Marriage in jeopardy

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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post20 Oct 2015

Yup, that was a fateful decision to allow her to go ... I am sorry.
avidbkhater wrote:I do not get the whole idea of "God Coming". What does that even mean? some lady speaking in rough demonic kind of voice and whole BK junta believes that to be a voice of God.

It means exactly what they say. The soul, as in the actual individuals or personality of the individual, is like a spark of light contained in the middle of the brain. "God" (ShivBaba) is also a spark of light. He lives in the Brahmand but is able to come down and possess the body of their spirit medium, like have not one but two bulbs in a bed side lamp (the soul of the individual and the soul they consider to be the supreme one, or "God" in a monotheistic, Christian or Islamic way); and then look and speak and act in a strange robotic way through it.

Those videos is meant to be god himself speaking. Not a god but the one and only supreme god.

How does one come to believe that? Well, you are not really told what is going on specifically to begin with, and then even after you are you still don't for a while, you still have your own vague impressionistic ideas, but you are encouraged to "suspend disbelief" and start to focus your mind on him.

Generally, nothing happens to begin with but, generally, at some point the individual has some kind of experience, e.g. a feeling of lightnesses, a pressure of power, a high, some kind of vision that encourages you *something* is going on; and then you are love-bombed by other BKs.

You might ask her, un-confrontationally, how or what experience she had to convince herself.

This is where readying over the teaching training manual might help to understand what they have told her.
Problem is my wife is very short tempered and has big ego problem. She doesnt like to be told.

Well, those are two *very* bad and *very* naughty qualities according to BKism. This is where, if you are stuck with BKism, you might be able to use BKism against her or to control her. You would have to use the search function in the Encyclopedia or download them from the Library, e.g. here Murli + anger.
Sakar Murli 2003/02/22 Revised

"Look within yourself and remove any bad habits such an anger or lust from yourself. Remain like milk and sugar. Follow the Shrimat of the One. Do not have any conflict"

Anger and Ego. She is meant to be a peaceful soul, like "sugar in the milk", everyone is supposed to be satisfied with her.

Anger, they say (short temperedness) is born of unfulfilled sexual desire. In order, it goes; ego (a product of not being "soul-conscious" a wrong association with the body), lust (desire for sensual experience), anger (at not getting it), then greed (wanting more).

If you are stuck with it, you should ask for a copy of all the Murlis, and the rules she is supposed to be following, and then hold her up to them. They are suppose to keep a daily diary or "chart" of their thoughts and behaviour, so last thing you can ask to check it with her.

You can ask her specifically, "What Shrimat (advice) did the centres-in-charge give her as far as behaving at home with respect to you?"

She won't like it but she won't be able to argue against it. Basically, what is happening is that your authority, or both your consensuses (the consensual agreements between you and her in the relationship about what you do and how you live, what your aims and what the object of family life etc) is being taking over by the Brahma Kumari leaders.

As she does not have access to the very top "allegedly" most enlightened ones, this means the authority in your family is being replaced by the Murlis (the word of the BK god figure) and the local centre-in-charge to whom she will run for advice all the time; in addition to which, the BKs she speaks to will be conspiring with her, getting off at playing mini-gurus giving her advice on how to trick and mislead you in your own home.

If you reject BKism or start to obstruct it, you will be portray as evil or devilish. Literally, e.g. "you are spiritually asleep and deluded, they are awake, chosen and self-realised". If you do so, they will advise a long-term strategy beginning with compromised to their rules ... but, strictly speaking, she should be being "Om Shanti" at all times, sweet and spiritual. She should be "earning a pass mark" (Murli quote) from you for her divine behaviour.

You can point out how crazy it is to believe "God" has entered and possessed their spirit medium, and how time is only 5,000 years old, how dinosaurs appeared 2,500 years ago, etc ... and you can warn her that they have made numerous false predictions of the End of the World and falsified the history of the religion ... you can ask her if she really believes it all ... but if she is determined to play by the BK rules, and have BK as the final authority in your house, then you'd better study those rules and use it to kickstart her rational mind.

Deep down, she probably does not really believe it ... keep reminded her of that and her rational intelligence ... but there will be a sort of power game going on to gain control; her, then the centre-in-charges, then their god spirits.

