Who or what is the BK god spirit?

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Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post11 Feb 2017

Who or what is the BK god spirit?

From another topic ...
human being wrote:As far as BK god spirit is concerned, I usually avoid discussing it for a variety of reasons. Also, I usually don't like to theorize and prefer to speak about things about which I am certain to some extent. I have some strong ideas about it but I don't think this is the right place to discuss it. Also, it deserves a separate thread of its own. But one thing about which I am positively sure is that it was NOT Dada Lekhraj and is something different though it 'dissolved' him into it psychically speaking.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017

I have had no major and minor problems with Baap-Dada. It is a spiritual entity that has to be given its due respect.

Many times I see and think of the energy providing power to the BKs and other souls as God.

All of my life I have been spiritual, i.e. interacting with spiritual energies, even and especially when I am deep into scientific investigations or healing. Highly advanced spiritual seekers sense in me that I am in tune with God. I have many great memories of my interactions with Baap, especially during my studies through my undergraduate years, in medical school, and during my post graduate medical training.

It has been quite magical, but the book I am about to publish about my 40 plus years of interacting with the spirit energy regarded as Baap-Dada will be a fictional autobiography.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017

The BK god spirit is the Donald Trump of gods & spirits.
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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Many times I see and think of the energy providing power to the BKs and other souls as God.

Therefore, you see BapDada not 'as God' but as channelling "god energy"?

Or, say, BapDada as an elevated Lekhraj Kirpalani, channeling "god energy"?

How do both of you, you gupta and the original poster, conceive of God or god energy now ... differently from how Lekhraj Kirpalani saw it?

I wonder if Lekhraj Kirpalani has changed his mind about what he was channelling again by now?
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human being

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017

Before writing my views on this topic I will have to explain to the readers my understanding of spirituality so that they could know the background I am coming from. It will take sometime but I will try my best. The only request I will make is to people who like circumloquacious arguments and try to reduce all discussions to juvenile hair-splitting of others arguments. (I know you will expect me to follow similar behaviour as well and I assure you that I will try my best). It's okay if you think that all spirituality is some sort of grand delusion and try to explain everything from a psychological/materialistic point of view. But, before I begin I will request you to be patient as it will need some special effort on my side. And I want you to not get into etymological aspect of my writings and try to through quotes on me. I want you to be in sync with my perspective and try to see the point which I am trying to make. Since we come from different backgrounds this is going to be real tough.

Also, since the very topic is about spirit I expect that those involved in discussion will at least not question some basic assumptions like whether such a thing is even in existence and is not some kind of hypnotic trick.

Finally, I want my posts to be in continuation so I would request others to pause posting on this thread as it will take some time for me to finish it. I have read a few heart touching posts here about how people who were afraid about leaving found help and courage on this forum. Those kind of people are the only reason why I am here. I am a direct person so if I want to address a particular person here I will address my post to them like to pink or to ex-l. But if I am not doing so take my words as being addressed to a random guest who is totally confused about his/her conditions and is struggling to find clarity and courage. Even if one person gets benefitted my efforts will be worth while. If my writings hurt some of you my apologies in advance.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017

“If you wish to converse with me, define your terms."

- Voltaire

All I'd request is that where words have very subjective and variable meanings, especially intangibles, you please take the time define what you mean by that term, e.g. spirit, spirituality.

If we don't even know what you mean by what you say, we may mistake your meaning for something other than what you intended. And any replies using those terms will be mistaken in turn. We’ll be talking at cross purposes.

Once we get "where you are coming from” then we can read it with that in mind.
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human being

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post14 Feb 2017


I, like many other middle-class Indian families, was born in a non-practising Hindu family where the parents were neither aware nor interested in any kind of spirituality, and neither was I. This phenomenon is the most common among urban Indian middle class and the primary focus was on education, and getting a good performance in my academics and extra curriculars which I did with ease. I was always at the top of whatever I did, be it academics or sports, had a very fulfilling and healthy childhood. Perhaps one of the best one could hope for. Parents may not be very spiritual but are good natured, do good, as karma comes back type as most Hindus of 60-70s era are.

