never apologize, never explain, keep pumping out the PR. Its once you start adding it all up that it becomes suspect,

Probably the BK see their non-communication on such matters as following God's instructions. For example - See only what I tell you to see, hear only what I tell you to hear, listen but do not hear, smile.

Now this all does seem a little foolish to me (I cannot stop chuckling) but very, very seriously, what other explanation can there possibly be?

I don't think the BK are psychopaths, to me most are very special people with special gifts. Except for a few over authoritarian meglomaniacs who seem to be completely and utterly bonkers, they are just fine. I, personally, don't believe for one minute that God is teaching there. For me, God has much much more intelligence than the BK express. What kind of God would hurt so many and want your flat? Quite simple really. A false one.

I met Bap Dada in Madhuban, had he truly been supremely knowledgeable he would have done better. The kindergarten view of God as portrayed by the BK is for children. Knowledge is structured in consciousness and if we take the time and trouble and care we can realise the truth that we are kings each in his own right. You may find that the BK come down hard on you in the process, if this happens you are most likely on the right track.

The BK do not answer to any God, that is why they can do what they like. Let me take the words of Dadi Janki she said whilst grasping the air with one fist, "Baba is mine". Attainment, yes, but God, No! DJ controls the BK Baba and being responsible for service she is the one ultimately responsible for your maltreatment at the hands of the BK, and this is the crunch for the present topic, has always been fond of Money and Property!

Whatever DJ thinks filters into the rest, God did not love material wealth until DJ did. Give her a sniff, anywhere in the world, and she'll be there doing Baba's work.

Gyan is religio political. Most encounter the religio side though DJ knows the political too. Did you ever see a poor politician?

Politicians love spin and never miss a chance to impress, they can also be somewhat economical with the truth. Were God not mentioned would people feel so compelled to give? Of course not. It was all worked out long ago. Its so impressive when a person with no visible means of income sets up a charitable trust.

If you are paying you are a subject, no doubt about it.

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post09 Feb 2009

In the UK the medical profession has very strict guidelines that govern interaction with their patients, any doctor using his position to take money other than medical fees from patients would be struck off. A doctor who was offered a flat as a gift from a grateful patient would of course have to check it out with the medical authorities.

If he or she could accept, an unlikely occurence, and later it was found that the treatment had not worked so the patient asked for return of the gift the doctors ethics would most likely demand its return. Even health workers have ethics governing their interactions with patients, some being forbidden to accept individual gifts exceeding five English pounds in value. Were the BK income to be hundreds of millions of the most valuable currency on this planet it would be fine by me as long as the ethics are sound.

Each BK centre can be viewed as both a spiritual university and a spiritual hospital. When the words "God" and "spiritual" and "charity" arise the ethics that govern other forms of medicine simply do not exist. The Murli does not, as far as I am aware, provide ethical guidelines for situations such as this thread. One would think that an organisation which is concerned about the spiritual health of the world and which provides a touchstone for determining between the far more complex virtue and sin would find such a task very simple. The BK must have such a policy but it has not been made public. Many would like to know if it is an "anything goes" policy or something a little more refined.

I am not certain that the BK actually read this forum. Obviously they are aware of its existence (court case, letters etc) but a daily read if they do not already do so could be, as a metalworker friend of mine finds his notes, quite riveting.

Disservice is a complex topic. The touchstone I use is that if something seems not quite right and no effort is made to correct it then it is open season for debate. Forget the unified front, it will be useless at the time of Destruction. The truth must and will emerge and the revealing of that truth is real service.

This is in part this Forum's work. It is no small praise for a set up that is seen by some as a mere thorn in a lion's foot.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post09 Feb 2009

If a charity is registered, someone donates, then wants their money back, well, it ain't gonna happen. Imagine how it would go if it was the Red Cross or Oxfam. Any registered charity would win too. The only way legally is to prove that the Charity was fraudulent.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post09 Feb 2009

terry wrote:If a charity is registered, someone donates, then wants their money back, well, it ain't gonna happen. Imagine how it would go if it was the Red Cross or Oxfam. Any registered charity would win too.

... which funnily enough, is exactly what the BKs of mr green's case.

But its wrong.

I do not know the details of the case above, whether the BKs in Russia are a charity or a business (nor Russina Law), but in the case of religions (which the BKWSU is), its called undue influence not about fraud. In the case of 'undue influence' it is up to the religion to prove that it protected its followers not for the follower to prove that the religion was fraudulent.

On the other hand, what charity is going risk the bad PR of fighting back? Well, the BKWSU obviously which, to me, proves how dirty they are now. I would say that in the West most charities act on the principle of common decency. Yes, they may have the right to hold on to the money ... but in a reasonable situation, who would.

What is interesting in the case of the Brahma Kumaris in Russia is that it is a property ... not money we are talking about. Money, a financial donation, might have been spent or had tax relief claimed back against and so be complicated to return ... as it was in mr green's and other cases.

With a property, like in Senior Sister Jayanti Kripalani's case with her Father, there is no complication. They could hand it back. What bona fide organization would not want to?

On top of the Sister Jayanti and her Father's property, I find this case literally stunning in its implications. If it is not a wake up call for any individuals involved with the Brahma Kumaris for anything less than personal self-interest and professional benefit ... then it ought to be.

They know what they are up to. Destruction in two to three year, as Jayanti told everyone ... why do they need luxury property then?

