BK experience more love, happiness etc than other meditators

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BK experience more love, happiness etc than other meditators

Post13 Jan 2016

Hey y'all! Interesting convos.

One of the pros I see in BKism is that, well, a lot of people have experienced much love, happiness etc during meditation and, as ex-l has mentioned, usually more than in other types of meditations/paths. I haven't looked into many other "official" paths, but it seems that in the BK community, bliss and all that stuff are not only for the very advanced practicioners. In fact, some people have great experiences from the get go.

@ex-l, I know you've spent some time with Dadi Janki. No matter what you think of, have you experienced the things many report, like easy Yoga, the experience of peace, love etc? I assume she's also given you drishti.

Also, perhaps I have asked that in the past but don't recall a response ... have you experienced what is called "knowing Him as He is?" Whether you thought it was the source of the info in the Murlis or even God or not.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

Friend wrote:I haven't looked into many other "official" paths, but it seems that in the BK community, bliss and all that suff are not only for the very advanced practicioners. In fact, some people have great experiences from the get go.

Your post assumes that BKs are a ”brand” that provides a unique product rather than merely a method to allow basic human experiences found in a number of non-proprietary ways. But that won't be my main point in reply.

Your quote says it. The problems that arise for people who go to BKs is often because it is their first serious attempt to take up a regular practice of this kind. Every individual has their own response, true. The problem (again) is that the teachings and the ‘teachers’ or spokespeople have an agenda which is built on getting and keeping bums on seats, donations in the box etc.

As for Janki, someone can be a good ‘whatever’ in one way and a complete #@*^ in other ways. Even me. :shock:

I have seen her reduce people to tears, encourage subservience in those who need to become independent, allow ‘independence' in those who could use more than one lesson in humility, and, a most common occurrence, give favour and preference to those with money or status. She once told me, as we took turns to accept ”dristi” and toli from her, ”You should learn to feel guilt”. Let’s explore that a little in the context of this thread.

A disproportionate amount of Western BKs are from Roman Catholic Christianity and its strict fundamentalist descendants. One of its features is the emphasis on sin and redemption. Many of these RC BKs carry over the same psycho-emotional baggage and wrap it in new jargon and practices of BKism. Part of that baggage is guilt, shame and seeking solace, forgiveness, catharsis. These latter ‘goals' are built on an acceptance of the former as valid. Dada Lekhraj was heavily influenced by his talks with a Roman Catholic priest who was obviously of the conservative fundamentalist ilk, probably a Dominican, rather than, say, a modern Jesuit gnostic.

Many who preach reveal a lot about themselves by the topics they keep harping on and what they leave off. Dadi Janki loved emphasising sin and impurity etc especially in relation to sex and children. Original sin is a Christian doctrine she embraces and uses guilt and shame to manipulate and to appear 'holier than thou’, especially with young women in her charge or in her sway. This can be understood in the context of her own psycho-baggage. She was married off at 14 and had a child whom she gave away to join the BKs (Om Mandli), and it subsequently died. There is theologically imposed shame and there is innate biological pain & shame (which needs blocking out in some way).

A guest at a BK conference blew me away with a simple observation from Hindu philosphy. Such guests are invited there to serve the BK PR machine by making BKs look good and respectable. They are VIPs because they are actually achievers of something substantial. It's rarely the case that a BK is invited to others’ events for the same reason, except maybe to ‘ecumenical’ gatherings as a representative of ”Hindu” beliefs to stand in white saris next to Buddhist robes, Muslim hijabs, and sikh turbans. This guest was a philosopher, a scholar of the Gita, and the Indian High Commissioner to London at the time.

His observation, that penetrated deeply was that, despite what anyone says they are meditating on or about when they sit to meditate, you can see what it is they are actually meditating on (the majority of the time) by their actions and what they create around them. Look at what the BKs have built around themselves, it reveals the basis of their inner meditations. Much of it is a giant buffer against insecurity.

That observation is a ”spiritual philosophy" idea that the unconscious meditations/cogitations are the actual foundational ulterior motives which get rationalised and justified by the conscious mind according to egoistic desires. The spider’s concern in building and rebuilding its web is not a pleasing design, but a means to get food. MacDonald’s are not concerned with selling food - which is nothing special and indeed inferior - but with making money through guaranteed real estate investments. Which brings us back to...

