BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

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sandoc kumar

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BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post15 Mar 2017

With 3 generations of BKs making it to the Subtle Region, the situation there is fast growing out of hand. It is getting overcrowded and congested like the present day worldly society.

Brahma bap is fast losing his control. Now everyone is angelic and has equal deity powers and qualities, and none is showing any respect to the seniority of Brahma bap.

Jagdish Chander has stopped writing Avaykt Murlis. Because of it, Brahma Bap has to struggle with words in the present day BapDada milans.

Every angel is in the karmateet state so cannot themselves do any work or a fresh karmic account will be created, so all are just there sitting idle and dreaming for the luxuries of Satayug. Decades, and not just years, the wait is getting increasingly longer. Their patience is being over-taxed.

The situation on the ground is such that even 100 pure souls are not ready leave aside 9 lakhs.

Lying and Begging are at its Peak.

At the present speed of soul conversion, Brahma Bap and his Advance Party would be spending the entire cycle of 5000 years in the Subtle Region.

Brahma Bap un-nesscessarily laid his Hopes on 9 lakh discharged batteries. He and Mama should have started the Satyug by now and destroyed the present world.

Now Brahma Bap has no options as he has already committed.

Hopes of Brahma Bap are to End like this. It is the saddest thought of all times.

Tum Maat-Pita Hum Balak Tere, Har Har Brahma
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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post15 Mar 2017

Good post. Very funny. Can someone do the mathematics and work out how many it is? I'd guess the problem is more that not enough BKs have died, to reincarnate, in order to become the parents of baby Krishnas and Radhes. Surely 900,000 deities (at the start of the Golden Age) will require 1,800,000 parents. There are not a 1,800,000 BKs, never mind dead and re-born ones.

Of course, the BKs can just make up something else to patch the failure ... like "souls have taken rebirth in the Advance Party", or even "souls have taken rebirth in the Advance Party *AND* are still in the Subtle Region at the same time too!"

Om Radhe died aged 49 in 1965. At one point, I think she was predicted to give birth to Lekhraj Kirpalani/Krishna. Only she was "pure" enough.

But she would be 52 years old by now. Perhaps it is by artificial insemination and hormones rather than the "power of Yoga".

The BKs predictions regarding deities being born in Kali Yuga in time to rule in Sat Yuga are all screwed too.

Only 19 years until the start of the Golden Age in 2036 ... where are all the Golden Age babies?

I suppose they'll be saying "Baba did not give a specific number of years for the Confluence Age" soon, just like they for Destruction.

Actually, their Baba said Confluence would be 12 years, then 40, then 100 ... what they are saying now?

Oh, "Transformation will take as long as it takes, or as long as YOU take to perfect yourself", as in its OUR fault the Golden Age has not started. I remember hearing the "We want to stay in the Confluence Age with Baba for as long as possible" line.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post16 Mar 2017

Surely 900,000 deities (at the start of the Golden Age) will require 1,800,000 parents. There are not a 1,800,000 BKs, never mind dead and re-born ones.

Now you are giving them new explanations as to why it's still all ”a few years” away.

NB, for those not familiar with the arcane aspects of the BK teaching - it is taught that every ”deity” born into the Golden Age is not born from sexual intercourse, they are born partheno-genically (a la baby Jesus), and that there are 900,000 deities at the beginning of the ”Golden Age”. And their teachings say it still takes two parents, male and female - hence 1,800,000 parents (unless there’s more than one mother for each Father). And the ”intercourse” is ocular - through the eyes - with ”Yoga power".

Talk about "bedroom eyes"!

sandoc kumar

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Re: Human Reproduction

Post26 Mar 2017

Love is a virtue of soul consciousness and soul to soul contact.

Lust is a vice of body consciousness.

Procreation in humans from ancient times has been under the influence of either or both.

The mere physical act of reproduction is only skin deep and it is the love or lust behind it which makes it pure or Impure. Brahma bap's children, with their limited thinking, can only see lust behind reproduction, so they are looking for new alternative imaginary ways, which are possible only in dreams.

