My induction, current status and what next?

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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post23 Sep 2017

Thank you Pink Panther...I more fully understand what you said now about "un-finding yourself". I am currently developing something I was told not to focus on as a BK...since we are "spiritual workers and not social workers"....and it feels good. I am also re-discovering a spirituality I thought I had lost. I am only starting to see the BK stuff for what it really is; and it is horrific. All of the beauty I once felt and saw seems now to be forced and all for the wrong reasons why it is all being done. And "Seniors" vs. "juniors"? For almost a decade I fought against all that nonsense..they all keeping me on a higher than average level for all that I could give financially and service;it was even said to me that since my role in drama in the BK world was higher, why wasn't I satisfied? There is no equality/democracy in BK world. You should have seen SR. Mohini's face when I, seated at VIP table, get up and sit with all those serving the VIP's. Thank you Pink Panther for your sharing!


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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post23 Sep 2017

Thanks Pink Panther and ex-I for sharing your experiences.

Pink Panther - Thanks for sharing your journey and about your dreams and their interpretations. I once tried reading a book about the interpretation of dreams and have my own share of vivid good and bad dreams (nightmares), but found it too abstract and heavy-handed to continue reading. Interesting to note, that it was telling you something.

I firmly believe reading a variety of different literature and different viewpoints and perspectives open up your mind.

Well like they say, life a journey where one continues to keep searching, continues to explore.

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Pink Panther

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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post24 Sep 2017

O_Relly wrote: I once tried reading a book about the interpretation of dreams and have my own share of vivid good and bad dreams (nightmares), but found it too abstract and heavy-handed to continue reading.

There’s a lot of stuff out there, and a lot of it is either badly written or complete *******. But there’s good stuff too.

I think those who are good at interpreting dreams come at it from an artistic/cultural level rather than "scientific” (which is really pseudo-science given the subjective and intangible subject matter) or if you prefer, a social science/ anthropological/ mythological level.

For example, if you can watch a film like Tarkovsky’s "The Sacrifice” (one of my all time favourites) and see that it is not about the end of the world but about a man’s mental breakdown, i.e. if you ”get” that specific narratives can point to more general or deeper themes not necessarily related to the scenarios constructed, if you get art, you understand how an artist uses metaphor, symbolism, semiotics, etc then you have the aptitude for understanding dream imagery & narrative.

For easy reading try Robert Johnson’s nice and brief books like ”He: Understanding masculine psychology”, ”She: Understanding feminine psychology” - or a collection of essays ”Man and his Symbols” edited by Carl Jung, and he contributes the main one, with other authors too.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post27 Sep 2017

I was the nerd and karate kid when I entered the world of the BKs. In high school, I was the chemistry/math wiz who did track, participated in elocution contests, and studied Japan Karate Shotokan. I was the nerd who was constantly dealing with advances from girls and ladies, some more senior than me in chronological age. I was always spiritual and have had many shamanistic experiences. The shamanistic experiences became more intense as I was about to matriculate to university. I had already made plans to experience spiritual enlightenment as I progressed in life from a teen to a young adult. My plan included self studies in yogi philosophy, since the library in our home contained an extensive collection of books on Yoga due to one of my elder Brothers who was studying hatha Yoga.

I was fascinated by Raj Yoga both in terms of the spiritual and scientific aspects. I was initially indoctrinated into the BK idea that their school of Raj Yoga was the most superior. I visited Mount Abu just prior to entering medical school and BK Raj Yoga has been great for countering the stresses associated with medical school life.

In India, I felt a bit odd as one of the few pre-med students among my foreign Brothers and Sisters who thought that my pursuit of medical training was crazy. I brushed off any thoughts of crazy Ideas, because I never surrendered trusting my intuition to the BKs. It was the trust of my intuition that became many of the reasons for my exit from the BKs.

By the mid-1980s, I was establishing myself in West Indian society as doctor and walked a fine line as a dissident doctor, BK life, and my personal security. Though I became quite famous in my native country as a healer, the BKs could not understand why at times I needed to remain away from the limelight, including absence from morning classes. Soon there were angry allegations that my absence from the morning classes were motivating other BKs to be absent. When I returned to the US, I was banned from many centers, including those where I had done significant service.

