Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

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Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post01 Jun 2010

Hi! I am Sveta, 29. I live in Moscow, Russia. I am very happy to find a community of those who left BKWSU. Unfortunately, all women in my family: my Sister, mom, aunt and granny were involved into the "knowledge" and "service" of BKWSU. My Sister underwent a 7 Day Course and left, my aunt was a BK for 1.5 years, my granny - about a year, but my mom is still a BK since 1998. As for me, it took me about 5 years to understand that I was involved in an unfair spiritual business.

Now I am trying to recover myself and find a way to wake up my mom.

I would be grateful for your comments and I would be glad to know how you left and what helped you to recover.

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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post02 Jun 2010

X-kumari wrote:Unfortunately, all women in my family: my Sister, mom, aunt and granny were involved into the "knowledge" and "service" of BKWSU.

Wow ... I am so sorry but I am happy to hear you have freed yourself.

I think it is true to say all ex-BKs had good thoughts about the BKWSU for a long time ... even longer than the actually evidence suggested to us when we were in ... and it takes some time for the rose-tinted glasses to fall off from our face. Even once they do, we often struggled on trying to prop up and patch back together our fantasy version until eventually the effort becomes too much. For a long time it can be like being in a love affair that you do not want to admit is finished and over.

For me, what finally finished all my doubts was discovering all the covered up history from the 1930s and 40s which we show and discuss on this website and I suggest you start by reading some of that and sharing it with your family.

We discovered that there was no God Shiva until after 1950 ... that Destruction was to have happened in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s but that they had hidden all the failures and covered it all up. Then I discovered about the business people using the BKWSU and The Knowledge to establish business networks and earn money and how the leadership allowed them to do so. Then I discovered all the serious abuses, like:

    the many suicides,
    the cover up of the child sex abuse,
    the financial and immigration scandals,
    how the BKWSU members were being used to beat up the PBK members.
And at that point ... NO ONE ON EARTH ... could really believe it was "GOD" ... or even GOOD ... that was running the BKWSU.

Excuse me if I speak really strongly here to you. I want to say something very controversial here which needs to be qualified.

Most of all I realised that I was stupid or naive to what Sindis and Gujeratis, were like. By that, obviously, I do not mean ALL Sindis or ALL Gujeratis ... I mean the sort of religious fraudsters and religious business makers that the BKWSU is run by. People who can say one thing and do another, believing entirely unproven and contradicting theories all at the same time. And the fool Whites who copy them.

On the surface, they can appear very weak or sweet but, I feel, that underneath they are actually very ruthless. Their culture is very different. I do not care what anyone else says but for them, running the religion as a business to make money and feed them is the only thing they can do. I now take a very rationalist point of view on it. All the pomp, all the talk, all the show is just a front ... behind it is the business. Bringing in the money. To which they are VERY QUICK and HAPPY to make compromises to the principles.

I am speaking mainly of the leadership, not the followers who do not know all of this. I just wish they found some more positive to do with their lives.

I thought good of the people. I loved India, I loved Indian culture, I loved Yoga ... but I did not know what these Indian were really like. All I saw was a "museum grade" or Hollywood version of the best of it. I trusted them and I made myself open to them ... and then I found out they were just stinking, manipulative frauds, Dadi Janki downwards. In fact, Dadi Janki - their bag woman (VIP fund raiser) - is probably the worst of them. And if they think SHE is the best of them ... "One of the 8 Top Souls in the World, twice as spiritual as Buddha or Christ" ... then their world is insane and upside down. We were conned by a consummate con-woman ... an individual who knows basically all of the real history, and most of the dirt, and keeps it hidden.

What more can you say about a woman who claims never to have lied or always to have been honest ... and then we discover what we have.

One question please, were you in the BKWSU when the court case happened over the center in Moscow? When the rich donator woke up and asked for it back? Can you tell us more about that?
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post04 Jun 2010

Welcome Sveta,

I am sorry that so many women in your family were involved with the BK but also happy to hear you have freed yourself.

For me, it was Father Time that eventually opened my eyes. I saw that my life was passing me by and what I truly wanted out of life was not happening at all. I felt trapped and incapable to control my own life. Mostly, I felt depressed and at times not myself at all. I was so confused that I couldn't even make sense of the contradictions in my head. My gut kept telling me that the BK was a huge lie and just stank of hypocrisy but knowing it wasn't enough to pull me out. I had to DO something about it which I did. I completely stopped all activities and relationships with the BK and started doing some healing work.

I started to feel better, clearer and myself again. That's when I knew that the problem was the BK. I flushed all the false information out of my head and listened to my body. I needed to change my diet as I was feeling very weak which did not help my mind in any way. Slowly but surely my life became mine again. Things started going right instead of wrong. The people that came into my life were kind souls minus the BK agenda.

Life is normal again and I feel really healthy in every way: mind, body and soul. But leaving the horrid BK cult was not easy and the difficulty in doing so made me waste many years of my life. I can honestly say that I despise this group and cannot wait for the truth to come out internationally in order to bring the whole nasty organisation down.

Wishing you and your family the best,
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post01 Jul 2010

One question please, were you in the BKWSU when the court case happened over the center in Moscow? When the rich donator woke up and asked for it back? Can you tell us more about that?

There were many cases in Russia, especially in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. Unfotunately, I did not understand about which case exactly you are asking.

I know about a celebrated case in St. Peterburg, where a young man donated his flat, the only property he had, to Didi Santosh, the head of BKWSU center. When he left BKWSU he had no place to live. But his flat had been already sold and Didi Santosh said that she had invested the money into a new building for a BKWSU center.

