AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

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Free Speech

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AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post20 Jul 2015

While I was reading about assistance provided by Govt. of India to Yoga institutes, I came across a new scheme AYUSH (Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddh Homeopathy) Mission launched by the Govt. recently. The vision of govt. is to support growth of Yoga & other ancillaries for social welfare but here comes another gateway which BKWSU wallah will try to acquire at any cost. Yes, what you are thinking is right, it is related to MONEY.

According to AYUSH MISSION,
Out of the total State envelop available, 20% funds will be earmarked for flexible funds which can be spent on any of the items given below with the stipulation that not more than 5% of the envelop is spent on any of the components:
    a. AYUSH Wellness Centers including Yoga & Naturopathy*
    b. Tele-medicine
    c. Sports Medicine through AYUSH
    d. Innovations in AYUSH including Public Private Partnership
    e. Interest subsidy component for Private AYUSH educational Institutions
    f. Reimbursement of Testing charges
    g. IEC activities
    h. Research & Development in areas related to Medicinal Plants
    i. Voluntary certification scheme: Project based.
    j. Market Promotion, Market intelligence & buy back interventions
    k. Crop Insurance for Medicinal Plants
*The Yoga wellness Centres are eligible for Rs. 0.6 Lakhs as one time assistance for initial furnishing and recurring assistance of Rs.5.4 Lakhs p.a. for Manpower, maintenance etc. & Naturopathy hospitals 20-30 beds are eligible for Rs.15 lakhs (Rs. 12 Lakhs as recurring assistance p.a. including Manpower and Rs.3 Lakhs for non-recurring one-time assistance for treatment equipments). However, the stipulation that not more than 5% of the envelope is spent on any of the components may not be applicable in this component.

I won't be surprised to know in future that BKWSU is not known only for its own style of RajYoga but many other products, so as to get maximum fund under different categories. So, next step of BKWSU could be to get recognition as a AYUSH Wellness Center if its possible. I haven't gone through its various criteria, you may read it in this document:

http://www.nhp.gov.in/sites/default/fil ... nglish.pdf
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post20 Jul 2015

Are you giving them new ideas!?!

Rupee Yoga is the 9th arm of Raja Yoga.

TM, the Maharishi, made multi-millions out of Ayurveda. The BKs have been really slow on the pick up as far as the "wellness" market goes.

Historically, they always used to put it down. I remember the like of Jayanti Kirpalani referring to them as "health bhagats", like a healthy body was a bad thing and true BKs would be out there "grinding their bones" in service and working themselves to death.

And there was actually quite a lot in the Murlis to support that view. Basically it was, "get sick and use it to service the doctors and nurses".

Promoting health would also mean that they would have to visibly apply it to their obese asses and that was just too much of a mirror to look into.

There are undeniable connections between one's health, body condition and state of mind. All those "big" Sisters must be over eating to cover up some physical or emotional needs. But the BK way was always to ignore it ... "Destruction was coming" ... "this body is the most impure dirty costume" ... "forget it and all its bodily connections!".

The body as the enemy pulling the soul down.

Free Speech

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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post20 Jul 2015

Are you giving them new ideas!?!

Seriously, NO. They activate themselves when it is about money & potential sources to find it. Hardly a BK in HQ be not knowing about this scheme. Are they not always looking for support of Indian Government ... Don't get surprised if you find an additional transfer of unemployment compensation to every BK Sister's account through another Govt. scheme though it is less probable as the amount given is too less to be asked by a BK Sister who can easily earn lacs per annum while doing nothing noticeable.

I read somewhere in one of your posts that BK heads dream that one day Govt. of India will give them the rule to establis. ....

What they do first is decline the good offers to gain trust till a nice meaty one drops in. Though its insane, yet BKs have been always after politicians & VVIPs for getting maximum benefit transferred to them without much hurdles.
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post21 Jul 2015

Yes, that's correct. They taught for decades that shortly before Destruction, India would be such a chaos that the government would hand over power to the Brahma Kumaris as they would be the only organised group.

Presumably, that would them give them control of the nuclear arsenal to carry out the mass annihilation of "impure" Indians they have been lusting for decades?

