BKs use Texas University Claim Again

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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post11 Apr 2016

Pink Panther wrote: I’d be particularly interested to see any direct evidence of (any) god.
GuptaRati 6666 wrote: You should read Jean Shinoda-Bolen's two classic books. One is the 'Gods in Every Man' and the other is 'The Goddess In Every Woman'. Dr. Shinoda-Bolen is a Jungian psychologist.
Talk about grabbing the wrong end of the stick!

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post18 Apr 2016

An Interview with Dr. Horace E. Walcott

He is a mystic and biomedical scientist. For four decades and more he has been studying, practicing, and teaching the Raj Yoga of the Brahma Kumaris. He has been a heterodox Raj yogi (Eliade, 2009) and for more than four decades a mystic, who was born and raised in Guyana, formerly British Guiana. Dr. Horace E. Walcott, an aquatic veterinarian and ecological toxicologist, will share with us experiences of more than 40 years of the study and practice of RYBK, especially its influence on his evolution spiritually. This is a two part interview, in which part I will consist of 10 or more questions focusing on the first 15 years, including the years before and after his banishment from the BK system by Dadi Janki in the autumn of 1990.

His awards since 1990 are too numerous to mention and he insists that he should not be characterized by them (NYU School of Engineering, 2015; Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), 2015; Walcott, 2013; Wilson Center, 2011). Recently he was granted the Distinguished Alumni Award. For more than three years he has been the recipient of the Intel Badge Award for mentoring pre-university students conducting scientific research at the doctoral level. Additionally, he has been the guest DJ for more than seven years on Dave Kenney’s show: Everything’s Old That’s New Again on WBAI, FM 99.5. In 2010 and 2011 he received the Siemens Founders Award and the STARS Award, respectively. In 2014, Dr.Walcott was a Visiting Scholar at Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health where he was granted the Alumni Award for 30 years of service in veterinary medicine.

Dr. Walcott first came to the United States of America in the summer of 1977 as a Guyana Scholar to pursue pre-veterinary and veterinary studies at Tuskegee University. He attended Central High School and St. Stanislaus College in Georgetown, the capitol of Guyana. In high school he studied Japan Karate Association/ Shotokan Karate, and took part in elocution competitions and athletics. He was also a mathematics teacher for two years prior to matriculation to Tuskegee. In the spring of 1984, he graduated from Tuskegee with the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He also has a BSc degree in animal science and pre-veterinary studies from Tuskegee. In 1992, Dr. Walcott was awarded the rank of Shodan, first degree black belt from Master Takauki Mikami in New Orleans, while completing graduate studies at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (TUSPH & TM). He has two post-doctoral master degrees from TUSPH & TM and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), University of London. Both degrees are in aquatic veterinary medicine. He has also been preparing two books for publication.

Questions and Answers

Guptarati 6666(GR): How are the two books connected to you? Are they text books or novels?

Horace Errol Walcott (HEW): Both are novels. One is a fictional autobiography. It is an underwater adventure titled: The Pych Quest (Walcott, 2016 b). The other novel is a fictionalized version of my investigation of the thallium poisoning epidemic in Guyana in 1986. Walter Campbell (1990), a friend and colleague of mine in her novel on the 86/87crisis in Guyana was very careful to change the name of the toxic agent to arsenic and made little mention of me to maintain the fictional integrity of her book. She was the Scientific Officer at the Government Analyst Department in Georgetown who conducted the toxicology evaluations on specimens submitted by me, including my own blood samples. Tests by Walter-Campbell enabled me to have a break-through in my investigation of the thallium poisoning at the Georgetown Zoo.

GR: Your investigation of the thallotoxicosis at the Georgetown Zoo provided unequivocal and robust scientific evidence (Walcott, 2014) that forced the Government of Guyana to admit, in the Guyana Chronicle (1986) that thallium poisoning was a national health problem, after almost a decade of state sponsored denial. The sugar industry almost collapsed and the dictatorial regime of the People’s National Congress almost imploded. How did the local center-in-charge react and how did you navigate the slender thread between your life as a dissident doctor /Raj yogi, and your job as a Government Veterinary Medical Officer? There must have been a delicate balance, riddled with mine fields, since former Vice President of Guyana, Mr. Steve Narine was a prominent figure in BK Raja Yoga and at that time was the Guyana Ambassador to India.