I settled for a while in New York City and enjoyed meditating in Central Park on weekends. I always loved research more than the practice of medicine and accepted an offer for postgraduate studies where I met my soulmate a very spiritual lady.

Meditation is still part of my life as well as the martial arts. Since NYC is one of the superpower cities for fencing, I have been a three weapon fencer for almost 20 decades, training with the foil only for five consecutive years.

Pink you mention the idea of the bifurcation or multi-furcation of one's and returning to the base of the fork after the BK life. I fully returned to my base more than a decade ago due to the influence of my soul mate and have not made any stops of the pathway forward. I enjoy life as a medical scientist, who teaches and conducts pioneering investigations. Spirituality has always the core of my life.

What is next? There will be an increase in medical or health charity by me.
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Pink Panther

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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post27 Sep 2017

GuptaRati wrote: the BKs could not understand why at times I needed to remain away from the lime-light, including absence from morning classes. Soon there were angry allegations that my absence from the morning classes were motivating other BKs to be absent.

its all about them. They want to own you, tell you how to live your life, blame you for whatever they don’t like, resent your independence.

Dadi Janki once told me ”you should feel guilt more” because I tended to only do what i wanted when I wanted e.g me and another guy were chastised for going to see a movie. ”Cinema is the mother of sin” the BKs say - and the self-proclaimed world's #1 soul, Dada Lekhraj a.k.a Brahma Baba, blamed cinema for his wanting to "marry".

Apparently before cinema was invented, the thought never entered anyone’s head!
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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post27 Sep 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I had already made plans to experience spiritual enlightenment as I progressed in life from a teen to a young adul ... I was initially indoctrinated into the BK idea that their school of Raj Yoga was the most superior.

I think we should underline that as a key component of many of our enculturations. It was most certainly mine.

In fact, I would propose that it is precisely what BKism is, a psychic distraction "on the way up the (metaphorical or spiritual) mountain".

In my case, I was about to go to India to "seek the master" and spiritual training, when I came across the name of the Brahma Kumaris in a guide book (Seeking the Master by Muz Murray to be precise, a guide to all the major an dmany of the minor ashrams in India). I only went to the BKs as a sort of preparation for going to India. Like you I was already doing hatha Yoga and tai chi/pa kua and had explored Bhakti and siddhi Yoga and spiritual, and was, ostensibly ... because one must always question one's inner motivations ... very sincere about dedicating myself to "the path" to serve humanity.

The lesson of BK Raja Yoga is, plain and simply, realising that it is not the real, final, or ultimate path. He get hooked and misled and, if not careful, waste our entire life on it.

And that lesson applies equally to Lekhraj Kirpalani too ... I am not sure if he has got it yet!
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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post27 Sep 2017

Although I think it was common in our days, I am not sure it is the same motivation of recent adherents.

I think of Indians, many just go seeking shelter (avoiding life) and an "easy", less demanding, less complex, form of Hindu Bhakti; and, of Westerners ... I am not sure.

Few of them appear to me to be "natural mystics" or philosophical types to me.

Of course, what I must also do is hold up my hands and admit I got caught by the ego trip of being told I was superior or special and exploiting the few tiny mental tricks they teach to sustain that ... of being the instant 'have-all-the-answers' guru they can teach you to be.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: My induction, current status and what next?

Post28 Sep 2017

Pink, after a few weeks or a few years the self-centered nature of BKism show up as a red flag, not Hanuman's jhandi. The red flag then become a warning to the student to proceed with caution and prepare to eject with a highly reliable parachute with the correct colors. For sure, the BKs wish you to land in hell fire, but when you do you just have to suit up with fire protective gear and take back your life.

Ex-I, my lady helped me to get back to the bifurcation point. She took up Zen Buddhism due to my influence and began bringing many books on Taoism and Egyptian mysticism into our home. I had studied some of the books and due to Gyan had given many of them away to friends. Our meetings of minds and intellects were great sources of healing for me.

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