As I heard, the young man did not get his property back, as BKWSU enlisted to support of high-ranking officials (everyone knew that Sobchak, ex-mayor of St. Petersburg, had very friendly relationship with Didi Santosh).
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post02 Jul 2010

If you have time to spare, please let us know what has been going on out there.

My feeling is that the BKWSU leaders in the West, Janki and Jayanti Kripalani, keep different countries fairly compartmentalized and that such events are hidden from other languages.

In the early phases of expansion, the Brahma Kumaris appear to take lots of moral, ethical or legal risks and are able to get away with it because they are "flying under the radar of the authorities, only have a few adherents and those adherents, or ex-adherents, are very weak against combined forces of the BKWSU.


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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post18 Mar 2017

BK Jenna abused with her powers energetic energies. Sister Kala also. I have no idea why, she now has hold of the entirety of me and turning my body into a Brahma Kumari/instrument like a body free of karmas. She is abusing me as well with energy.

I don't go to center. She is doing this non-physical plane abuse for three years. Help me to know how I can get freedom from her abuse. Like I said, I don't go to center. (This person who wrote about hidden abuses; they have abused me also).

Why do they abuse? Why are they after me? I have no clue. I am inclined to think a Demon is the source of this knowledge. Well, the Demon has very little time; he is tricking the world by taking disguise of light.
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post19 Mar 2017

There are may be four things you can do, perhaps should do, to remove any doubt or possibility.

The first is the hardest and it sounds as if it is impossible for you.

Just stop. Just stop thinking about them. Just decide to stop allowing them to do whatever they are doing. Just deny them their influence and carry on your life.

I understand after a period of BK influence and indoctrination that is very hard to do.

It sounds like you believe you cannot. Start to believe you can and are doing so ... and just accept the feelings and emotions you are having are your own.

Without wishing to cause offence to you, the next two equal avenues are;
    a) Find a safe, reliable spiritualist healer or psychic and have yourself a "Psychic Health Test" to see if you really are spooked, or not, or whether you are imagining it

    b) Find a trustworthy, reliable psychiatrist/psycho-therapist/neurologist ... and have yourself a psychiatric "Mental Health Test" to see if you are suffering from some kind of mental illness caused by nerves or past traumas and stresses, or not, or whether you are imagining it.

    There are many good drug treatments these days that will "repel the demons".
The answer might also be both, one causing the other. Try and get a second opinion from both.

The last avenue I can think of is doing all the opposite things to what the BK spooks would want you to do to make yourself unattractive to them, and to disempower the BKs' power over your mind. Make the BKs want to not want you in whatever way you can think of.

Keep yourself busy on practical projects, "grounded" doing real things connected to the earth or physical activities, eat and rest well.

Have you been able to make normal friends since leaving the BKs? How are your relationships with your family?

I take the BKs beliefs in "psychic" and "spooky" influences seriously but mostly believe they are just self-sustaining ideas the BKs plant in our minds.

All of my recent research into BKism leads me to believe it is rooted in mental illness, starting with Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental illness that he shared and involved the old Dadis in. In my currently opinion, BKism has since developed as a sort of contagious mental illness, albeit a "highly functional" mental illness (one that allow people to function for the most part).

It also seems to attract people who are prone to mental illness or at a stage in their life when they are or have recently experienced some kind of mental illness. It attracts them by offering a seemingly peaceful, unchallenging space and a "story" by which they can turn their collapse or failure into some kind of success ... e.g. how losing everything led to them "finding God!".

Of course it's a delusion and a dangerous delusion as it encourages them *not* to seek the kind of professional (non-BK) help that might actually *really* help them, and turns them into mindless robots or slaves for the Kirpalani Klan and their "Demon King".

How and why did you first become involved in the BKs?

Were you banned from the centres?
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post19 Mar 2017

I fully agree with ex-l’s suggestions.

What is called ”mental affliction” by one person can be called a ”demon” by another, and both are describing what they see in their own words.

Please take the suggestions ex-l put forward and do them practically.

Use physical work and play to fill your time and avoid mental pursuits for a while - whether it be chess or reading or discussions. Instead do sport, handicrafts, clean the garden, go for lengthy walks, breathe deeply, do vigorous Yoga exercises. Spend time with family or people with whom you feel comfortable without the need to ”chat” or who also liek doing physical things.

And again, for a while - a long while, until it passes - avoid meditation, especially any that seek to replace the sense awareness of body and present place & time, instead ask you to focus on ‘spiritual” things - these are the door for mental afflictions. Feel the earth beneath your feet, taste your food with full attention, see the detail in things around you, listen to the sounds of the world, smell the flowers of life and don't worry about afterlife or spiritual life. They are results of living well here and now.

Even affirmations are back doors - to feel a need to say to yourself ” I am safe” is to invite the unconscious thought and plant the seed that there is a threat, which brings its emotion of disquiet to life later.

Even the internet is abstract even this forum is not ‘physical'. Take care of yourself and seek face to face support as advised by ex-l.
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Re: Hi! I am a newcomer from Russia

Post19 Mar 2017

Something else to ask is if it is really the BK Sister effecting you, or her "mental imprint", her recording *inside* your head which, like a tape recording, is still playing.

In the same way as your parents imprinted you when you were a child. Her "recording" may be playing on top of an earlier recording. A good counsellor or therapist might be able to help you recognise patterns.

Not all our problems were caused by the BKs, they just encourage us to ignore the older ones and exploit them, often making them much worse ... confusing them further with *their* problems.

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