Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount Abu

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post07 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:Please let me make it clear. No one can just run to an organisation to seek their financial information ...

Are you speaking about India specifically?

In any Western/developed nation, all businesses, charities etc *must* file public accounts by law.

I suspect so even in India ... above a certain level ... a level the BKWSU/PBKIVV must be at.

And should not the BKs - as God's instrument - be setting a better, higher example than impure Kali Yugi Shudra religions/operations?

Of course, personally speaking, I think they operate like a tricky/amateur criminal mafia when it comes to money ... but is not this a good example for believers to show how crooked they are?

If it is God's work wouldn't they be proud and fearless to do so?

(Put it on a list of things to happen *after* pigs grow wings and hell freezes over).

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post08 Apr 2015

Are you speaking about India specifically?

Yes, I do not know about transparency system in other countries. But this hold true for most charitable trusts & religion based organisations in India. They never disclose their actual assets. It gets disclosed only when legal authorities take action against them that too only when some severe crime happens in their premise. Recent case of Baba Rampal & Asaram Bapu shows it clearly. Though authorities know about actual statistics which are given by these organisation for tax exemption or evasion but everyone is given their share. Most religious or fake Yoga groups have political support & public's faith to them which is enough for prospering in India.

I cannot really talk about this BKWSU commercial matter beyond a limit as I am not entitled to.
If it is God's work wouldn't they be proud and fearless to do so?

It is not God's work, don't malign God by associating him with BKWSU. BKWSU fear the consequences, that's why it keeps on changing its core philosophy every now n then.
...but is not this a good example for believers to show how crooked they are?

If one is a believer, he would be given several other reasons by their teachers to disbelieve what you have presented here after thorough research. I think the data available here can only make non-BKs or relative of BKs aware about real state of BKWSU. Those who are deep into this faith would hardly listen, I have a real-time example of it, i.e., John. He has been told not to follow any website that goes against BKWSU. So, i think these cases just vanish after posting on different forums.

Don't take it in a wrong way but it would be better if every such case gets reported to police so that real face of BKWSU comes out. But the forums are acting as pacifiers where actually nothing happens at the end rather BKWSU get enough hints to correct itself (though I wouldn't deny that we get a lot of awareness through these forums). The source of tension is BKWSU & sink should be a legal system which punishes them for their deeds. If John had been one of my relatives, I would have registered an FIR against the BK center by now.

OK, I have shared my problem, queries & got them answered. Thanks for that.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post11 Apr 2015

Sai Baba was a perfect case of that ... loads of serious rumours and crimes, then when he died they found millions in gold, cash etc.

On the basis of my purity and naivety, I naturally assumed "God" would have higher standards ... and chosen worldly representative with higher standards than some Sindhi carpetbaggers.

Looking back, I wondered how I could have been so gullible and allow my sincere intentions and interest in spirituality to be exploited ... but I was young and stupid, and refused to listen to my friends and family just as your friend is. I was "spaced out" by the meditation, "high" at time, almost like on drugs. Very quickly the BKs separated me from them, even directly encouraging me to deceive them. That is a fact.

Soon the lifestyle took over consuming 100% of my time. The NKs will say, "It's your [his] choice ... we don't tell you [him] to do anything" but that's not quite true. One is coerced by having very deep, personal and sincere beliefs or values manipulated ... even before you have met their so called "god" in Abu.

Indeed, the trap was and still is very much constructed so that you *must* surrender 100% for 6 months or 24/7/365 days a year *before* you are allowed to.

Consequently, you *force yourself to believe, ingraining the will to believe - despite all rational doubts - whilst being hypnotised and indoctrinated, and self-hypnotising and self-indoctrinating. It's during that time the BKs removal all external influences which might force you to doubt or distract you, eg other studies, other religion, friends and family, newspapers, movies and TV etc.

It's fairly subtle but insidious.

One might even say, it's using feminine guile rather than masculine force.