Actually, they believe it is not just their god spirit entering the spirit medium; they believe it is a combined form (two light bulbs) of "God" and their deceased guru-founder Lekhraj Kirpalani. This is what they call "BapDada".

So, in those videos, they believe there are three "light bulbs" in the whispering old lady's body; the old lady, "God" (ShivBaba) and Lekhraj Kirpalani.

What do people thing about trying to cut all BK connections off by contacting the centre directly and telling them to stop contacting her and sending Murlis, same with the BKs that phone her up to drip feed her, and explaining to them that you have a child and it is destroying your family life?

Have you been on a long active holiday with her recently (no BKism allowed)?

Think of her relationship with the BK god spirit as another man trying to seduce her away from you. This is actually what they say, "Shiv Baba is the Husband of all husbands". They call him the Father, Husband, Lover and Beloved.

You are being cuckolded and are blind to it.

Of course, I don't think Shiva Baba is god, and we cannot say if these spirits exist on not, therefore all we can reliably say is that Senior Sisters and Brothers within BKism are taking over your position in your family and house (with the aims of taking and control it, and your wallet.

Oh, and your child if they can. How old was he ... 5? You need to start educating him about what is going on. Otherwise he will be brainwashed too. You need to tell him his mother is a little sick and not to believe in her or her god spirit otherwise he will be sitting brainwashed staring at red light bulbs or pictures of Lekhraj Kirpalani soon, if not already).

Wake up to what is going on my friend.
Sakar Murli 28 August 2015 wrote:All of them are orphans whereas you belong to the Lord and Master. You do not have to fight. By becoming Brahmins you belong to the Lord and Master. A husband and Father are said to be the lord and master. Shiv Baba is the Husband of all husbands.

When a girl gets engaged she says: When will I meet my husband? You souls say: Baba, I have become engaged to You. Now, how can I meet You? Some write the truth and some hide a great deal. They don’t write honestly and say: Baba, I made this mistake. Please forgive me! If anyone falls into vice, their intellect is unable to imbibe anything. Baba says: If you make such a severe mistake you will be completely finished.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post21 Oct 2015

Apologies again for not responding earlier.

My Sister in law has come to visit us for few weeks. That and work is keeping me busy.

My Sister in law is also a BK follower, she was introduced by my wife ... now they discuss and share everyday among themselves.

My wife keeps chanting "Om Shanti" all the time. She tried her best to make me start saying Om Shanti as a way of greeting /wishing. I didnt agree to that.

She claims that she can see the light and feels the vibration of other BK members i.e. her Sister.

Yesterday, we went to a pediatrician to have 4 stitches cut that were applied a week ago (he had a little accident riding a bike). My son was very scared of the pain and didnt want to go but we somehow convinced him. Doctor examined and told us that wound hasn't healed yet and she couldn't cut the stitches. Hearing that my wife was all smiles and said that that is because she prayed to Dada for our son. How pathetic is that? I cannot stand such level of irrational and illogical talks and I just say OK instead of arguing.

Few months ago, when I tried to persuade her for physical relation she said she doesnt want to because things were not right between us, she didnt mention BK. I said OK and I worked on making it better and I would say I did a good job because we didnt fight for many weeks. So again after having had a good day I asked her if things are better and if we should resume our physical relations, to that she said she wont as she doesn't want to ruin all her hard work (referring to BK) then I confronted her, that it was not what she mentioned few weeks ago, and she just used our relation as an excuse that time. Felt betrayed and humiliated. Haven't gone closer to her since then. A couple of days ago she complained that why do not I hug her or show affection, I didnt have an answer then.

In early romance days with BK, she mentioned to me about world ending sometime in first half of 21st century but now when I ask her she totally denies and tells me that is not what she meant. She meant that world will "transform".

A few days ago she had left her chat window with some distant uncle (also in BK) open, and I read her text as, "Om Shanti uncle, my husband has now allowed me to walk on the path of Pavitrata".

do not even feel like having any meaningful conversation; even if we do we end up arguing or I remain limited to, "OK".
How can I respond to illogical talks? I just cannot. No matter how hard I try I feel like I do not belong in that discussion.

We haven't been to any holidays. This is a good point. May be I should do that. Wholeheartedly. Should I mention "No BK allowed" to her?