HEW: The intelligence agencies in Guyana knew of my connections to BK Raja Yoga. I had the choice of being dissident and honest or acquiescent and dishonest. I choose the former, in spite of the fact that my dissidence and honesty would have caused a rift between myself, the BK administration and Guyana Government. Past life regression have demonstrated that in many past incarnations, I have been a knight in some past lives, a samurai in others, and a magician in others. I am unable to suppress or eliminate the codes of a warrior from my present incarnation.

There was a failed assassination attempt against me in 1986, in which thallium was infused into milk delivered to my parents’ home, where I resided. I informed BK Kamood about the incident and advised her to be cautious about food and water contamination. Kamood bhen doubted the scientific merits of the advice and veracity of the assassination plot. She did, subsequently secured the water tanks in the BK center compound.

GR: In terms of security, how did you protect yourself? How much support did you receive from the BKs?

HEW: Hansa bhen in Texas was provided medical advice and other forms of assistance. At that time, I had great relations with Raja Yoga Texas. Hansa was at that time like a big Sister to me, professionally or a mentor. The relationship quickly changed when I returned to the US in 1990. She made arrangements with Fort Sam Houston for me to undergo treatment in Texas, while the Guyana Government was planning to send me to Cuba for treatment. The Regan Administration refused to issue me a visa and I refused the offer of the Guyana Government to travel to Cuba for treatment. Brave citizens of Guyana, BKs and non-BK were helpful. On the spiritual level the Godly protection can be described as similar to scenes in both versions of the film: The Day the Earth Stood Still.

I elected to remain in Guyana and treated myself under the supervision of Dr. Davi, an expert on thallium poisoning treatment at the St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital. I lived my life one day at a time (Siebel, 2013; Walcott, 2016 a) knowing that I may never awake the following day as the antidote, Prussian blue chelated the thallium ions as they were excreted by my liver through my bile duct (Walcott, 2016 a). It was also clear to me that I could be killed by an assassin’s bullet. Counter espionage measures instituted by me enabled me to determine that I was under surveillance 24/7, 365 days for more than two years. I was also black-listed and could not depart Guyana. My applications for firearm permits were also denied.

GR: Was it not paradoxical that a person of peace, a Raj yogi should using firearms? But then you are quite heterodox.

HEW: Part of the prerequisite for the Guyana Scholarship mandated I undergo guerrilla warfare training in the Guyana jungles. Additionally, most zoo veterinarians have to be marksmen. I have no spiritual problems using weapons. I have been comfortable with Brahmin and warrior heterodoxy.

GR: You are also a three weapons fencer and had quite an extensive training at the Metropolis Fencing School. The BKs would and have regarded your heterodox life to be inconsistent with the life of a Raj Yogi. You, of course, would disagree and have been unorthodox, the first minute you were initiated into Raja Yoga. Are you angry with the BKs? Why or why not?

HEW: In the tradition of budo (way of the warrior) or bushido (the way of the warrior scholar) I give my respect to the BKs for introducing me to the path. My entering the path has been a shamanistic experience and continues to be shamanistic (Winkelman, 2011; Winkelman, 2010). Of course, I am not going to have the Stockholm syndrome. The wisdom, thus far from my life experiences, including the study of Yoga (Beauregardé, 2011; Buttle, 2015; Eliade, 2009) has enabled me to effectively transform my existential fears into practical courage and a positive perspective on life (Koole, Tjew A Sin, & Schneider, 2014). Though I have not entered a BK center since 1990, I still maintain a connection with Baap Dada. I still meditate at pre-dawn each day. With extreme sincerity I express my gratitude to BKSWU and recognize their role in my spiritual and intellectual growth. Fencing is a pre-breakfast routine for me and helps to burn off stress hormones. The BKs do not have a monopoly on God Almighty; the Great Spirit connects to all humankind and matter.

GR: How well do you think the BK system of Yoga will stand the rigors of examination by the Benson-Henry Protocol (Bashin et al., 2013; Elliot, 2011)? [An appendix for this interview will be presented in a subsequent post]

HEW: I will respond to your question with some questions and answers? Can Raja Yoga practitioners increase their neuro-plasticity? Are they able to lengthen their telomere lengths (Monaghan, 2014) and counter the effects of inflammation at the cell and molecular levels? Raja Yoga is meant to change sanskars that are old as 63 incarnations. The BKs may have to re-engineer their system to be more humanistic and the re-engineering can produce major splintering of the Yagya.