* The term "carpetbaggers" refers to someone who moves to a new location for opportunistic reasons ... taking advantage of unstable social, financial, and political climates. In the BKs' case, the dearth or lack of other religions (eg Desi Hindus/Sindhus abroad), New Age spirituality or even, laughably, new corporate management theory!!!
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post12 Apr 2015

I knew a couple who were Sai Baba devotees (not exclusively, they were into all kinds of ”spiritual” things). Two very intelligent people. They dismissed the various controversies around him on the basis that they were irrelevant to what they got out of their relationship and attitude. He was, essentially, a figurehead, exchangeable for any other person or ideal they wanted to project their spiritual aspirations onto. they saw it as they were using him, rather than the other way around.

Collaboration and involvement may bring you benefit and not affect you detrimentally but to stay silent or ignore the wrong-doing effected on others by the powerful is, as Desmond Tutu put it, to take the side of the oppressor.


The flow of energy (as well as money and sacrifice) where the BKWSU is concerned, is from the individual to the organisation. Both sides make a promise to each other in terms of what the relationship will bring each one. But the only ones who give what they promise are the individuals. The organisation’s big promises remain unfulfilled. Not only that, they excuses that delay by pleading that it gives the individual the experiences of spirituality, but they are already the individual’s anyway.

The power imbalance, in terms of who does what for whom and who is expected to submit to the will of the other, again favours the organisation and its Seniors. So to believe that someone who has submitted or surrendered is giving totally from free will is naive, especially when they have been giving over a period of time.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post12 Apr 2015

My friend believes we were mesmerised by Dadi Janki into a delusion. He sees them as truely evil.

Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post12 Apr 2015

ex-l wrote:Sai Baba was a perfect case of that ... loads of serious rumours and crimes, then when he died they found millions in gold, cash etc.
Pink Panther wrote:I knew a couple who were Sai Baba devotees (not exclusively, they were into all kinds of ”spiritual” things).

I think you are referring to "Shri Sathya Sai Baba", am I right? There is large difference between Sai Baba & Shri Sathya Sai Baba.

Sai Baba is a well renowned Indian saint who was there before several centuries & several temples are dedicated to him while 'Shri Sathya Sai Baba' was more of a modern version who used to call himself an incarnation of the real saint Sai Baba & got his fan following by using that reference. He used to play tricks like conjuring gold rings or chains out of nowhere, simply fooling people.

There is lot of similarity here as Lekhraj also exploited image of several Indian Gods like Brahma Dev, Vishnu Dev, Shiva Shankar Bhagwan, Krishna Bhagwan, etc & the Dadis are no less in this sort of portrayal, as a recent thread on this site show their picture that depicts them in all that forms usually represented for Godesses.

If there is any link which deals with 'evil spirit's presence in Mt. Abu or BKWSU's centers', do share them here as it would be helpful in verifying the claims.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post12 Apr 2015

There's an academic paper, albeit by a BK, related to that ... Spirit Possession and the Brahma Kumaris (BK Tamasin Ramsay) anf lots of references scattered over their history.

Indeed, when they first moved to Abu they were scared (or not depending on which version) of ghosts in the old buildings. Perhaps in Adi Dev.

I've never read of them being so openly blamed for crimes though. Usually it's just a case of, presumably, mentally ill individuals being accused of being possessed.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post18 Apr 2015

Save innocents and Free speech, there is good career scope for you if you join BK internet army (Hypothetical name given).


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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post25 Apr 2015

I don't know about this site who run, what aim? There are need to know right way to get Spiritual Progress. He is good spirit. This person getting Spiritual experience (Godly Experience) so he cannot like hear against BKWSU. So now this time please stop to say against BKWSU and wait ...

After sometimes he connect with BKWSU and understand all things about BKs (female), there is no future for male BKs.

There is no condition to give knowledge every BKs can give knowledge to others. There are no need to be teacher to give course & knowledge.

BKWSU is not bad but female BKs ruling this organsation and do not understand what wrong & right. There are no rules of this organisation. It depends on Center-in-charge what she wants? Godly Knowledge is not bad but teachers mix own knowledge in Godly knowledge.

BKWSU forgets motive of life.