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post21 Oct 2015

The way your wife is making excuses just reminds me of what happened to me. It seems someone is guiding her how to wean off you from sex, the BKs call it yuktis.

You need to give her two options either pick her marriage or her cult. I am telling you on personal basis the more you allow your wife to be with BKs, the heavier the price you will pay.

Be firm give her a jolt and let everyone in family know, if she is not willing to leave BK you want a divorce. Either she will pick her marriage or her faith.

I am telling you on my personal experience as I have filed for divorce and my wife is not willing for divorce but is manipulating me to go this fu.... cult for meditation Raja Yoga BS ... etc.

Read all the posts on this forum very closely you are in a very BAD situation if you do not take these things seriously. If you let her continue her BK she will suck your young son into it also. If she is not willing, let her got to India, do not renew her visa so that she cannot enter US. I waited too long to inform my parents so let everyone know right now otherwise you will be paying a much heavier price.

Stay in touch with this forum closely as my interaction here has been a eye opener for me and given me strength to take right decision. So be bold and brave and save yourself and your son. I am being honest and blunt as I am in similar sitatutiom with no children involved.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post21 Oct 2015

Thanks V78.

I have started reading posts on this site as and when I get time.

Had it not been for my son, I would have declared war long time ago. If my wife goes to India, she will be going with my son and that means allowing her to follow BK even with more freedom and also gives her an option to teach my about BK.

I am trying to see if I can make things work by following your and other members suggestion. If not then I think it would be better for me to give her ultimatum when we go back to India for good in couple of years. Being in India will allow me to closely interact with both the families and also handle legal situations if any.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post22 Oct 2015

avidbkhater wrote:In early romance days with BK, she mentioned to me about world ending sometime in first half of 21st century but now when I ask her she totally denies and tells me that is not what she meant. She meant that world will transform.

The use of the word ”transformation” is BKs lying to themselves - firstly, about all the failed predictions they put forward and, secondly, about the death and suffering they are praying/meditating for. And, thirdly, part of their pastiche and melange of Hindu myths and scriptures to to suit their childish, self-centred world view.

Their ”god -man” Lekhraj, who called himself Prajapati God Brahma, put forward in the early days that it was his Om Mandli’s Yoga power that inspired WW2 and that WW2 was going to be the end of the world. When that did not prove to be the case, and India gained independence and the deaths and civil strife of partition happened, that was another sign of the "end days" BKs latched onto.

They maligned Gandhi, Nehru and democracy (they competed for followers with other extreme Hindu religous nationalists like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Arya Samaj - forerunners of the relatively milder BJP). They would write to world leaders calling on them to recognise Lekhraj/Brahma as God and to launch the nuclear missiles because Ram Raj (a term used by almost all sides in India in those days) could only be established on earth after Ravan Raj was destroyed.

The BKs for decades have talked about inspiring "Destruction" through ”Yoga power”. In the 1950s, when Lekhraj stopped being God and turned into being the "Chariot” or medium used by god, now apparently a separate entity, who spoke by possessing or channeling through Prajapita Brahma, they not unknowingly decided to call that new god ‘Shiva' (a strong reference as you'd know to the third member of the trinity representing Yoga and Destruction). When all their narratives crumbled one by one, they make up new ones.

Their ”Mama”, Om Radhe died in 1965. They saw that as her going ahead to reincarnate and become Krisna’s mother, who would then take rebirth once more to become Radhe who’d marry Krisna, but four years later Lekhraj himself died. So what then? Well, obviously Krisna’s mother was not old enough to give birth, so Brahma would have to stay ”Avyakt” - the BK misuse of a word which they changed to mean ”angelic” until she was old enough. Then they mix up the Krishna legend because they talk of Om Radhe becoming Yashoda, but she was only Krishna’s foster mother, his actual mother was Devaki.

The disaster of the Nepalese Royal family’s massacre at the hands of the crown prince caused another shift in their ”plans” because up until then they said that Om Radhe had to be reincarnated into a royal family and that one was one of the few royal families around with any actual power. The shift then was that this royal family had usurped another a few generation back and so she was actually reincarnated into the previous rulers’ family who’d surely now come to power...? But the Maoists are still there and Nepal is now a republic, so that story is now banned from discussion never existed, like the way The Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984 rewrites history to serve the needs of today.

There is so much more like this, you will find around this web site.