GR: Conclusion
    In terms of personality, Dr. Walcott on the Mayers-Briggs testing is an INTP (introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving) a trait he shares with Sir Issac Newton and Albert Einstein. He prefers to be characterized as the hybrid between a Dynamic Aggressive and Dynamic Assertive derived from a life energy personality chart formulated by Null (1996). He will be available to answer any questions presented by guests of this site and has shared links and videos of his work.
    Beauregardé, M. (2011). Transcendent experiences and brain mechanisms. In E. Cardeña, M. Winkelman, E. Cardeña, M. Winkelman (Eds.), Altering consciousness: Multidisciplinary perspectives (Vols 1 and 2): History, culture, and the humanities; Biological and psychological perspectives (pp. 63-84). Santa Barbara, CA, US: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
    Buttle, H. (2015). Measuring a journey without goal: Meditation, spirituality, and physiology. Biomed Research International, 2015, 891671. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/891671
    Bhasin, M. K., Dusek, J. A., Chang, B., Joseph, M. G., Denninger, J. W., Fricchione, G. L., ... Libermann, T. A. (2013). Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways. Plos One, 8(5), e62817. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0062817
    Eliade, M. (2009). Yoga: Immortality and freedom. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Available from http://allbeststuff.com/Yoga-Immortalit ... cea-Eliade
    Elliot, S. (2011, January 8). Mind body practices affect health at the cellular level via gene expression. BMED Report. Retrieved from http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/21586
    Koole, S. L., Tjew A Sin, M., & Schneider, I. K. (2014). Embodied Terror Management: Interpersonal touch alleviates existential concerns among individuals with low self-esteem. Psychological Science (Sage Publications Inc.), 25(1), 30-37. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1177/0956797613483478
    Monaghan, P. (2014). Organismal stress, telomeres and life histories. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(1), 57-66. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1242/jeb.090043
    Null, G. (1996). Who are you really? Understanding your life’s energy. New York, N Y: Carrol and Graf.
    NYU School of Engineering. (2015, January). NYU'S tech boost city’s economy, resiliency. Retrieved from http://engineering.nyu.edu/press-releas ... resiliency
    Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). (2015). ORAU and its partners promote STEM education through Siemens Teachers as Researchers. Retrieved from http://www.orau.org/science-education/s ... chers.aspx
    Siebel, B. (2013, November 26). How radioactive poison became the assassin’s weapon of choice? The mysterious life and brutal death of a Russian dissident. Matter. Retrieved from https://medium.com/matter/how-radioacti ... feae2f4b53
    Walcott, H.E. (2016a). Breaking the code of a green death. “Manuscript in preparation.”
    Walcott, H.E. (2016b). The Psych quest. “Manuscript in preparation.”
    Walcott, H.E. (2014, March). Foiling bioterrorists attacks in zoos; Risk assessments and wild life forensic approaches. In C. Carr-Smith (Chair). One medicine. Bridging the gap: Veterinary medical education, practice and research. 49 th Symposium of the Tuskegee University Veterinary Medical Alumni Association. Tuskegee University Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.onemedicine.tuskegee.edu/Sym ... rogram.pdf
    Walcott, H.E. (2013). HEW 2BIOMOVIE2013 VIDEO. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/Ukejait1_GQ
    Walter-Campbell, I. (2007). Herstory. New York, NY: Zeruah Publications.

    Wilson Center. (2011, December 13). Partnering scientists and teachers: Priming the STEM pipe line. Retrieved from http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/partn ... m-pipeline
    Winkelman, M. (2010, July).The Shamanic paradigm: Evidence from ethnology, neuropsychology and ethology. Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, 3 (2), 159-182. http://dx.doi.org/10.2752/175169610X12632240392758
    Winkelman, M. (2011). Shamanism and the evolutionary origins of spirituality and healing. Neuroquantology, 9(1), 54-71. Retrieved from http://www.neuroquantology.com/index.ph ... e/view/390


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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post18 Apr 2016

Thank you GuptaRati 6666.

I don't quite get one thing (maybe it is explained and I missed it):
    Does Dr Walcott believe Gyan is accurate and it's just that the Yagya needs to re-organize itself or does he not 100% agree with Gyan?
He says that the BKs don't have a monopoly on God, yet he talks about keeping a connection to BapDada, implying (to me) he is God (or, you know, God + Brahma Baba).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post19 Apr 2016

Dear Friend,

You are welcomed and I thank you for your profound questions. Dr. Walcott has indicated to me prior to his interview that Gyan is not 100 % accurate nor is it 100 % precise. Though accuracy and precision can be evaluated with mathematical equations and Gyan examined through the lens of quantitative research, an examination of Gyan by qualitative research has been long overdue.