Let us see BKs do something other than talk & teach, do anything substantial for anyone without proclaiming God or their institution or their "spirituality”. Good for its own sake. I am saying that they are the opposite of charity that does what it does ‘for goodness sake’, and not as a means to promote itself.
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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

Actually, friend, I have never said what you claim of me. I say something like people have stronger or more intense experience, but I have never described it as love or happiness.

I prefer the BK word "intoxication", as that is closer to what is going on at a psychic level. It is like a psychically induced drug experience. "Bliss" is just marketing spiel designed to attract people in out of curiousity.
Pink Panther wrote:I am saying that they are the opposite of charity ..

An "opposite of charity" whilst accepting all of the legal and tax benefits of a Charity.

You see that in the accounts for the UK branch of the BKWSU, on which Dadi Janki's name remains as Chief Executive, and which acts as its de facto Western command center.
Charity Commission wrote:Cost of "Generating voluntary income $2,030,000 ... Governance £260,000 ... Charitable spending £0.00

So, they spent $2,030,000, to spend £260,000 on running the cult, have amassed £16,500,000 worth of assets just for themselves (own use) ... and spent £0.00 on charity.

In addition, they have "zero employees" and pay "zero wages", so how and where exactly do Sister Jayanti and all the others get the money to live and jet set around the world? And why do they hand over $500,000 to feed Madhuban when Madhuban is rolling in millions and millions of Pounds, including millions of Pounds worth of government funding (as the Bheli kids starve just over the hill).

How more clear does it need to be for you?


Let’s see BKs do something other than talk & teach, do anything substantial for anyone without proclaiming God or their institution or their "spirituality”.

Which is exactly what I said to Janki and Jayanti about 30 years at the service meeting to decide the first global campaign; to applause from the audience, but a chilling put down from the latter ... shortly before leaving. All Janki could think about was self-advertising.

Yes, yes and yes. In my day the class was so small you could, and often had to, sit 6" away from her toes nails and see the hairs up her nose. I even heard her fart once. A big one too.

How long have you been involved in the BKs, friend?

Who knows what the BKs call "bliss" ... how many BKs are having how much of it ... and how can you quantify and qualify such a marketing term? Drunks and drug takers feel great when they are high, but end up having to do more and more to feed their habit; so do BKs. Speak to some women about how orgasms make them feel ..

If, "by their fruits, you shall know them", I'd say the evidence above is a bit of a "slam-dunk".

(In fact, it we look at things imperically, there's actually a strong argument to suggest that drunks and drug takers, and certainly orgasm addicts, have actually done a whole lot more for the world than the BKs have! They have certainly produced better art, music [RIP David Bowie], architecture and done more charity!)


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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

Hello Pink Panther.
I have seen her reduce people to tears, encourage subservience in those who need to become independent, allow ‘independence' in those who could use more than one lesson in humility, and, a most common occurrence, give favour and preference to those with money or status. She once told me, as we took turns to accept ”dristi” and toli from her, ”You should learn to feel guilt”.

Strong points. I can assume that your time with the BK family has left you with some pain, perhaps more than you had when you first came in contact with them. I assume the BK path has helped some people and harmed others, probably both things in each individual but in a different ratio for each one.

I won't justify Dadi's behavor, but since all the negative aspects are already stated or implied in this forum quite often, I will play the devil's advocate: Dadi, to my knowledge, has been known to be probably the toughest of the "big" BKs. Even people who love her will attest to her not being "nice." Whether that's good or bad is, I guess, dependent (correct?) upon the person who is the object of Dadi's behavor. Or, perhaps, her qualities are inherently good or bad ... don't know. I do believe that she has softened a lot by now. Guilt is one of the big problems of many people and even if someone wants to caution you against doing wrong things, perhaps the injection of guilt is a bad strategy when someone already suffers from it. That's definitely the BKism's anti-New Ageist aspect :p.
Your post assumes that BKs are a ”brand” that provides a unique product rather than merely a method to allow basic human experiences found in a number of non-proprietary ways.