Things were awesome till I was 14 and then suddenly (within 1 week) one day my world collapsed. What happened is not much concern to the topic of this thread but, retrospectively, I would say that what people loosely call 'black magic' in East as well as in West was the cause. I underwent huge transformation and though things remained normal from the outside perspective and my parents, being materialistic, never bothered much about my condition as I was still one of the (if not the best anymore) in my school as well as my locality but, internally, I was in hell.

From a positive extremely friendly kind of guy I became an angry, negative, distant and argumentative brat. Internally all I could feel was that I was somehow 'cut-off' from my body (this may be a bit hard to digest for some). I was unable to feel any emotion except a deep anger and an ever growing depression about which neither my family nor I ever had a clue. However, despite all this, I somehow achieved what the BKs have loosely borrowed from the hindu-buddhist faith, the state of a 'sakshi drashta'.

All I could do was observe continuously my constant mental/emotional/psychological deterioration. Whether awake or asleep, a part of me was however detached and coolly observing everything. But since I was spiritually illiterate at that time (hell, I never even knew about the existence of this word and I was barely 14 at this age), I never realised what was happening with me, except for the fact that I could see that life was going downhill very fast and I just withdrew in a shell as teenagers do, mostly at that age whenever they feel sad and lonely.

Since, I had lost all my emotions, suddenly I started faking it (yep ... I have firsthand experience of sociopathic tendencies). Also, one thing that I have not shared is that I was known in my school for my exceptional memory and concentration. I could read a book and repeat it word perfect with little difficulty. Even to this day, the essays I wrote on hibernation of animals I remember!;). However, once this negative phase in my life started, I started losing all my concentration. I could not read simple lines, could not remember tables, constantly my mind would be running in different directions, I would find impossible to even listen to simple instructions in class as my brain just lost its focusing power, totally. Still, I got 90%+ marks in my high school and was one of the best students many teachers had taught in their entire careers (using their first hand words).

Slowly and steadly conditions became worse still. I started forgetting the route to my home, I would secretly pray (without knowing to whom I was doing it) for giving me death. But I never indulged in any kind of boozing, drugs etc as the entire atmosphere in my house and friend circle was never like that. Things became unbearable and, finally, when I was in 12th standard, I tried to commit suicide. This totally alarmed my parents and they started my treatment of bipolar (which was 5-6 years old by then). Drugs subdued my suffering a bit but since I was already at near-zero-emotions level they never made much difference. My Father got transferred to a new city by then I was a lost case. I used to curse GOD all the time in my heart.

As happens commonly in India, when such things happen with someone, people suggest along with medical treatment people they know who deal with 'supernatural influences'. I was living in a particular locality and one such neighbour suggested to my mother to take me to a man who was considered spiritually advanced (don't confuse with tantrik, he was a 'bhakt', a different category altogether). Parents by then were desperate to find solace in anything and my Father, despite his cynicism, took me there.

Now, enough negativity on this post by me. However, it was necessary as you will see in my later posts how these horrible experiences later helped me understanding about 'spirits/ghosts' etc. Only positives from next post as I transformed totally about which I will tell you shortly. Now, I can understand if you do not believe me when I say 'black magic' or 'spirit' as I have basically skipped all the details and wrote a summary here, and that too hurriedly, but don't be a fool and disbelieve me, especially before I have barely begun.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post15 Feb 2017

Hello Ex-I, for me God is still incorporeal. It, He, or She has always been incorporeal and can hear and responds to requests made by souls in this dimension in which we exist with our physical bodies. I still see God and souls as pin points of lights. I have an abundance of visions of pinpoints lights, which are not optical effects.