In a qualitative approach, content validity and construct validity are non-quantitative values that are more suitable for examining Raj Yoga; a rare phenomenon. For example, meditating on a pin-point of light that is extra-corporeal and exist in another dimension is consistent with the Benson-Henry Protocol, because it can elicit the relaxation response.

However, it is a rare phenomenon that is best examined by qualitative investigations, for many reasons. Triangulation of the concept of an omni-potent pin point of light, which is meta-physical and beyond sound meshes with ideas from astrology and those developed by Professor Michio Kaku.

Construct validity and content validity of Gyan can be enhanced when the canonical knowledge taught and practiced by the BKs has biases removed and is demonstrated to be corroborated by other schools of thinking.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post19 Apr 2016

Dr. Walcott related to me many interesting spiritual stories about his teen and post-teen years in Guyana. Some I will share on this web-site. He was a wiz-kid in chemistry and when he was initiated into Raja Yoga by Jayanti, his parents were worried that he would forsake his plans of a future career as a doctor and scientist.

His parents invited a witch (I use the term with fully positive connotations and denotations) into the family home to prevent Dr. Walcott from pursuing his studies of Raja Yoga. The lady who had studied her arts of magic and healing with the Juka People in Surinam, cleansed the house and yard. On meeting Dr. Walcott for the first time, she bowed down to him and informed his parents that he was a high ordered soul, who had studied magic and healing in Egypt and India.

The healer also advised my parents that Dr. Walcott should be encouraged to continue his pursuits of Raja Yoga. She also predicted that Dr. Walcott would depart Guyana on a scholarship and will become a famous doctor and scientist, and attain more power than political leaders. A year later, Dr. Walcott matriculated to Tuskegee on a Guyana Scholarship and pursued studies in pre-veterinary and veterinary studies.

He grew up interacting with spirit mediums and was born and grew up in a yard, which used to be the compound for a Hindu temple.
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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post19 Apr 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The healer also advised my parents that Dr. Walcott should be encouraged to continue his pursuits of Raja Yoga. She also predicted that Dr. Walcott would depart Guyana on a scholarship and will become a famous doctor and scientist, and attain more power than political leaders.

How it going on the political front?


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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post19 Apr 2016

Thanks again GuptaRati 6666!

Personally, I believe there is a bit of a black or white issue here. You either believe it's God's knowledge or you don't. Sure, you can agree with some things and disagree with others, but not if you believe God is behind the words of the Murlis.

There is, of course, the hypothesis that it is, indeed, God who teaches but for some reason doesn't tell the whole truth. But then again, how can you choose what to believe and what not to? Maybe you should just do as He says and you'll get the benefit He wants you to get even if it's not exactly what He describes.

I doubt many people believe that, though. I think some people find it helpful to convince themselves that yes, God speaks (through Brahma Baba's sanskars) but on some aspects of life, they know better.

For me, the honest thing is to say "God speaks" or "some wise spirit speaks and says true and useful things along with inaccurate stuff."

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post20 Apr 2016

Dear Ex-I,

Thank you very much for your question.

The late Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, famous heart transplant surgeon, has been described by the New York Times as one of the world's greatest medical politicians. The role played by Dr. Walcott as a medical politician has been a carefully crafted role.

Like DeBakey and Cooley, some of his heroes in medical science, will sometimes wear the suit and tie instead of the laboratory coat, while playing the role of a technocrat or bench scientist. An analysis of his profile on Linkedin can generate the picture of a heterodox doctor and scientist who is cautious about politics. Though his astrological charts have suggested that he seek political office in the Big Apple, for more than a decade he has worked for New York City as a STEM educator and scientist. Some of his students have become CEOs of their own technology companies and others have become physicians and scientists.

Dr. Walcott was twice the national semi-finalist for the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Award. In December of 2012, he was awarded a medal by the American Policy Studies Organization, where he conducted a seminar for the DuPont Summit. In 2010 he was one of five STEM educators in the USA and the only educator in NY state to receive the Siemens Founders Award. There is a connection between his current work as a scientist and educator and the three weeks spent in Madhuban in the winter of 1977, undergoing intense training under the supervision of BaapDada.

