Didi Nirmala Australia

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Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post03 Oct 2015

From: The Age (Australia) - Oct 2, 1978. No mention of the BK leaders' afternoon siesta.
Businessmen can work efficiently for up to 18 hours a day if they meditate, an Indian Yoga teacher said yesterday.

And Dr. Nirmala Kajaria said people could meditate while driving a car or walking down the street.

"Once a business person starts meditating, he could work for 18 hours each day without being tired.

Dr. Kajaria was a doctor in Bombay before studying meditation ... [she] begins her daily meditations about 4am after six hours' sleep.

Dr_Nirmala.jpg (49.68 KiB) Viewed 6100 times

And from a published book we have referred to before,"Year 2000 doomed: Mankind destroyed" by Keerthi Kelegama, ISBN 955-95823-3-X
This World shattering report on imminent world destruction, examines scientific evidence, reports, prophecies, visions, scriptures, divine revelations etc. Its inevitability frightens the reader and prepares him to escape the destruction.

"How to escape destruction" is the last chapter. 900,000 people will be saved from it and you could be one of them.
Brahmakumaris World Spiritual University affiliated to the United Nations Department of Public Information as a non-governmental organisation teaches that in every 5000 years world destruction takes place and now is the time for it ... My research work made me able to give even exact times of the impending world destruction ... I also carry a chapter titled: "Why destruction necessary" which is backed by intense scientific research. Almighty Nature would not destroy a mankind unless it is necessary. Every thing happens according to a divine plan ... I am not an astrologer. But examining the facts and evidence before me, I could fearlessly declare that "year 2000 will be doomed and mankind annihilated." Read my research work and you will be convinced.
I discussed with Dr. Nirmala Kajaria, Regional Director of Brahmakumari Raja Yoga Centres in Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific on matters connected with this book. She gave me her blessings to write this book for the benefit of the people. She wrote to me from Singapore and gave me encouragement.
Brahmakumaris also expect the world destruction to take place immediately followed by the birth of Krishna once again. Brahmakumari devotees who went to their headquarters in Madhuban, Rajasthan, India, in December last year, were told that time is very short. Even those who hold fixed deposits in banks maturing in the year 2000 would not be able withdraw them. They were instructed to withdraw them at the end of this year. However what a top figure of Brahmakumaris want me to write in this book is that in a very short time, the destruction would begin.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post04 Oct 2015

PP, yes, I said medicine. It was another person who said it may be homeopathy.

Quantum, beware the signs of solipsism indicated in your response. I did not mention or refer to you at all in my post to which you make this reply.

Admin, - I think the Kelegama excerpts below should be included in (copied to) the threads documenting the BK failed predictions which those who live in denial - though ignorance or suppressed memory - can research at their leisure.


Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post04 Oct 2015

pp, Yes, I know. Just clarifying.

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