I see God as the Great Spirit who is participating in world transformation and the BKs are one of the agents of the transformation. I also see God as the Supreme Spirit who loves impure and pure humans, and those in the middle of the extremes. I have always maintained that the BKs do not have a monopoly on the Supreme nor are they his chosen people.

Pink, I would not smear your opinion. I have always had great interactions with Baap-Dada and will give the spirit it due respect and express gratitude to it for all it has done for me personally. I was a dissident BK and many BK mortals did not tolerate my dissidence. Now I find that my dissidence is part of the BK way of living.

sandoc kumar

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post15 Feb 2017

I agree to your views on God and had similar experiences.

I also feel that God is far beyond the limits of any organisation including BK.

Whether BK or Non BK ,my love for God and quality of meditation remains at the same elevated level.
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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post15 Feb 2017

Not wishing to interrupt Human Being's worthy contribution ... but can both of you clarify the simple question for me, do you think the BKs' god spirit is "the" one and only God? For example, is the "Bap" element of BapDada really the one and only god of all?

We know now that for at least the first 20 years, Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Om Mandli were deeply confused about this, did not recognise another spiritual agent/personal god working through him, and it took until around 1956 - not 1936 - until he or they ideologised an entirely different and separate being in the same image as a human soul.

Did he, and do they, remain confused about it; its nature and purpose, e.g. are still projecting their own limited psychology onto it?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post15 Feb 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Pink, I would not smear your opinion. I have always had great interactions with Baap-Dada and will give the spirit it due respect and express gratitude to it for all it has done for me personally.

I, too, had many interactions which, by the BK standards I held at the time, were great interactions. I think Gupta you and I met back in those days.

However, none of this means the god you have faith in and to whom you attribute the experiences and benefits you’ve felt is one and the same necessarily as the BK ‘god-spirit’.

Consider that if your actual ”benefactor” god, the one you feel has looked out for you, is a silent benefactor not just to you and to all "the pure, impure and all in between” - (terms I find objectionably judgemental) - but that ‘his’ benefaction also goes out to all, regardless of the religion, cult, guru, god-man, god-spirit, materialist or theistic philosophy they follow.

Each of these will experience the good in their life as confirmation that their principles, philosophies, conceived beliefs (and objects of belief) do indeed work for them - theistic or not.

It's a little like Dickens’ "Great Expectations” where the protagonist, Pip, has an anonymous benefactor and he develops a belief it is someone other than the person it is.

My comments to say the BK God-spirit is the Donald Trump of god-spirits is because there are many parallels. I will have to come back to elaborate those parallels. The working day beckons.
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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post15 Feb 2017

Some say it's Satan.

Let's face it, we were mesmerised by something. I never bought the BapDada thing but I looked in those eyes whilst it was all going on and it was like looking into a deep black hole, like a dinosaurs eye, cold but unfathomable.

Freaky weird stuff, all that drishti ... remember the walkaround, he'd get up inside Gulzar and walk about and wave ... it was weird.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post16 Feb 2017

Pink, I am sure we met in Madubhan. If my categorizing seems judgmental, I apologize. The categorizing is only meant to illustrate that the Supreme does not favor one soul over another.

There can be more than parallels between Donald Trump and the spiritual leader of the BKs. What if all these decades the god-spirit has been preparing Trump for the White House and more? A few days after Trump was selected by the members of the 1%, I provided documentation on Trump's courting Hindu occultism. I do not think the support of Trump by the Indian community is a coincidence.


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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post17 Feb 2017

Is human being going to resume the sharing or has Baba got rid of him? I was very interested.


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Re: Who or what is the BK god spirit?

Post07 Mar 2017

Right across the road from Gyan Sarovar, past the papaya gardens on the next hill, is a very tall mountain with some strangely shaped boulders near the peak. One of these boulders is split through and there are streaks of solidified lava dark black against the grey stone running down the rock.

I suppose Madhuban is going to get very hot in the Golden Age if there is non trivial volcanic activity in the immediate neighborhood :).

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