BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abortion

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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post04 Jun 2015


The criticism is not that BKs condone or cause rape and violence, although some may argue that enforced expectations for detachment, subservience, celibacy, tolerance of injustices, abuses of power etc might cause a psychological predisposition in some people to ”explosions” of suppressed emotions. Like the BK man in Delhi who stabbed his ”senior Brother”. (I don't blame him, that senior Brother was a creep, overbearing and arrogant. Being under his ‘command' 24/7 would have been a continual ”test” - to use a BK term).

The criticism of the PBKIVV (a.k.a. BKWSU) is like criticisms of the Vatican over child sexual abuse. Both are made up of ordinary, fallible human beings but pretend otherwise.

It is the official response that is criticised, the practice of denying and covering up crimes for the sake of public image rather than cooperating with the legal system. And rather more than just ‘cooperating', but actually reporting crimes, coming forward with evidence or handing over the criminal him/herself or witnesses and so on, rather than waiting to be forced.
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post04 Jun 2015

Because of its utterly irrational and unaccountable nature, the BK system benefits the psychopathic elements that hide amongst it ... like wolves surrounding themselves with sheep to feed off. It disempowers individuals and even encoruages them to act in opposition to their own intuitions and interests.

And, because of its actually stated goals and mode of operation (the 'stick' of Destruction and the 'carrot' of coming the Golden Age), there's nothing good about the BK system.

The world would be better without it because it distracts individuals from developing real knowledge and understanding.

Anything good coming of the BKWSU is at best accidental and, at worst, a facade behind which the BK leaders hide their real motivations ... which might just boil down to making money to feed, clothe and house themselves.

"God" really does not need money, property, political power and influence or to suck up to horrible VIPs etc, so why do the BKs.

Not one death, one suicide, one second of interpersonal abuse under their influence is worth anything. It's all just abuse of one kind or another.

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post06 Jun 2015

Crimes like rape, murders or forcing someone to commit suicide or abortions are brutal & they are happening everywhere, not just in BKWSU. So, what makes BKWSU more responsible in such cases? I think that the business which claims as being run by God (?) should be free from all such crimes & if it ain't so, then its a serious problem which exists right from origin of BKWSU i.e., Om Mandli.
Like the BK man in Delhi who stabbed his ”senior Brother”.

Never came across this case on this site. Can you mention the thread's link if it is there?
... like wolves surrounding themselves with sheep to feed off.

Yes ... it describes BKWSU in its true sense.

When will BKWSU shut down????
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post06 Jun 2015

FS, Not sure if there was a thread on this forum dedicated that stabbing or mentioned in passing.

In summary, I will give clues without naming names as I only have this on hearsay and have no first hand knowledge:

A number of years ago now, more than ten years, a 'senior Brother' at Delhi Pandav Bhavan whose name starts with G, was stabbed by another male who has a biological Brother (possibly a twin Brother from memory) of another BK (male) who lives/lived in Madhuban, i.e. these two (biological) Brothers were both well-known and liked by Western BKs. They are both slight in physique and always ready with a friendly smile.

The victim was a very much larger man of a quite opposite nature, being efficient and clever were probably the reasons for his gaining his position in the organisation, it couldn’t have been because of his sleazy, surly and arrogant manner. I never liked him, always felt there was something shady going on.

The violence was a ‘brain snap' resulting from years of overbearing behaviour - or possibly even worse provocations - by the victim to the perpetrator.
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post06 Jun 2015

Yes, the BK godspirit gives specific promises, e.g. "nothing will harm a hair on your head" if you follow him, that he will look after you "with the care a mother cat looks after her kittens" etc.

And then really terrible things happen, e.g. the rape and murder of Dawn Griggs also in Delhi on her way to Mount Abu to donate $8,000 to the BKs.

And how do the BKs reaction ... logically to accept their godspirit talks rubbish and, therefore cannot be an infallible, all wise god?

No ... they make up excuse for him and generally blame the victim. It was their fault (karma) ... they did not have good Yoga ... they did not do enough Yoga etc etc etc. It's never their god's fault, it's a "test" of faith.

Well, if it's a test of faith, what is the lesson?

Obvious answer ... to never trust or take literally what the godspirit says.

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post08 Jun 2015

How BKs interpret an abortion according to their rubbish psychotic analysis?

Even today, few BKs do consider unborn child who is aborted or those who die within few days or weeks as unfortunate insect souls.

Off the topic:

After observing few incidences that BKs shared, I find that BK Brothers (the one working in the organisation) are defended by BK Sisters using stupid logic in front of followers. That has happened more than once. It is like Sister n Brothers offer their service to each other by guarding whenever need arises.