I don't know if that's what I said, but I don't exactly mean that. I meant that, for example, mindfulness meditation, does not give that strong experiences. It's not its goal, anyway. I think people might have similar experieces in Trandescental Meditation or Kriya Yoga. Not sure about the latter. So, maybe I don't have a point there. It is interesting, however, to mention that Raja Yoga is taught for free, whereas TM is not.
They are VIPs because they are actually achievers of something substantial.

Well, transforming yourself is, to be, qute substantial, even if it's not as easily evident as other, external things. Now, whether one believes the BKs do transform themselves or not, that's another issue. That's the aim of the path.

@ ex-l
Actually, friend, I have never said what you claim of me. I say something like people have stronger or more intense experience, but I have never described it as love or happiness.

OK, sorry. I know, though, personally people who have experience immense love from Raja Yoga, or even by being given drishti.

Could you answer the question I asked about "knowing Him as He is" or was one of the Yes's in response to that?

That goes for Pink Panther, too, if he's willing.

I took the course a few years ago, rather not say exactly, and I've had on and off contact with the centre since that time. Have heard or read a lot of Murlis. Haven't been to Oxford or Abu.
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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

"Knowing Him as he is" ... is that a Christian thing, borrowed by the BKs ... or a Phil Spector reference? Who is the Him?

If it is a Christian thing, is the God of Christianity and the God of the BKs the one and same? I wasn't really a theist when I became involved in BKism and I am not a monotheist now so I would tend to consider that a moot point.

Where is comes from a BKism that suggest people leave/left because they did not experience the Baba ... i.e. it was their fault for not having good enough Yoga, and if they had, they would have stayed and submitted.

I left because of their lack of ethics and philosophical depth, and obsession with VIPs. Thank God I did not waste the next 20 years of my life attempting to experience their "Him".

I was never a Dadi Bhagat. I never saw or felt anything that special about her. She could be "stern", and other BKs would come up afterwards shaking about and I could not see what the fuss was all about. Again, in our day, Q&A sessions with her used to in tiny groups of 6 or 8 in a room the size of a single bedroom. I found her to be really disappionting, not just because she could not answer question, this was before they pre-vetted questions for her, but because of the way she would personally manipulate things when she could not.

And at that time, we found it difficult to square all the big pictures of Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Sakar Murlis which said, "No pictures". That did not make sense until the last few years when we discovered there was no God Shiva in the religion until 1955. Dadi Janki's "Baba" was Lekhraj Kirpalani. That is why she demanded to bring the trance lights and pictures of him into the religion, and to corrupt the religion. There was a lot of unresolved psychologies going on in her head.

And, for the record, there are questions about her child's death, the death which allowed her to flee back to her savour Lekhraj Kirpalani. There are a lot of strangeness and shadows in her story, e.g. why she got married when her parents were in the Om Mandli, her Sister's involvement etc. I am sorry to underline all this but the manner in which it was all handled is not symptomatic of enlightenment or divinity. Which we can discuss more if you wish.

OK, back experiences.

What is that feeling that they call "love" ... what indeed is "love"?

The powerful infatuation we feel when we fall in love with someone? Do some BKs fall in love and become infatuated with their god spirit and Seniors? Sure.

Again, I'd have to say what it is ... and what they say is ... is meaningless in the face of what their purpose is, and what it and they produces. In fact, I'd say it's notable for the selfisness and immaturity of ... it's all about "me".

They even say this about human love, e.g. love is sticking with someone when things aren't going well is love, not the trip of Honeymoon Period.

Is BKism a trip? Sure it is for many (but not all). It's like MDMA or LSD, with a bit of cocaine thrown in. It last for about 6 or so, then it tends to tail off over the next one to two year. You can get a boosted if and when you get involved with pushing it (i.e. teaching the course) and (it used to be), when you went to Mount Abu once a year to mee the God Father.

Does that make it good, divine or Godly? I am afraid not. It just makes it a hypnotic/psychic buzz. And I don't think sitting in an aircraft hanger with 10,000 others seeing Gulzar on the big screen is the same experience.

Therefore, what has BKism produced ... and what does it ultimately want to produce? The answer is, the mega death of the rest of Humanity so they can rule the world in an undemocratic imperial theocracy?

That is what BKism is all about ... "earning your status" within their theocracy, or their future Golden Age. Don't be duped by the marketing into believing it is anything else.