Of course, that "Destruction" used to be 1976 or 1986 to 1996 ... but their ambition for power and influence - and denial of failure - carries on. In fact, in the early days - 1930-40s - they wrote demanding that the government enact martial law and carry out a mass genocide of Indians for them, literally a "scorched earth" campaign.

I mean, it is absolute nonsense ... but it works in a way for them to drive them onwards doing what they do. Is there any evidence that the BKWSU is run any more efficiently and corruption free from Indian as a whole?

What interests me is the psychological denial of the leaders that they can know what Lekhraj Kirpalani really said and did ... and yet carry on believing he was enlightened rather than just a highly functional insane person.

The only clear evidence is that the Brahma Kumaris' political form is not the democracy they benefit from but hate so much (democracy is impure to them) but a caste rigid theocracy of which they are at the top and have total, unquestioned control.
Free Speech wrote:Don't get surprised if you find an additional transfer of unemployment compensation to every BK Sister's account through another Govt. scheme though it is less probable as the amount given is too less to be asked by a BK Sister who can easily earn lacs per annum while doing nothing noticeable.

The Indian government is giving out unemployment benefit too now?

The BKWSU worldwide does benefit from unemployment and other benefits in rich countries. In the early days they were against it because of how it looked but they appear to have slackened off on that. Some countries were less strict than others, e.g. Australia (the further away they were from Dadi Janki, the more relaxed the BKs are).
What they do first is decline the good offers to gain trust till a nice meaty one drops in. Though its insane, yet BKs have been always after politicians & VVIPs for getting maximum benefit transferred to them without much hurdles.

Yes, I think that sums it up nicely. They have become very worldly-wise and are not afraid to ask for land, property etc. It's an extension of the mentality that teaches them to believe they have a right to everything ... that India is theirs ... that they are the rightful - or "original" - leaders etc etc etc.

As you say, insane nonsense but it works giving them a false confidence to do and ask for the most audacious things and make the most audacious claims about their own self importance.

They attract people mostly out of curiosity. Most leave after a short while but a small percent get hooked and hand over their time, wealth and energy for a few years before they leave, an even smaller percentage sticking for life.

But that constant influx of temporary labour and wealth is enough to keep them surfing along, like petrol in their fuel tank.

To understand the Brahma Kumaris, you need to study their economic system ... and, of course, they keep it secret and hidden even from followers. One does not ask or question ... "one does not allow one's intellect to be drawn by such body conscious distractions" ... that's what they tell their followers. Except when they need donations because the centre's mortgage needs paying or some big mega service event needs funding. Then they make the demands quite clear, albeit it in "BKspeak".

It's not, "give us your money", it's "this is your once in a life time chance to earn a multi-millions times fortune in the Golden Age!!! (aka give us your money)".

To "do service with money" (as in giving it to them) is a necessary part of being a BK.

The BKs see themselves as not taking money from the Indian government but "doing service of the Indian government" by allowing the government to give money to them. I am not joking. They believe they are doing the government a favour by taking their money.

It's an amazing state of mind.

Free Speech

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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post21 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote: To "do service with money" (as in giving it to them) is a necessary part of being a BK.

The BKs see themselves as not taking money from the Indian government but "doing service of the Indian government" by allowing the government to give money to them. I am not joking. They believe they are doing the government a favour by taking their money.

:D Hilarious.

It seems similar to, 'You get energy when I gulp your share of food".

ex-l, you are right, twisting of words is all they know & do.
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post21 Jul 2015

Oh, yes.

The biggest favour I could do you, is take all of your time, all of your money and all of your property ... because if you keep them, you will only cause yourself more bad karma.

Please send me your credit card details and the property for your deeds.

For this service of clearing your karma ... "Baba is the greatest washerman after all" ... I will not even charge you. All of my services are free!

Then once I own everything you have, you are free to work for me from 4am to 10pm every day, and do what I say always.

That is what Shrimat has become. They teach their head Sisters' word is equal to gods.

Free Speech

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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post21 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote: ... "Baba is the greatest washerman after all" ...

I hope it would be so but even Baba is unable to wash their sins. Indeed, it is a bad washerman who charges too much & services poorly.

