Subtle or more Strict BK Maryadas

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Subtle or more Strict BK Maryadas

Post14 Dec 2006


can anyone help me document the subtle Maryadas, that is to say the more strict ones they tell you about when you become a center-in-charge or surrendered? Are these written down, documented or just verbal?

How and when do they tell them to you? Are there different ones for Brothers and Sisters?
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Post14 Dec 2006

You mean sistermat? I have one. A guest Sister came in the center for Murli and breakfast (after Murli). Then the sister-in-charge says to the guest Sister: Thou shall not have breakfast with the Brothers.

Don't know if that qualifies.

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Post14 Dec 2006

tinydot wrote:You mean sistermat? I have one. A guest Sister came in the center for Murli and breakfast (after Murli). Then the Sister-in-charge says to the guest Sister: Thou shall not have breakfast with the Brothers.

I think so.

No Brothers in Sisters' bhavans (house) and vice versa unless it was for very specific stuff like to do maintenance work or group classes/meditations.

Someone else mentioned no "lower" BKs in the center kitchens.

No menstruating Sisters in kitchens or offering food to Shiva.

Only use right hand to give and receive holy sweeties.
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Mr Green


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Post14 Dec 2006

In a centre, the norm is no one is allowed in the 'bhandara' or kitchen until they have been following the principles for 6 months, same requirement as Madubhan ... but this is rarely followed.

When coming in from outside you are supposed to shower and put on a new set of cloths, socks and all before you can cook (some centrewasis will have a complete clothing change 3 times a day ... a lot of laundry!!!!)

The female period thing is also slackened often to allowing the girl to cook but she would not be allowed to offer Bhog.

Silence in the kitchen, food prepared in rememberance.

Bhog must be offered once a day in a centre.

Food only to be bought with money from the bhandara.

No food to be brought into the centre that is not pukka (prepared by a BK following principles for 6 months) ...

there's a few kitchen ones.

No one allowed to pick up or read a Murli without permission. Definitely not allowed to take outside the centre without permission.
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Post14 Dec 2006

No one allowed to pick up or read a Murli without permission, definitely not allowed to take outside the centre without permission

Do you mean in the kitchen or in the centre in general?
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Mr Green


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Post14 Dec 2006

John wrote:Do you mean in the kitchen or in the centre in general?

In general, that's why in london they have a designated Murli area where you can read the Murli, but your certainly not supposed to take them away but these things are relaxed the longer you've been a member or the more surrendered you have become.
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Post14 Dec 2006

In general, that's why in london they have a designated Murli area where you can read the Murli, but your certainly not supposed to take them away but these things are relaxed the longer you've been a member or the more surrendered you have become

So you cannot have your own copies of Murli even if you live in a centre ... that's outrageous!


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Post14 Dec 2006

ex-l, do you wish to extend this intriguing thread to the PBKs ? These Maryadas are not a bad thing for divine discipline, though how much is Shrimat, as per guided by Murlis.
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Mr Green


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Post14 Dec 2006

John wrote:So you cannot have your own copies of Murli even if you live in a centre ... that's outrageous!

You can have them but only if your granted permission from your senior, hence the encryption system they have now. To get a log in for this it has to be okayed from Jayanti/Dadi Janki.

For instance, when I went to Madubhan, even though I was a centrewasis, I would have to get permission from my centre-in-charge to take a batch of Murlis with me so that I could study whilst travelling ... other lesser BKs :lol: (I don't mean it like that) would always be jealous of someone with the Murlis for the right day!!!!!! You used to be able to download 2 or 3 weeks worth in advance.

Some people would be allowed to take Murlis home but only under special circumstances, like they couldn't get there in the morning because of work etc. But this would have to OK'ed with a senior ... Maureen at least ... and often they would only be given last weeks as an incentive to get them to come and hear the fresh one. And also to discourage them setting up their own little group.
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Post14 Dec 2006

Mr Green,

You would make an ideal spy on the BKs. If I wanted to know how to get Murlis, you would be the man to come to.
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Mr Green


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Post14 Dec 2006

hehehe, don't tempt me ...
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Post15 Dec 2006

bansy wrote:ex-l, do you wish to extend this intriguing thread to the PBKs?