Speaking of Romance - the BK ”truth” appeals to that emotional need, especially for many women. It is as malleable as the scripts of a TV soap opera where even popular characters who've died in previous episodes or seasons somehow come back to life because its good for the ratings, with some ludicrous explanation worked into the script to explain the impossible accepted by the viewers all to ready to suspend disbelief because they want it to be true.

A simple question you can ask about Transformation versus Destruction: How many people are alive after the transformation is complete and Sat Yuga is established? What happened to the rest?
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post22 Oct 2015

avidbkhater wrote:My wife keeps chanting "Om Shanti" all the time. She tried her best to make me start saying Om Shanti as a way of greeting /wishing ... Hearing that my wife was all smiles and said that that is because she prayed to Dada.

You have had some very good and accurate advice above which I agree with 100%. I only want to pick up on some small points here.

Firstly, from an accurate BK point of view, she's actually not following BKism properly, she is still in a child-like devotional state of mind, what the BKs would call in a dismissive way, "Bhakti" or "Bhagat". Praying to Lekhraj Kirpalani is not really not part of the religion, they are supposed not even to remember him. Likewise chanting Om Shanti. That's also not BKs, it's more like "Hare Krishna" or something.

I mention this to analyse what is going on. She might be infatuated with the BKs and BKism but she is really still just acting out rudimentary Hinduism but it's also what they do to try and recruit other people in. As a BK, you would not pray to Lekhraj Kirpalani for anything and why would anyone pray for a wound not to heal!

It sounds like she is in an evangelistic phases.
she said she doesnt want to because things were not right between us ... she said she wont as she doesn't want to ruin all her hard work (referring to BK)

"Om Shanti uncle, my husband has now allowed me to walk on the path of Pavitrata".

This I have to pick up on to underline the deception. You have not "allowed" to follow celibacy (purity), there has not been any agreement. What she really means is she has beaten you and worn you out by tricks. Using the "yuktis" the BKs will be giving her, and simple female guile.

This is an important principle; there was no agreement, there was a one way domination via tricks and deception.

This business of "Destruction" or Vinash is another example, show her the BK video below (taken at random). It is the first time I have read "ending sometime in the first half of 21st C. It saddens and disgust me. These people have no morals. They first claimed WWII was Destruction. By the 1980s, they used to say the Golden Age would be ready and start around 2036 (100 years). I suspected they would do this but had never seen evidence of it.

Of course, the chief parasites are all living in comfort off the religion and so they need it to carry on.
Should I mention "No BK allowed" to her?

You can say it but, by now, she will dislike. It sounds like she is deeply intoxicated and embedding herself in a network of BKs, choosing them over you and the rational world. You can try it though. In fact, I'd go even further and remove any BK materials from her luggage. It sounds like she will still be Om Shanti-ing and meditating though.

Try and go somewhere and do something she would have liked in the past where you/she is cut off from any channels the BKs can reach her through. Trick her back, like you might a drug addict to get them away from their drugs. You have a problem on your hands now. Unfortunately, out of innocence, you have allowed the BK tendrils to reach deep into her mind and body and control it. You really should have stepped in much earlier.

I don't know which offers the more rights and protection, the USA or India, but I just want to emphasis one thing to you ... to neither be weak, nor stupid, and not end up sponsoring her to be a full-time Brahma Kumari evangelist sucking in other wives and mothers.

Do not out of the stupidity of unrewarded and non-reciprocated "kindness" give her enough to do so. It will be their aim.

Do not believe that if you are kind, she and they will be reasonable in return or that you win her back. You won't. You will just join the army of men who have been conned by the Brahma Kumaris into paying for their lives to play at being a free labourer for them, losing their love and family.

At the right time - and I agree you should try the soft approach appealing to her and trying to awaken her rational mind - can give her the example of BK Dr Hansa Raval in Texas who left her infant child behind to join the BKs. At the right time, you should declare you family and your home a "BK free zone". It is your home, not theirs ... their policy is, literally, "to conquer the world three square feet at a time", home by home.

At some point, you are in the driving seat and only you know how things are at your end, you can tell her about us and tell her than you been learning about BKs from individuals who have been studying it since the 1970s and 80s, who are explaining to you all the "yukti" (tricks) the BKs use, what BKism is and teaches and that, in fact, she is not doing it "accurately". Also about all the failed prediction and how they have covered up and re-written their past; and all the other families that have been been broken up in this manner.