Trustees can do pretty much whatever if it is within the interests of the charity, of which public relations is part. Where there is the potential assumption of an exchange of privileges for donations, as in the cases of leader Kripalani ... now that is a far more obvious and serious question. But in their case, I would like to know what happen to the family's property out in Poona ... was it split between Jayanti and her Brother, go to her personally or go to the Yagya?

john morgan


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post11 Feb 2009

Now if God really wished to use this chaps apartment for service he would incarnate and ask him to comply. That the BK are using lawyers etc is proof of the Version "Out of Millions Only a Rare Soul Accurately Cognises Me." We have a Godly Family and each soul therein is making continual effort to understand Baba correctly. That the effort makers do make mistakes is a fact that they would rather no one see. If one's faith is rocked by the actions of another one needs to work on that area.

Gyan is not a matter of looking into the world and making value judgements of others, it is an exxploration into one's own self. What we can do is say, "I consider this action to be innacurate" and give the reasons why. It is not a matter of one being right oneself, it is more a matter of working on the basis of one's own understanding and sharing it with others in the hope that their disservice will cease. Admittedly this dog may be barking up the wrong tree.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post23 May 2009

There is a good story of a great Brother in Edinburgh who bought the centre (ie the house they used). After a long while he changed his mind and decided he wanted the property back and left the BKs. The BKs agreed but he had forgotten that he had done some work on the house to fit in special beds etc. This made the house structurally unsound so he had difficulty selling it. So guess who bought it back? Yes, the BKs!

However, you should not really take back a gift if that person giving the gift was in sound mind at the time. This is why we have the law in the first place.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post21 Jun 2013

BK Sister Chakradhari is in charge Sister. Russia is seen as very much part of Indian BK Seva, and established by BK Jagdish Chander followers. Also new history discoveries are not available in Russia because no criticism of Jagdish is possible, so I am informed.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post29 Nov 2017

The very top picture is Sr. Santosh ... from Russia. She is touring the US at the moment. As part of a communication link, I was sent classes she has just done at a place called Peace Village in New York. I was told in this email that she is in New Jersey tonight and continuing with visiting Sr. Mohini as well as other parts of the US.

She apparently speaks of the "old time" and how it was and is now re-appearing with time. Seems to be binding long term BKs in adherence and connecting new ones to principles/Maryadas/connectedness of family.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post30 Nov 2017

Maui wrote:Sr. Santosh ... from Russia ... apparently speaks of the "old time" and how it was and is now re-appearing with time.

And, rationally, what does that even mean? They are going to go back to believing Lekhraj Kirpalani is god like they did prior to 1956?

Does she mean the myth of the "old times"?

When did BK Santosh even enter the BKWSU, the 1980s? Where has her voice and activities been in the efforts to do real historical research about the BK history. I can tell you, it's ZERO. She's just peddling the fairystory version, copied from stories the Dadis have told, so what does it actually mean?

Shame on her deluded the poor Russians.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post30 Nov 2017

Don't know yet, ex-I ... will have to listen to the link of her classes. I guess to know more about what was sent to me in that email ... I was just struck by what was said ... that she trying to re-enforce adherence, connecting new ones, etc.

I met her once in Madhuban, she was a good speaker, rather benign, did not strike me as essenceful, but I'll listen and let you know what, if anything, is new.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post02 Dec 2017

I suppose, sentimentality of "the good old times" is an idea that captures many people but what does it mean, from someone who was not even there to experience it and only has heard third hand stories.

A vague, false, unaccountable promise that, when it does not happen (again) will be swept under the carpet and rationalised away.

Always get promises - contracts really - in writing! You surrender your time, energy and money today and in the future you'll get multi-millions! That is their ever receding promise. They get what is real and now in exchange for empty promises. A con trick in other words, seduced into handing over your wallet.

The "good old times" in BKism, the days in Hyderabad and Karachi, were only possible because of Lekhraj Kirpalani's extra-ordinary wealth and the fact that no one had to go to work or do anything even. Perhaps she is saying they are going to keep becoming richer and richer?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Fight Follower for Luxury Apartment

Post02 Dec 2017

I have over 30 hours of tapes of her classes via this email ... having listened to less than on half hour, it is sickening. Where was my head for these almost 10 years? What was I NOT hearing?

Santosh's entire family were BKs'- she's over 35 years in Gyan as surrendered, but growing up was surrounded by all BKs. After talking all about how her coming to Russia, then came this part ... she says upon meeting BapDada for the first time, she was extremely upset that he spent time talking to the person in front her but when she came in front, he only told her to study and move on. She cried and locked herself in her room for 6 months studying the Murli.

Upon returning in front of BapDada again, he smiled and told her she was now loved and a worthwhile child. She knew that she was not worthy before she understood purity and Godly directions; NOW she was worthy of his love and had to earn it more ...

This now disgusts me; I want to hear more to see what she is spewing to the masses in the US, but I may wait awhile. How did we believe we all had to EARN love? We were not worth anything until understanding this kind of purity (twisted) and Shrimat??? Where is our sense of self-worth? In time, I will listen. I want to clarify and further expel ... a Brother I know well told me "how wonderful her message is; it gives sustenance to us all now that Baba is not coming".

He's a BK for 17 years and now seems like he swallowed the Kool-Aid ... just like I did.

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