18 lakh BKs have to reproduce 9 lakh satyugi offsprings in Sangam Yug through thought power only. How many BKs until this date have developed this level of thoughts?

The human body is physical and it runs on certain physical principles. Physical acts will continue as long as there is a Physical body.

Brahma bap's children are fooling themselves more than anyone else.

Brahma Bap, Good Evening.

-- Your long lost child.
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Re: Human Reproduction

Post26 Mar 2017

sandoc Kumar wrote:The mere physical act of reproduction is only skin deep and it is the love or lust behind it which makes it pure or Impure. Brahma bap's children, with their limited thinking, can only see lust behind reproduction, so they are looking for new alternative imaginary ways, which are possible only in dreams.

18 lakh BKs have to reproduce 9 lakh satyugi offsprings in Sangam Yug through thought power only. How many BKs until this date have developed this level of thoughts?

You raise good and pertinent ideas, as usual.

As ever, BKism boils down to a "magic wand" effect.

How many BKs until this date have developed the ability of procreation ... making babies ... via the power of thoughts?

(Thankfully none otherwise the world would be overpopulated by pregnant BK Sisters ... and how would take responsibility for thinking them into existence, feeding and caring for them!?!).

The only answer for "when?" the BKs really have is ... "by Baba's magic wand it will all come into being". They have no clue, only blind faith against all evidence of it happening.

If we remember the stories the stories they told of Lekhraj Kirpalani, we remember that they say "he only imagined getting married because he saw some movie of someone falling in love and getting married" ... and, by his response to the experience was to call the cinema ... movie ... the Gateway to Hell.

What does that say to you about his experience of marriage?

He conceived for them to believe of procreation or even making love as the "sword" or "poision of lust".

What does that say to you about his experience of making love?

And what about the *existence*, never mind experience, of his poor wife?

It seems the reality was hell for Lekhraj Kirpalani but that he continued to believe is a magic dream version ... and filled the young girls whose love, company and closeness he enjoyed heads full of his delusion.

How would a psychoanalysist see this?
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Mr Green


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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post27 Mar 2017

We need a Brexit for the Subtle Regions.
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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post27 Mar 2017

Mr Green wrote:We need a Brexit for the Subtle Regions.

You are right ... "It's the bl**dy Double Foreigners coming in, stealing our positions in the rosary, and trying to reproduce by the power of thought with our Radhes".

We need a "Bharat for the Bharatwassis" only campaign!

Go start your own End of the World cult!
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Mr Green


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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post27 Mar 2017

ex-l wrote:You are right ... "It's the bl**dy Double Foreigners coming in, stealing our positions in the rosary, and trying to reproduce by the power of thought with our Radhes".

We need a "Bharat for the Bharatwassis" only campaign!

Go start your own End of the World cult!

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post28 Mar 2017

ex-l wrote:We need a "Bharat for the Bharatwassis" only campaign!

The joke is, BKism is, basically, a "Bharat for the Bharatwassis" faith.

Recently their god spirit was saying that "spirituality belongs to Indians and not westeners". "Indians are said to be of highest, and westerners of a low clan!"

How confusing for Indians born overseas.

sandoc kumar

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Re: BK News:Fresh Visit to Subtle Regions

Post22 Apr 2017

After the Cancelled BapDada Milan, the scenario in Subtle Regions was very painful.

Brahma Bap clad in a lungi and banyan was siitting on a self-made throne of mud and stones, instead of jewels and was surrounded by Advance Party BKs in a pensive mood. The Long wait for Sat Yug was getting far too much. Brahma Bap looked very dejected and betrayed, and sad old songs of Kundanlal Saigal were being played in the Background. Suraj Bhai decided to make a visit and tried to cheer up the gathering.

He offered charging of water before drinking as a solution.

Someone from the crowd threw a bucket of charged water at him, mentioning that it will benefit him. Then he offered 108 writings of "I am a Master almighty" and day dreaming 12 hours a day. Immediately after an Old Slipper landed on his head and he left in a hurry.