• having no practical significance, typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow a decision.


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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

"Knowing Him as he is" ... is that a Christian thing, borrowed by the BKs ... or a Phil Spector reference? Who is the Him?

You have to ask the people who believe they've experienced it to understand what it means. I cannot help with that. I haven't experienced it so I cannot say whether it is God, or not. Some people (New Age) also believe that God is a point but not exactly how the BKs think of Him.

You do seem to try to make everything so vague that it ultimately doesn't matter. What is "love", what is "bliss" etc But maybe bu the same logic we could say "what is "trying to get everyone's money" or "destroy humanity"?" Not sure my logic is sound but it was a thought I found interesting. I mean, we cannot discard something and place importance to somehing else randomly.

Personally, I still don't get the criticism about the money. They allow donations, and sure, even pursue them some time (don't have a persnal experience with that). They cannot do service just by talking..money is necessary. Re:Destruction, they don't want to destroy humanity - they believe that it's in the Drama for it to happen and that they can choose to claim a high status by following Shrimat or not. Murlis often say that Brahmins should support souls who will not go to Paradise. It's one thing to not believe God gives the Murli and another to believe that believing Gyan is a crime aganst humanity.

Personally, as I've stated in the past, I am more interested in understanding what's the deal with Gyan than evaluating if Dadi or Didi etc are perfect people. Didi Shudesh, BTW, whom I've met is pretty sweet, has a powerful drishti (I find that a good thing, the world would be a better place if we all had that) and seems an authentiv person - not a conwoman.

I have come to find it very hard for Gyan to be accurate and I suspect that BKism is one more path, possessing only a fragment of the Ultimate Truth. I find it very plausible though, that Raja Yoga is, indeed, a connection God, even if it's not exclusive to BKs and mght even be induced by certain substances and/or traumatic physical experiences.

Interested to hear your thoughts on these subjects. When you say you're not a monotheist are you refering to something that has to do with everyone have a personal set of guides and guardian angels?
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

On the money side, they are mainly supported by the Hindi community for whom donation to a spiritual organisation or temple etc is part of the culture, seen as accumulating karmic brownie points (what in the medieval times the Catholics called buying indulgences). Non-Indian BKs number about 1% of the total. The reason for ”foreign service” is it gives credibility to the organisation in India where the bulk of the BK iceberg floats. They don’t turn the thumbscrews on Westerners the way they do the Hindis!

They reached a self-supporting ”tipping point” with real estate a while ago. They have bought and sold to bigger and better places over the decades. As long as they can show more and bigger centres in more places, they’ll let ”double foreigners” reinterpret the Gyan and presentation even to the point where they contradict their own god!

As for me and my experiences - I did not feel particular pain or have any serious ”wrongs” done to me directly as you imagine "Friend”, thanks for asking. I was always quite autonomous in my self respect. I just learnt to fool myself to feed my ego of the time. I did, however, see others pained and wronged, some less serious than others.

Where I was "wronged" was because I stayed too long, longer than I needed to to gain what was to be gained from any experiences. That's what I am talking about, there's entrapment in the teachings, especially for those who ‘get serious’ about it. I bought in to it, invested myself a little at a time, until I was swallowed whole. I had to get out before I lost everything. There’s no greater loss than losing one’s innate morality and critical faculties for the sake of justifying past decisions.

Anyway, bliss, happiness, love, feelgood vibes - all are well and good, very nice things to experience. I had all those in abundance and more, cosmic and profound meditation experiences (even with lights and all kinds of vision things - whoopee do), experiences with and respect from Seniors and BapDada that many BKs have only heard about and yearn for, all came easily to me.

OK, its better to feel good rather than bad, see auras and think ’nice’ rather than see defects and think ”hate'. But it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in itself. It’s what you do with it that counts.

Especially if your bliss & happiness is all dependant on suspending disbelief and critical faculties, accepting hypocrisy, where the reputation of an organisation is considered more important than the welfare of the people, accepting philosophical contradictions and outright nonsense, sacrificing intellectual integrity for the sake of acceptance (in BKs there are no stupid answers, only stupid questions). That is important to me. So I grew up, or maybe I grew out of it. It did not fit any more. I said, "Goodbye".