Of course. I don't see any difference at a soul level. PBKs were mostly BKWSU members and have more of an interest in keeping to the original instructions. They say both sides are all one and also appear to me to be more strict at removing the Bhakti elements. It would be good to document the two and their differences.

Again, are these Maryadas written down officially, in a manual or Murli, or just passed on verbally?

This is part of an wider interest of documenting the written and verbal traditions of the BKWSU. Verbal traditions are easier for the BKWSU to hide, deny and revise. Without them being written down and documented they are also a potential source of controversy. Even if we cannot document them all, at least we can flag up their existence for others to ask of.
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Mr Green


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Post15 Dec 2006

They are not written down ex-l, as far as I know, except for that silly Maryadas poster you used to get.

They are passed on from mouth to mouth, so it really depended from what chain of command your centre was spawned as to how strict and how many they would be.

If you ask about specific subjects it will jog my memory as there are loads of them for centre wasis.

Another one for food is that a centre wasis would not eat food that wasn't cooked in a centre, so not round at a BKs house.

So I could only eat at the centre or GCH etc, the idea being you could only eat food bought directly from the bhandara.
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Post16 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:Another one for food is that a centre wasis would not eat food that wasn't cooked in a centre, so not round at a BKs house. So I could only eat at the centre or GCH etc, the idea being you could only eat food bought directly from the bhandara.

Very interesting. On one hand there are two elements of elitism;
    You are superior to common BKs and their food not pure enough for you. It might contaminate you. Their vibrations might be lowers than you, their connection with God worse than yours.

    Secondly, you are superior because you are only nourished with superior food and even more superior food.
On the other hand, as a center-wasi, it limits you even more from socializing with other individuals in a normal fashion. Nevermind non-BKs, even lower-class BKs. Given that eating and meals are the most central act of human interaction, you only eat with equals at your own center when you are in control and superiors at the main centers. I am sure individual rush to adopt these as symbols of their acceptance and rise within the Brahmin community.So, if you went to a Pandav Bhavan, would that prohibt you from eating there? Would that be too impure? What was the logic behind this or reasons given?
    What about money? You say bandhara, do you mean you don't eat food you buy yourself? Only food that is bought out of the donations given to the center?
Are there any other unwritten financial Maryadas?
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Mr Green


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Post16 Dec 2006

I agree ex-l following such strict rules gives a centre wasi a feeling of superiority, a right old ego trip I can tell you ... and, yes, the isolation from normal society becomes greater ... this ego trip is concreted in other ways too, like 'teacher' retreats etc.

I remember when I moved from a centre into Shanti Bhavan and feeling the food there wasn't as pure, as some BKs there were more pukka than others ... some had come from a centre background some hadn't ... in London the bhavan wallas are encouraged not to eat at GCH and to eat at the bhavans ... as the food is generally for those fully surrendered or full timers. In other words, the women who don't work.

You see Brothers, even though surrendered, are encouraged to go to work to bring in the money whilst the Sisters serve. This is the set up in London. The Brothers are almost frowned apon there if they get too involved in Admin. That is the domain of ladies there ... the Brothers there are encouraged more to earn the money and then in the evenings to carry heavy things around for the Sisters. :lol:

The bhandara is a general term that includes all the money from Baba's box and all the food in the cupboard, also the kitchen is referred to with this term, so when I used to do the weekly shop I would have to ask the centre-in-charge for the money, which would come from Baba's box rather than use the money I had earned.

There are many financial ones;

no lending or borrowing money at all, if you needed a loan you would need permission from a senior to get a loan from the bank. In fact, you take financial advice from Seniors!!!!! Many have done this to their peril, including myself.

I would have to get permission to go out and buy something personal like an item of clothing etc.

When you do your accounts, you would be required to declare any savings etc to the Yagya.

... and we were all encouraged to take out a standard BK Will.

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