There is lot of similarity here as Lekhraj also exploited image of several Indian Gods like Brahma Dev, Vishnu Dev, Shiva Shankar Bhagwan, Krishna Bhagwan, etc & the Dadis are no less in this sort of portrayal, as a recent thread on this site show their picture that depicts them in all that forms usually represented for Goddesses.

There is no truth of Sai Baba. Sai Baba not did any thing about own villagers, country or world. Sai Baba a Muslim followers so they are different from Indian saint. Our St. pure Vegetarian and not support of any non-veg. Sai Baba lived in Masjid and he was non-veg person. Our St. says "Live and let Live".

You cannot campare with Brahma Dev, Vishnu Dev, Shiva Shankar Bhagwan, Krishna Bhagwan, etc.

Singer Tansen was better then Sai Baba because Tansen lit lamp by his singing and he pure vegetarian.

So please don't misguide.


Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post25 Apr 2015

khemkaran wrote:After sometimes he connect with BKWSU and understand all things about BKs (female), there is no future for male BKs.

What about BK Nirwair & likes?

If it's like what khemkaran wrote, then it is really good that male are not given place within the BKWSU system because "Male Brahmakumaris" will sound worse. A brahmakumari who is a male who has been transgendered. ;)

BTW, I still think that he (the person I discussed) can actually get a good position in BKWSU given his enthusiasm about anything related to BKism.
BKWSU is not bad but female BKs ruling this organsation and not understand what wrong & right.

Bad or Good, I decide it on the basis of its past record which suggests me that an organisation where number of rapes, murders, child abuse cases, corruption, crimes on basis of inner competition, etc took place is a bad one ... indeed worst among worsts.
There is no truth of Sai Baba. Sai Baba not did any thing about ... So Pls don't misguide.

Ain't misguiding anyone. There is no place of Hindu-Muslim conflict in spirituality, only factor that exist as far as I know is humility, opposed to what BKs God preaches (that Hinduism is best or other religion are lower, etc). Their God is still not clear and fully unaware that there is no mark on a soul of Hindu or Muslim or Christian that differentiates them.

Also, judging person on basis of his food habit (veg or non-veg) will only create difference of opinion. You can say, "killing an animal for your pleasure of taste or entertainment is not good." But saying that one who consumes non-veg is impure completely is wrong. It is said that in human evolution, people who are at initial stage have such non-veg food habits but those who have evolved automatically leave it. Even the concept of vegetarianism does not make you pure. At last, a living being can only digest living organism (in which soul has entered once at least - plants, animals, humans-all are living).

Sorry for above elaboration but I think it will help in curing few BK-type mentality, in general, to some extent.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post25 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:What about BK Nirwair & likes?

Exception to the rule, he's been in since the 1950s when their were only a handful of useful males who did useful "male" things ... one of which was adding seemingly "intellectual" facade to their nonsense, eg their bard, Jagdish Chander.

But, in general I agree. Males are best exploited by ensuring they go out to work (money), and limited to simple or practical tasks, eg driving, security, building maintenance etc.

Enthusiasm is worth little ... money, status, specialist skills are what count. He'll wait years and years for any position; partly because he's expected to crash/burn out and fail in a few years..
khemkaran wrote:BKWSU is not bad but female BKs ruling this organsation and do not understand what wrong & right. There are no rules of this organisation. It depends on Center-in-charge what she wants

I agree with this.

At the risk of sounding sexist, it's one of the unpredicted advantages of using a largely uneducated female leadership and middle management. A lot's just done in whim.


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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post27 Apr 2015

There is no place of Hindu-Muslim conflict in spirituality, only factor that exist as far as I know is humility, opposed to what BKs God preaches (that Hinduism is best or other religion are lower, etc). Their God is still not clear and fully unaware that there is no mark on a soul of Hindu or Muslim or Christian that differentiates them.