I’d rather be content with reality than blissed out in a fantasy. What got me free of the BK trappings, the BK mental chatter that lingers long after one has ‘physically’ left, is I did therapy of all kinds, not talking psychiatry but all kinds of inner work as well as physical activities. You need to invert the dominant paradigm, understand it and how it is it got a hold on you.

As for ”love” - read some psychological literature on ”projection”, particularly in relation to romance. BKs (male and female) love their Baba (and other devotees do this with their gurus) the way teenage girls love Justin Beiber, poster of their ideal on the wall into which they pour all their imagined hopes and dreams as they fantasise his imagined response to them and get tingles, proving its all real ... we can be real idiots!


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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post14 Jan 2016

@PP I appreciate your response very much. Quite specific and on point, imo. I assumed you were hurt from your time with the BKs because of the things you've shared but apparently it's not emotional pain but something else. OK.
OK, it's better to feel good rather than bad, see auras and think ’nice’ rather than see defects and think ”hate". But it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in itself. It’s what you do with it that counts.

Totally agree.

I do have many issues with Gyan and the BK organisation's way of doing thing. Could you or ex-l talk about what in Gyan doesn't fit with you? I mean, you have done it in the past, but I have now more issues with Gyan than the obvious ones I had some time ago. Like, ex-l I think, mentioned the animal body incarnations. Many people believe that to be a fact. Or the dimensions ... BKs talk about three but others talk about 12 or more or fewer than that. I am really interested in those things and it helps when I am talking with people who have BK experience. I think the context is richer.
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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post15 Jan 2016

Friend wrote:You have to ask the people who believe they've experienced it to understand what it means. I cannot help with that. I haven't experienced it so I cannot say whether it is God, or not. Some people (New Age) also believe that God is a point but not exactly how the BKs think of Him.

I've never heard that.

For example, The Great Invocation by Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949) starts, "From the point of Light within the Mind of God ... From the point of Love ..." etc. It has been hugely influential (Lucis Trust/Findhorn Foundation etc) but doesn't say "God is a point of Light". Bailey was a contemporary of Lekhraj Kirpalani and another spirit medium, her guide "Djwahl Kuhl". It's a shame all the Ascendended Master spirit guides could have coordinated with each other or stick to the same script. And why, from their other worldly view, were they unaware God had arrived on the scene, as per BKs?

I tend to think, that if "9 out of 10 housewives cannot tell the difference between butter and maragarine", then they - or a jewellery shopkeeper, cannot tell the difference between a seraphim, a cherubim or an arch-angel or a dominion. Or a deceptive demon, an Angel of Light.


Sure, people in all places and in all times have had weird and wonderful and inexplicable mystical experiences. A tiny minority do actually manifest strange powers. Some of us are intrigued and hanker after them, a few of us dedicate ourselves in an attempt to invoke or embody them. A tiny proportion dedicate themselves into turning that into a religion-business and live off it. It's just frustrating that none of the enlightened masters and their visions seem to be reliable, or agree with each other.

It seems that the proportion of successes within individuals trying to have an experience are very low. That most notable cases happened completely randomly. But there's a lot of money in the market to be milked between the point of an individual becoming curious and giving up.
You do seem to try to make everything so vague that it ultimately doesn't matter. What is "love", what is "bliss" etc But maybe bu the same logic we could say "what is "trying to get everyone's money" or "destroy humanity"?"

Skepticism born of years of sitting in classes where BKs were forced to "give their experience" and then meeting them years after and having them admit they experience nothing but just used to say whatever. And charts, a kind of diary kept by BKs, in which you were suppose to practise "Happiness", "Love" or "Bliss" every other day, on schedule, and then mark yourself according to what percentage you felt and for how long ... "67% Bliss for 46 minutes between 2 and 4pm".

It's so robotic.
Personally, I still don't get the criticism about the money. They allow donations

Pink has largely answered that. They don't do "service" of anyone, they do self-publicity (PR) and marketing with it.

The only thing I underline is a different double standard, e.g. when Super Dadi Janki came to London in the early 1970s, the BKs were pushing Destruction in 1976. She encourage new BKs ... individuals who she had hidden the failed predictions of Destruction in 1950 and WWII ... to surrender our lives and money to them again.