Suddenly Karuna Bhai appeared from nowhere and laid down prone on Brahma Baps feet requesting him to name the number two Angel. When Bap named, Dadi Prakashmani, Karuna bit Baba on his feet with her teeth.

An announcement for empty post of director for the Peace of Mind channel was made and Karuna ran to grab it. Doctor Satish Gupta was called in for Medical help for wound care.

First half hour, he gave a lecture on Human Hormonal Orchestra and Brain Waves. Then he preached that whatever happened until that date, whatever is happening, and whatever will happen all was for good. Someone from Advance Party lost his cool and ran with an axe after him. The doctor fled the scene.

Then Brahma bap looked at me and uttered some abusive words. I later discovered that he was only reading from the daily Murli. It was my ignorance.

The atmosphere continued to deteriorate and many BKs started crying loudly.

Unable to bear more, I also returned and woke up from my dream.

From foolish bother of a wonderful lovely little Sister.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post23 Apr 2017

Then he preached that whatever happened until that date, whatever is happening, and whatever will happen all was for good. Someone from Advance Party lost his cool and ran with an axe after him.

Ha Ha Ha.

sandoc kumar

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post01 May 2017

9 lakh BKs have to collect in the Subtle Regions as Advance Party. They will only then re-incarnate to start the Satayug.

More and more BKs have to die to make it to the Subtle Regions, as Angels. The BKs must accept this simple theory.

Instead of desiring the death of 700 crore non-Bks, they should desire for the early demise of all the BKs. Only then would the figure of 9 lakh be attained in the Subtle Regions.

Each BK should meditate with the hope of death of his fellow BKs henceforth.

To fulfill the wishes of Brahma Bap who has already waited for 48 years, BKs should sacrifice their present human bodies, and go to Subtle Regions, without wasting more time. After all human bodies are like dresses, the roul will get its Rewards in due time.

For Bap, by Bap, of Bap.
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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post01 May 2017

Yes ... and they should pray to suffer as much as they can in death so as to clear off their bad karma!!

The bad karma they could not clear off in life because their Yoga does not.

Cancer ... heart attacks ... road accidents ... even gang rape and murder like BK Dawn Griggs on her way to Mount Abu with lots of money for the BKs. Die young ... die old ... but best not die in a way the BKs have to pay for their unkeep as they get old.

Pray to die quick or leave it to the lokik families, who they left behind, to pay for the hospitals and nurses and look after them as they had no children and invested in no pension because Destruction was going to happen before they got old.

But make sure to leave all their money and property to the BKs too ... to earn more jewels and a high status in the Golden Age!

There's the truth of BKism.

sandoc kumar

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post02 May 2017

To get a very high position in satayug society, a BK must settle his past karmic accounts, as fast as possible.

Out of the two ways to achieve this, the Yoga way is comfortable but then has no parameters to know the fulfillments. The other surest way is through sufferings. These are a guranteed success as you can yourself judge your progress from the degree of the sufferings.

Each BK should reach out to ways of physical and mental torture. They can stab themselves with sharp knife, burn with fire, undergo surgeries without anaesthesia, jump from heights and break bones etc. etc.

For mental torture they can try to find intellectual interpretations of the confused utterances of the demented Dadi.

In this manner, they will have the right level of sufferings and all past accounts neutralized. Ultimately they should choose a very painful death and then go to the Subtle Regions in karmateet state.

Brahma Bap is eagerly waiting to welcome his children with open arms, his near and dear ones who will help him to start the Satayug.

BKs should fulfill the wishes of Brahma Bap and renounce their physical bodies immediately, for the greater cause.

A BK Well Wisher.


exiting BK

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Re: BK News: Overcrowding Problem in the Subtle Regions

Post03 May 2017

Jesus remembering father.jpg

Don't forget that the religion founder souls too get to know the real GOD. Give them some time.

But, yes, the end is near ... you should continue giving your free labour, money, gold etc to Yagya.

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