Shock her that you can see through her, as V78 says, and appeal to her fair and rational mind. For example, if she denies Destruction, print off BK documents and posters from the Library showing it.

If you go on holiday, try and get as long as you can and observe her without her drug, e.g. no phones and internet, no Murlis hidden at the bottom of the suitcase.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Dec 2015

Pink Panther just wanted to update you that I am legally divorced now from my BK partner. I am going through mixed emotions but very well know that with help of all of you my life is saved although it will take time for my emotional and mental trauma to heal...

I wish to express heartfelt gratitude to ex- I the way he guided me and helped me to come out of BK BS of my wife and her BK family.

My ex wife thinks ex I has positioned my mind against BK....

I will update you as lot of drama happened during these few months.

Thanks again to this forum , ex-I and pink panther for their help and guidance and helping me understand the way BK deceive people.

I hope people read my story and are able to save themselves and their families from this a completely neutral person the information written about way BK is ruining people and dividing families is completely accurate.

God bless you all....
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Pink Panther

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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Dec 2015

It is a bitter episode with hopefully a sweet aftertaste to come.

Unfortunately the truth is that she chose someone else ahead of her husband, so no matter what happened, what was done or said, you were always going to be second fiddle or worse, a convenient source of wealth and labour that subsidised her religious delusions and commitment elsewhere. You, as an individual, are luckier than many. It is better you cut away from this before children entered the picture or you became too habituated to the situation.

Time heals all wounds and hopefully, in time, you will find someone else to receive your emotional commitment who deserves it. Hope you occasionally visit here and share your experiences with others who will inevitably come along with a similar dilemma as you had. None of us are first nor last. The BK soap opera has new characters all the time.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Dec 2015

Sorry for disappearing. Work, BK drama and My son are keeping me busy.
I am sorry to hear that, V78. I hope you will come out of mental trauma very soon. It takes only one good person to make you forget all the pain.

Regarding my story, it is still the same. I haven't been able to spend much time reading on this site.
I came across a chat between my wife and her Sister (another BK fool) and it reads as following (this is from yesterday). I am not sure what this means. Please forgive me, some of the conversation is in Hindi.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Dec 2015

Chat 1 between my wife and her Sister
My wife: Awake
My wife: Suraj Bhai class
Sister: Yes
Sister: Ll start soon
My wife: Hmm
My wife: Have tea
My wife: Sada sukhi bhav
My wife: Shresht yogi bhav
My wife: Safalta moort bhav
Sister: Hmm sure inu still clinging om,
Sister: Yes yay
Sister: Mommy ko call kiya
My wife: No
My wife: U call
Sister: Called
My wife: Sunday kee Murli ka print out nikalna
My wife: Can u send me email of Sunday Murli
Sister: This Sunday or that 6 point Murli last sunday
Sister: Okay
My wife: 29
My wife: Bohot super thee kal kee Murli
Sister: Aacha
My wife: 2 bhuja Wale ko saathi kyun banate ho, 1000 bhuja Wale ko banao tou saath milega
My wife: Bhejna don't forget OK
Sister: Baba naa ??
Sister: Okay
Sister: Mera Baba
Sister: Baba came
My wife: Yes
Sister: Baba is present
Sister: Already
Sister: Maazzaa aaya
Sister: ????
Sister: Be fikar baadshaah
My wife: Official ishara
My wife: Ab ready rehna
My wife: Achanak
My wife: See Dadi too telling
My wife: Normally no one tells class after Baba
Sister: Last final warning for pursharth
Sister: No time for purusharth too
Sister: I still have time naa?
My wife: Ab dono saath hoga
My wife: Pratyskhta n halchul
My wife: Saath saath
My wife: Purusharth tou marte damm tak karna hai
My wife: But ab be ready to go home, anytime
Sister: ???
Sister: Hear that
Sister: Didi
Sister: Listen silence power