And then invested it in one then three freehold properties, which were re-developed and maintained via our free labour. Meanwhile, all the young BKs were encouraged to live in rented accommodation, not to pursue their studies and careers etc and promote the religion; and, as Pink said, were used to con-vince Indians of their power. In India, things were even more manic with people selling properties and donating all their wealth to the BKs. Events repeated in 1986 and Year 2000.

Again, the majority of the people being "shaken down" had not been told about the previous failures, although Super Jacki certainly knew about them. Does that strike you as benign, enlightened or spiritual? Or just a con? Things are much worse in India, village women being shaken down for their wedding jewellery so it can be given as gifts to VIPs etc (they don't have bank accounts, that is their wealth) etc etc etc.
Interested to hear your thoughts on these subjects. When you say you're not a monotheist are you refering to something that has to do with everyone have a personal set of guides and guardian angels?

It seems the "one god" trick is just a tool of imperialists who want all other tribes to kneel before them, via the metaphor of their god; and for their tribal god to be the supreme one.

If there is a Supreme god, what would be its qualities for you and how does the god of the BKs match up to them?

He falls far short to mine. Mined would be infallible, non-manipulative, and not put up with unethical abuses amongst his representatives. I could far more easily fit Lekhraj Kirpalani/BapDada into the spiritualist/multi-dimensional model of the world as a slightly more ascended human "master". I accept Lekhraj Kirpalani mastered some elements of being human, at least in the business world, and acted as a medium for ... something. I just have a hard time making the leap to it having to be a Supreme God. That, to me, is his grandiose, expansive, narcissistic ego coming into play.

Delve further into spiritualism - which BKism is - and you'll uncover many trance mediums and channellers and far more detailed and intricate world views. Some are just demented as Lekhraj Kirpalani, others a lot more humble and practical. All, I think, are ultimately unreliable ... entertaining, sometimes insightful, but ultimately unreliable. I think that most are having a huge big joke at humanities expense, others are specifically deceitful and devious. Literally evil.

This is an area where I have disagreements with Pink over. As far as I understand, he sees them as part/projections of the ourself. I don't think they can all be simply reduced or understood away in that manner; and especially not the effects of them (real or not).

I don't think we fully understand the human psyche and the psychic realms of our existence. I certainly don't think the BKs do (I think they want to keep a cap on our understanding and limit our growth so they can exploit us). As you say, when faced with the multi-realm spirit world/ghost realm ideas ... they just draw a blank. Even though their world view included ghosts and spirits.

I think that the lesson is not to rely on anything external to yourself. If you are doing good and on the right path, and there is a "They" out there, I am sure they come to help you or introduce themselves as they did to Lekhraj Kirpalani and others when your time is right. To "follow the Father", in BK terms, means to follow your own path, learn your own lessons, starting from where you are now ... not copy and fall in behind Lekhraj Kirpalani's path. A path which for Westerners is 99% outdated and inappropriate.


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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post17 Jan 2016

Sorry for the delay, ex-l. Thank you for the response. As with PP's, it's pretty rich and useful. I don't have something specific to respond to, so I just wanted to say thanks!

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post18 Jan 2016

Hello ex-I, I like the last part of your reply to Friend about lessons learned. I will go a bit more and add that to follow Father means to be authentic and listen to the inner voice with great honesty. Honesty and being authentic are powerful antidotes against manipulation of the mind and other parts of the inner self.
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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post18 Jan 2016

Yes, I think so ... your own inner voice.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post19 Jan 2016

There is a power in the inner voice that many BK will sometimes ignore and underestimate. One reason for many BKs, especially the novices, is honey moon effect and the inability to distinguish the inner voice from Shrimat and manmath. Many BK novices feel that RJY enables them to overcome the inner voice or override it. The inner voice is, however, powerful enough to enable changes in external circumstances, which will enable dreams to come true.


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Re: BK experience more love, happiness etc than other medita

Post30 Nov 2018

Leadership: known as a wealthy religion in India, the BKWSU leadership continues to financially benefit from their position by encouraging their adherents to a total mental, physical and financial surrender to their God. “Service” projects, largely PR event rather than actual charitable acts, increasingly involve business class air travel and 4 star hotels.

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