BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post22 Apr 2017

In my opinion, the BKs' whole celibacy thing was just adopted as a front and as a reaction *against* criticisms of the cult in its early days when the founder, Lekhraj Kirpalani, took liberties with the young girls and women.

He lay with them, bathed with them, massaged them (the court record specifically states "breasts") even fed them mouth to mouth like only the closest of lovers do ... and their number 2, Om Radhe, defended this saying that "everything they did was pure because they were with their divine Father, God Brahma".

It was only later than they adopted the strict "no touching" rule and it was the court, not Lekhraj Kirpalani, who separated male and female accomodation.

Since then, I just think that most of their behaviour is just a conformity to Indian religious expectation. Around the 1950s, when they "revealed" their new god Shiva, they had run out of money to survive. All Lekhraj Kirpalani's wealth was used up, as were other families, even compensation taken from the British government. Lekhraj Kirpalani's had a private non-BK donor but I suspect that source dried up too.

At that point they had to start going out into the world, in essense, to beg for money ... to bring money back to Mount Abu firstly from Sindhi families they had known in Hyderabad and Karachi, then from innocent Hindus.

For me, it's a simple matter.

They wanted to make money from looking religious and performing a religious function for society, so they copied the real world Brahmins and borrowed from real world religions making up their own.
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Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

Post22 Apr 2017

trueyogi wrote:I also live in Gurgaon.


Thank you for your contribution.

Can you find out more about her family and husband locally?

We find it strange why she marriage and joined a celibate cult at the same time.

Other young Brahma Kumaris are not allow to marry and live with a man.

Thank you.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post23 Apr 2017

Celibacy and/or Brahmacharya have their place for making the spiritual journey. Observing Brahmacharya becomes important in many aspect of the spiritual life, including the controlled awakening of the kundali shakti. Bhamacharya was extremely helpful to me during my time as a medical student and other phases of training to be a doctor.


sometimes the BKs use marriage to protect one or both members of the couple so that both can do service. It is similar to the royal marriages, where a prince from one state is married to the queen or princess from another state to enhance the influence of one kingdom by another. It is also done in business.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post23 Apr 2017

Very, very, very rarely ... why would they need to in this case if the woman's parents were also BKs?

We need more info.


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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post24 Apr 2017

Absolutely true @ fearless.soul.

They relate anger with everything. They are preaching

a) if you adopt celebacy - no anger
b) if you do not go to hang around, parties, no socials, or even go to family functions - no anger

If a person is not interacting with anybody, including her husband - then where is the point of facing any situations or being angry?

These BKs internally are so angry and ashant and that if somebody tell him anything - they become so angry and after that we will not go anywhere. We only follow BKs.

They are creating a seperate religion and because of that many husbands in the age of 35 to 50 (who do not want divorce because of children) are depressed, frustrated, in pain and sadness.

But I know there is no solution just to write few blogs like that so that at least whosoever (other than myself) should be saved.

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post24 Apr 2017

Respected Guptarati,
"Bhamacharya was extremely helpful to me during my time as a medical student and other phases of training to be a doctor."

... Celibacy is not a course of experiment to person's convenience. It is a decision/choice of person after thinking very deeply about all the aspects. It should not affect adversely any person of family or life partner.

Brahma Kumaris are not giving every aspect of celibacy awareness to their followers, which is being dangerous for normal society/families.

The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post24 Apr 2017

You are correct Fearless.soul.

For me, Brahmacharya was helpful when I started on the spiritual path. As you pointed out those desiring to make it a part of their lives must give it careful attention.

There are humanistic approaches to practicing bramacharya; the BKs have no official protocols for implementing the humanistic approaches.


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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post04 May 2017

I have from the others Sisters who knew Shivani personally that her parents were in BKism since she was a kid. Her mother and maternal grandmother did try to push her into it but she was not interested. Though on the days that she came to the centre like good "brain washed" drones, she brought along a notebook and a pen, and sat in the front row. But nobody speaks about how she got waylaid during her college days ... !

But from watching her personal interviews meant for BKs, I have felt she got attracted to parties, fashion ... Probably Vishal is her boyfriend from college days. Neither of them are from Pune, so they were both away from the scrutiny of the parents for the first time in their lives.

What happened next, as per the Sisters I know, is that her Father passed away and her mother came under family pressure from in-laws to get Shivani married. Therefore she got married. She had come to serve in Madhuban where she faced a lot of hardships and finally left. She then continued the same service (related to computers ... I think editing, I am not sure) for PMTV at Delhi.

She became a speaker accidentally when one guest at a talk show did not turn up and she had to fill in. Since her husband and in-laws are not in BKism she was initially under lot of criticism. Her mother-in-law still objects to her wearing a white sari (for Hindus, it symbolizes being widowed) so when she is at home she wears coloured salwaar-kameez to have peace in the house (her own words).

Personally, I think she is not a virgin ... She restarted her commitment to the BK disciplines when she became famous on TV. Another Sister remarked that when she came for her first public programme her long hair was open as if she was going to a party. When she saw a hall full of white-clad BKs who had their hair oiled and tied back, she went to the bedroom to tie her hair to appear like a "Didi" ...

Of course, question sessions are not included in any of programme with non-BKs ... Typical BK hypocrisy!
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post04 May 2017

... Therefore she became celibate because of having to play the part of a BK Sister on the stage for the BKs?

Perhaps she was seduced not just by the husband but also by the camera and lights?

Sounds like she's was confused, then became a fake, and is now having to live a lie in order to keep up the facade. Sounds like a recipe for a disaster.

Does she live with her in-laws?

sandoc kumar

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post04 May 2017

Sister Shivani No doubt got her name and fame through the BK platform. She must be under obligation and compulsion to speak out in favour of Bkism.

She is intelligent enough to understand the real motives of BKs. She, herself, may never believe in many things which she has spoken for the BKs. Everyone who fell for the BK 'trap and stay' trapped would be doing a similar thing.

All ex-BKs on the forum have also gone through the same situation at some stage of their Bkism. The BIG DAY would be when Sister Shivani has enough courage to reject BKism totally.

She can be a good 'Spiritual and Art of LIving' teacher, otherwise also.

Experiences of human Life, ups and downs, will make her see the light someday.

God Bless you, Little Sister

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