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Dec 2015

Another conversation with some BK uncle. I didnt understand the first line here. What does she mean by that?
My wife: Baba gave official ishara for achanak today ... So ab final.
My wife: Be Befikar baadshaah too
Uncle: Om Shanti, You are right
Uncle: I also saw Aruna Didi today in front line corner.
Uncle: Aapka pursharth kesa chal raha hey
My wife: Last few days when my Sister came it went down, Murli ka bhi time nahi milt thaa ... Because of two kids
My wife: It's now back on track
My wife: I love Baba more n more every day now
My wife: I tell everyone that no body has loved me so much in this life or past lives
My wife: If I remember that again after 5000 years we will meet Baba, then I cry every time.
My wife: I don't want sangam yug to end
My wife: But looking at nark at times I think it should end now
Uncle: Maya badi chalam hay. Kabhi bhi kisi bhi bahane se albela pan la sakti hay
My wife: Yes true
My wife: Aapka purusharth kaisa hai
My wife: Aap Gyan mein kaisee aaye
Uncle: Going on nicely
Uncle: Bhakti me shuru se interest nahi tha.
Uncle: Shivani ko youtube par suna aur Gyan me aa gagya
My wife: How many year's
My wife: Me too , i heard Shivani Didi on Astha Channel n then found a yugal who took me to center
My wife: I was mad about Krishna right from childhood
My wife: N Gita book
My wife: Take print out of this Sunday Murli
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Pink Panther

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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post02 Dec 2015

Are they talking about Justin Beiber?


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post02 Dec 2015

:) Lol

I will try to translate and send you the English version.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post02 Dec 2015

Avid BK hater,

You are still not understanding gravity of situation. Your wife is getting more and more delusional and getting sucked into BKism ... I am not expert into BKism but per my limited understanding she is making BK Baba as her divine husband ... and she is pledging to follow BK Maryadas including celibacy and no feeling or attachment to anyone except her BK Baba.

If you do not take it dead serious and completely take her out completely from BK contacts and stop all BK exposure to be very blunt either get prepared to live as your wife's roommate and financial supporters of BK or get ready for divorce down the road.

The postings I read on this forum as well as guidance from ex-I opened my eyes and came out of this mess before my life getting completely ruined.

Don't take the situation lightly. I discussed my wife's situation with a psychiatrist. His conclusion was, your wife having religion delusion and she is getting sucked into a cult.

Recommendation : she needs to stop all contacts with BK and will need long term therapy.

My wife refused her treatment so now she is with her Baba.

My motivation for sharing my story is to save few people from this cult. So if you want to visit the forum follow and implement what people are telling you.

My friend you are playing with fire and if you don't take this BKism out from your life you are going to pay a very heavy price.

So please intervene NOW give your wife option to pick BKism or her marriage ...

That's my take rest is unto you ...
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post02 Dec 2015

V78 wrote:Pink Panther just wanted to update you that I am legally divorced now from my BK partner.

It might amuse you, V78, just how BK portray your experience to other BKs ... without, of course, having actually spoken to you or knowing anything of your experience in the USA.

As to us "breaking your family", was it ever together in the first place (consummated) before you "wife" started flirting with and spending hours chatting to that BK Brother? How many people were in your marriage? You, your wife, the BK centres-in-charge, the BK Brother, the Baba etc?
learning spirit wrote:From: Brahma Kumaris Forum

Its shocking to see the self declared counselors like ex-l and PP have now gone to the extent of breaking families.

They have recently advised two families to break-up and take divorce because one of the members (wives) are new BKs.

It saddens me to see that they have broken these families while all the time shouting about "BKs break families"

The shocking part here is how openly these people sitting in West now advise people sitting in India from different cultural backgrounds on divorces.

avidbkhater wrote:Another conversation with some BK uncle. I didnt understand the first line here. What does she mean by that?
My wife: Baba gave official ishara for achanak today ... So ab final.

Achanak, is that exam as in exam paper? Ishara is that "hint"

BKs call any difficult experience an exam paper, the idea that "drama" (life) is testing their stability of mind.

So may be, "Baba gave a hint for the exam (difficult experience)" ?

It's difficult because not just is one attempting to translate BK "Hinglish" but also the muttering of a deluded person who believes God is speaking directly to them.
Sister: Last final warning for pursharth
Sister: No time for purusharth too

Purūşārtha means "elevated efforts", or doing BK basically.

They have been saying that since the 1960s at least.

If you can translate the Hindi into literal English, perhaps we can decode the BK English into understandable ideas? There is a BK dictionary of terms, here.

What is "nark" ... Hell?

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