I see that these head Sisters consider themselves no less than their God, framing the so called knowledge on the spot for followers, all in the name of God. God says that ... and then start what they (not God) demand from followers. For extra caution, at last, they add that it was Shrimat or their churning to avoid questioning though it's all manmat. In fact, the Murli is nothing but Manmat of few Sisters.

Well, only after implementation process of AYUSH mission, one can tell where did Indian Govt. divert fund allocated to it?

Most schemes in India fail in implementation part. If implemented, they are not maintained with vigilance & corrupt officials absorb 90% of it which was meant for development.
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post22 Jul 2015

Free Speech wrote:I see that these head Sisters consider themselves no less than their God, framing the so called knowledge on the spot for followers, all in the name of God. God says that ... and then start what they (not God) demand from followers. ... it's all manmat.

Yes and by doing so they exploit our gullibility ... our willingness to suspend our disbelief and to experiment in what they are saying.

In this case, the responsibility lies with the middle management - the center-in-charges etc - who encourage newcomers to believe such rubbish. They tell you Dadi Janki ... Sister Jayanti's opinions are equal to god. Just follow their instructions and even if it screws up then god will some how magically take care of the situation and you will have no or reduced karma.

How, they cannot explain.

They tell you they see or know you better than you do and are being directly guided by god at ever moment. ANd they even believe they are. "Baba touched the soul ...", they say.


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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post22 Jul 2015

It's a good point for discussion that how many people are being fed by BKWSU.

I assume about 50% of BK Sisters are not that educated to enjoy a respectable career in the normal world. The BKWSU is giving them a much more respectable life compared to the normal world. It’s like a self employment or agency type of work. Become the agent of BKWSU, hook people in and around your area, suck them in some or the other way and lead your life. Your job is to just satisfy the Seniors as they are the ones who have the eye on your income. The religious idiots will never question you, nor the Govt. authorities will (you may threaten them by using fear of GOD, as they are already fearful of doing sinful acts in their lives).

A better offer to survive in the competitive world.

Free Speech

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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post22 Jul 2015

because.parmeshwar wrote:I assume about 50% of BK Sisters are not that educated to enjoy a respectable career in the normal world. BKWSU giving them much respectable life compared to the normal world.

Totally agreeable.
Better offer to survive in the competitive world.

Yes, I think BKWSU will never fall short of servants who are ready to work at any time. It has become an abode of comfort i.e., true for the big centers. While working in other industry, one faces lot more as compared to what BK Sister's might be going through. Reading Murli two times a day & finishing daily chores are the only main roles they had, apart from giving 7 day courses & devising new brainwashing + deceiving strategies.

So, what is the current status of BKWSU? A university or a Yoga center or a consultant agency or anything that suits the circumstances.
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post22 Jul 2015

Two other elements.

Firstly, it's pretty much a 'job for life' once you are in. There are basically no sackings and redundancies. Secondly, being stupid, unquestioning, never changing and willing to be dishonest or corrupt is an advantage, unlike most real jobs where you would be fired.

Except, perhaps, politics!

There's no testing, little to no real training or development, and little to no real product or effect. No previous experience required. All you need to do is remember a very simple scripts, keep up the act, and obey, and you are in.

In the West, it helps if you have the money to bring in a center. I've known some people who did not even follow the principles be invited/allowed to set up a center just because they had money.

I don't think they truly reward people on the basis of their spirituality because, for me, truth and integrity come high on the list of "spiritual" qualities. For the BKs, I think it's more about a willingness to submit and conform to the Kirpalani Klan.

I mean, if you challenge them in any serious way, you're squeezed hard.
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Re: AYUSH : Probable Future Source of Income of BKWSU

Post23 Jul 2015

There are basically no sackings and redundancies. Secondly, being stupid, unquestioning, never changing and willing to be dishonest or corrupt is an advantage, unlike most real jobs where you would be fired.

Even pedophiles, violent assaulters, bribers of officials, thieves and murderers are protected rather than reported to police, all to protect reputation.

They get moved to another secret centre to ”clear the karma”, their labour is apparently better used by the yugya than wasted in a prison, i.e. the yugya puts itself above the law and society’s values, it ”knows better” what the perpetrators and victims need.

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