BaapDada would visit almost every other day and would have meetings with the double foreigners. During one such meeting, BaapDada told Errol that he was currently an MP in the Pandav Government. BaapDada added that one day he would leave the Pandav Government and form his own government where he will be the Prime Minister. Dr. Walcott is the co-inventor of a remote-controlled water sampling boat, which has been patented. The boat uses water as a fuel and solar energy. A research team under Dr. Walcott's supervision have developed an amphibious tranquilizing dart rifle that can be used under water or on land for the chemical restraint of zoo and wild life animals.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post20 Apr 2016

Dear Friend,

The test is when we know better.

In Dr. Walcott's story, he did not have to return to Guyana in 1986. Two of his classmates did not. They remained in the USA, married American ladies, at least one did. They both went on to acquire PhDs after graduating with their DVMs.

Dr. Walcott could have done the same and there were very attractive ladies he could have married, become a US citizen and would have been of valuable service to the BKs. He followed the honest path. One lady was so attractive that she could have easily become the centerfold for Essence Magazine or Playboy. Dr. Walcott choose to return to Guyana.

He teamed up with one of his lokik Brothers a pathologist and physician and they had a joint practice. His Brother took care of the humans and he took care of the animals. He could have remained in Guyana, lived a king's life and be of great service to the BKs while having a family of his own.

He loved research and, therefore return to the US in 1990.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post20 Apr 2016

It seems to me that Errol has achieved much more and done more practical good in the world after leaving (or being banned by) the BKs than he would have if he’d stayed and been drawn into the BK field of karma. A teacher of high achievers who in turn will share and aggregate and add to the pool of human understanding in medical and other sciences.

Much more valuable to humanity than any spouter of platitudes or spinner of PR.
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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post20 Apr 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:A research team under Dr. Walcott's supervision have developed an amphibious tranquilizing dart rifle that can be used under water or on land for the chemical restraint of zoo and wild life animals.

I'd like to test one out, if possible ... on some BKs teachers I know.

Your posts made me re-think some basic assumptions, e.g. that "political-politicians" are the only kind that exist, and also to question the extent of their influence (or power). It's obvious that the right drug/treatment/technology can have a far greater effect than some political career ... but also that the exercise of power within science and medicine etc happens during the deciding process.

I have to wonder why he remains hooked on BapDada though, despite how he was treated by the BKs ... does he still see BapDada as God incarnate?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post21 Apr 2016

Ex-I and Pink,

Thank you for your kind responses. Errol continues full steam with many projects he thinks will contribute to positively transforming humankind and ecosystems. In terms of Baap Dada, the key word is spiritual respect. Errol's spiritual respect for Baap Dada (BapDada) is soul to soul. Errol has a spiritual contract with BapDada. He is cool about not having the title of BK and he is also cool about the lack of social contact with BKs. Though he is a traditionalist, but a heterodox in many respects, he is not bothered by missing the feeling of being dressed in a white pajama, the BK uniform.

He has established good relationships with his spirit guides and has felt the presence of a supernatural presence, the Supernatural, the presence defined by others as God, guiding his scientific investigations and practice of medicine, and life in general.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post21 Apr 2016

There are many people who are not politicians but live, act and relate to others like politicians. Such people will gravitate to the arena that allows that side of their nature to be expressed, whether for good or ill.

That is why these people are the ones who flourish in large organisations, structures or hierarchies, because ”politics” is the art of governing, administering, organising, the ”many” (poli = many).

The perpetuation of the organisation or society, the eco-system in which they can live and operate, is more important than any individual.

Sounds like Gupta Rati’s ”friend” found he was better suited to the politics of his profession than to the BK polity.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Apr 2016

An excellent end sentence for an excellent posted comment, Pink. Part II of the interview has as its core your end sentence.

Sometimes the character of a soul can be indicated by the mentors, teachers, and role models of that soul. During his four and a half years stint as a veterinary officer in Guyana, Dr. Walcott was elected the Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Guyana Veterinary Medical Association. He was also the Vice President of the Guyana Karate Association and had a joint practice with one of his elder lokik Brothers who is a pathologist and physician.

In Region 3, the West Demerara Essequibo Islands where Errol was born, his dedication to animal health earned him the respect of all the ethnic groups in the region, politicians from the two major parties, pet owners from all segments of the society and farmers throughout Guyana. It was not unusual for him to perform a Caesarian section on a pregnant cow at 2:00 am and be home for pre-dawn meditation and personal karate training by 5:30 am the same morning. He could have remained in Guyana, become extremely wealthy, lived like a king, and be extremely serviceable to the BKs; to their delight.

When I asked him how happy he would have been and how safe his life would have been. He informed me that he would not have been in bliss and there would have been personal security problems.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again


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