Like, when a BK Sister is found taking bribe from her follower (which they call donation) & questioned by another 'less knowledgeable' follower about it, BK bhais come up to give explanations, or, when a Brother tries to force himself upon some random follower, Sisters come out with a reason from nowhere like culprit being possessed or attacked by evil spirit or something like that.
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post08 Jun 2015

In one similar case that I knew about, on a different continent proving it is "policy", they said there is no soul in the foetus until after 3 months and so it is not a problem to do so.

In that case, abortion was the better thing to do because having the child would have been a terrible distraction from the mother gaining her salvation and earning her inheritance serving the Brahma Kumaris ... because the End of the World was so near.

That was back in about 1981 !

The child in now in their 30s. Luckily the woman ignored the idiotic old crones (it was Dadi Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani who advised her), had the child and left the BKs.

I think your assessment of how they work defensively together is accurate. BKs have no moral system in my book, nor objectivity ... they are rules by what is most "expedient", as in a useful 'get-by'.

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post08 Jun 2015

If you see it through basic religious teachings, abortion is consider one of the biggest sins. It is like killing a being who has no power to defend itself. Shame on those people who even think of aborting.

As far as that 3 month hypothesis of BKs goes, it is completely wrong. It is what they have made for their comforts. BKs explain it by reasoning that unborn child's presence can be felt by its movements after 3 months as when soul enters. But that is wrong. Before that too, soul is present but body is not developed, with its parts not fully integrated to make any voluntary movement.

I never read this '3 month thing' in any religious text. What I found was that the point of instance when female gamete gets fertilized by the male gamete, a lot of heat is released and at that instant soul enters the zygote so formed.

Senior leaders simply fooled followers by advising them to undergo abortion. Taking care of a child till he grows up enough is no small responsibility. It takes everything out of you. That is the main reason why lazy BKs were told to do so. Most importantly, why do they make love if they are so weak to stand up like a man for their responsibilities?

Also to divert funds of BKs toward BKWSU, it is better if they don't marry or if they marry, they don't bear child or if they do bear it, they are asked by center-in charge to abort. I can think of how it must be accomplished at center these days indirectly by BKs.

Horrible crimes.
The child in now in their 30s. Luckily the woman ignored the idiotic old crones (it was Dadi Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani who advised her), had the child and left the BKs.

Very lucky and intelligent woman indeed. Otherwise, BKs generally don't listen to their own conscience.
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post09 Jun 2015

I've never heard BK India make public statements on such issues (they may have, or may not. I don't know).

However, I have heard BKWSU International do so and the line they took was the 3 months and "it's a women's choice" line ... which is surprising liberal for such a conservative organisation.

I dare say it came from the influence of "post-feminist" Western BKs.

Who know if even the soul exists ... certainly whatever does exist goes beyond and if far more complex than the BKs teach. If consciousness arises from the body, there are fairly solid arguments for when various biological elements develop, e.g. nerves to connect the brain to the body.

As usual, the BKs avoid taking a stand and don't publish any fixed code and, instead, leave matters vague and open to manipulation.

As Pink wrote elsewhere, I think, most things in BKism boil down to financial principles. If they want the right to abort children, it is because having children is an expense that would take money and resources away from them and their cause.

The BK way is to steal other families' ready made adult children, thereby saving $100,000 or $250,000 equivalent.

Certainly women with children are second class BKs to the kunya virgins who can dedicate 100% of their faculties to the cult.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post10 Jun 2015

It was as close to official teaching as anything in my day - it was spoken of in classes and even in courses if asked - that "the soul” entered the foetus at 4-5 months, its arrival noted by the first time the baby kicks. (Bacteria twitch so does that mean there are bacteria souls with a bacteria Supreme Soul and bacterial Paramdham? :-D
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post10 Jun 2015

How they and we loved repeating stuff we knew nothing about ... as long as it made us sounds like spiritual authorities.

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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post10 Jun 2015

that "the soul” entered the foetus at 4-5 months, its arrival noted by the first time the baby kicks.

I don't know what Brahmakumaris have to say about those who did not kick at all during whole time till delivery & they are born alive. Pakka BKs should ask such questions.

I suspect that all these BK-criminals run away after committing grave crimes and hide at Mount Abu (safest zone for such people) or other big centers for few months/years till the case is forgotten & closed officially. Then, they get transferred to different zone in some other country.

BKWSU cannot afford to lose its dedicated minions to let go just like that. Rest of the drama is done by BKWSU to save its status and reputation. What do you think?
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post10 Jun 2015

I think you are correct. In so many serious cases, such as the case where the girl burned herself to death and the BKs took the body away, the BK leaders abscond.

We can only suspect that it's an official policy and they run off to hide in another BK centre in a distant part of India.

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