Also, judging person on basis of his food habit (veg or non-veg) will only create difference of opinion. You can say, "killing an animal for your pleasure of taste or entertainment is not good." But saying that one who consumes non-veg is impure completely is wrong. It is said that in human evolution, people who are at initial stage have such non-veg food habits but those who have evolved automatically leave it. Even the concept of vegetarianism does not make you pure. At last, a living being can only digest living organism (in which soul has entered once at least - plants, animals, humans-all are living).

BKWSU not support any religion. BKWSU not accept Hindu religion. BKWSU is a Spirtual organisation not religion.
vegetarianism support to make you pure. vegetarianism is a step to be pure. If you u want to pure you need to be vegetarian. That's a long chapter to understand importance of vegatarian in the field of spirtual progress.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post27 Apr 2015

khemkaran wrote:If you u want to pure ...

Define "pure".

If it has anything to do with, or include "honesty", it's not working for the Brahma Kumaris after 75 years ...

The word has some kind of confused "culture" value for Indians. It importance is highly over rated.

What about valuing intelligence ... or integrity ... or even benevolent instead?

"Purity" means nothing and, hence, can mean anything. And, as we discussed recently, is wrapped up with caste and the patriarchal control of, in particular, women's sexuality.

khemkaran, why did you join this forum? You seem to be still stuck in a BK way of thinking.

I'll show you some typical BKWSU hypocrisy. You say ...
khemkaran wrote:BKWSU not support any religion. BKWSU not accept Hindu religion.

And yet the official BK organisation in the UK, the charity headed by Janki Kirpalani it uses to get tax free income, says it was established "to promote Hinduism and other religions".

Which statement is "pure" and true?

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post27 Apr 2015

khemkaran wrote: BKWSU not support any religion. BKWSU not accept Hindu religion.

I know BKWSU does not support any pre-existing religion. It does not accept current Hinduism also which is accepted by majority of Indians till date. BKism is considered original Hinduism by BKs & their heads but 2+2 will remain to be 4, it doesn't turn out to be 3 anywhere in Universe except in BKism.
If you u want to pure you need to be vegetarian. That's a long chapter to understand importance of vegatarian in the field of spiritual progress.

True. Discriminating people on the basis of their food habit & harboring a sense of 'superiority' or 'I am better' invites major downfall than that brought by consuming non- veg. More importantly, vegetarianism or no vegetarianism has got nothing to do with soul. Soul does not consumes anything. It is the body which consumes.

Still, I will maintain the opinion that it is better to consume only veg diet with full intention of not harming any living being. It is said that if you cannot create a living organism, you cannot also kill it.

The pain that a human feels on being killed is not different than that by any other organism. So, if you like pain, you can surely kill others but if you don't, better stop inflicting it on others too.

Someone who consumes no-veg is doing so as a result of his past karmas. And the one bearing animosity towards other living beings in this birth will invite karmic matter towards his soul to become non-vegetarian in next birth. Which one is better?

The theory that BKism has created like consuming the food cooked by a non-BK makes you impure, is baseless & must be refuted. It can only create divisions & nothing else.
ex-l wrote:"Purity" means nothing and, hence, can mean anything.

I think it means everything. If it is not there, there is no meaning of one's existence. It's like evolving to a state which causes less ripples than the previous ones, quite opposite to BKism which creates big propaganda wherever it spreads.
If it has anything to do with, or include "honesty", it's not working for the Brahma Kumaris after 75 years ...

Surely, the food has not created any effect on their soul which implies itself that food has got nothing to do with soul.

Despite eating loads of vegetable and fruits, BK propagators fail to confess their mistakes or accept their prolonged idiocy or end the hypocrisy. What can even vegetables do if the person has in-built devilish intentions?

I would like to ask khemkaran, do you belong to some Vishnu Party or Shiv-shakti party as, somewhere, I felt that you still believe in BK-way-of-reasoning though you appear quite opposed to BKWSU?

Please don't take it in a wrong way, everyone is free to follow whatever suits him/her.

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post27 Apr 2015

ex-l : Males are best exploited by ensuring they go out to work (money), and limited to simple or practical tasks, eg driving, security, building maintenance etc.

Are not they handsomely paid for it?

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