BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

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working towards unification

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post10 Apr 2015

Yeah, no BapDada today ...
Dear divine Family,

Om Shanti.

Owing to the health of Dadi Gulzarji's Chariot, Dadi Gulzarji is in Mumbai. As a result Dadi Gulzar is likely to meet the whole family via video link and share a sandesh (message) from BapDada today evening.

Bro. Nirwairji is also in Mumbai (hospital) because of health reasons. He is also expected to meet the divine family through a video link.

Dadi Jankiji is in Madhuban. Dadiji will meet the divine family from Shantivan, together with many other senior instruments.

Since it is the turn of Maharastra today, plans are being made to play PAST video clippings of BapDada's elevated versions and blessings to the Maharastra zone and to Double Foreigners.

Many Seniors will also sit in powerful Yoga bhatti on the stage from 6.30pm onwards to create a powerful atmosphere and to invoke the subtle presence of Avyakt BapDada.

Keeping all of the above in mind, kindly stay in powerful Yoga wherever you are and contribute to a powerful atmosphere around the world.

The program for today evening will be as follows:
    05:30pm - 06:00pm: Suraj Bhai's class
    06:00pm ~ 06:30pm: Seniors Yoga bhatti
    06:30pm ~ 08:00pm: Video Clips, Bhog, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Jankiji, Bro.Nirwairji (and others)
Many thanks for your sweet cooperation.

In Baba's loving Yaad,
PMTV and BOL Team

Nirwair bhai in hospital.jpg

Dear Karuna bhaiji,

As spoken to you we are sending Nirwair Bhai's Health update.

Nirwair Bhai was shifted to Hinduja Hospital on 28th March for expert opinion on his Mycobacteriam Chelonae Infection.
The expert Dr. Rajiv Soman is the expert on this infection. He took special care and looked after him so well. He streamlined the Antibiotic therapy. He was discharged and was shifted to our BK hospital in Andheri.

On Saturday evening he had severe pain and a repeat MRI revealed a worsening of spine infection. He was shifted to Leelawati Hospital for Surgery under the care of Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj.

After Leelawati Hospital as part of Preoperative assessment a detailed examination was carried out. This was done in view of his past history of heart ailment. And for last so many day his Sodium level were continously low. Investigations were carried out at length. Many specialist were involved. In all probability the Surgery was planned for Saturday the 11th.

Last afternoon i.e. 8th of April, Nirwair Bhai had chest discomfort. ECG showed some changes like Angina. After some medication and Oxygen therapy, the ECG returned to normal. He was cheerful and had good rest later on.

In view of his Cardiac history, and fungal infection spine and low sodium, Dr. Bhojraj decided to defer the Surgery for some time. He will be treated with Physiotherapy, medication and rehab programme. He has been once again brought back to BSES -MG hospital under the care of Dr. Narayan Khandelwal , Dr. P K Jain and Dr Ashok Mehta.

He is comfortable and will be here for some weeks. He send his greetings and good wishes for divine family and all the Madhuban Niwasies.

In Baba's Yaad
Partap Bhai
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post10 Apr 2015

Since it is the turn of Maharastra today, plans are being made to play PAST video clippings of BapDada's elevated versions and blessings to the Maharastra zone and to Double Foreigners.
"Senior instruments"

What do they mean by "instrument" ... some kind of tool?

So that's the future then ... a program of video re-runs, and meeting with old tools. How exciting ...


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post11 Apr 2015

So that's the future then ... a program of video re-runs, and meeting with old tools. How exciting ...

and the new comers will made feel great that how great they are.... one of the millions... the chosen ones... they are luckiest that they managed to come to Abu... the divine see the video of Baap-Dada in the diamond hall along with the divine Seniors before the destruction coming soon....


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post11 Apr 2015

because.parmeshwar wrote:... and the newcomers will made feel great that how great they are ... one of the millions ... the chosen ones ... they are luckiest that they managed to come to Abu ...

Yes, to the point ...

Some BKs received this picture and said, "Lucky Mumbai ...!".

Total delusion. Imagine offering Bhog in hospital and putting posters up on halls ...

bks in hospital in Mumbai.jpg


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post11 Apr 2015

The Bhog offerings was in hospital?

The announcement was that Dadi Guljar and Nirwair are shifted to Parla centre in Mumbai.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post11 Apr 2015

warrior wrote:Some BKs received this picture and said "Lucky Mumbai..".

Total delusion.

Yes, even a hospital visit is turned into a branding exercise and used to exploit followers.

A BK once told me, when I was new to the religion, that BKs were "purifying the world" via the vibration in their dirty bathwater flowing out into the oceans. Seriously, such was their conceit.

Janki always exploited her mainly illnesses ... or at least the BKs deifying Janki always exploited her mainly illnesses ... as opportunities to do "service" of the doctors and nurses.

Hence their illnesses were portrayed as god directed mysteries rather poor health management, diet and lack of exercise on their behalf. "Their karma", in other words.

Health and exercise were forbidden as being body conscious for a long time, whereas life threatening was always good for business thrilling adherents it was a sign of being near the End etc. "To grind your bones in service", to push yourself to breaking down point, was promoted as the right thing to do. Not "being healthy". There was no reward for that. It was a sort of ego to be practised secretly at best.

"Health Bhagat" or "health Bhakti" thy called it dismissively.

* (Giving money to Dadis was [is?] promoted as being more karmically beneficial).
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post12 Apr 2015

For some reason the Supreme Soul and the Father of humanity seem unable to 'enter' anyone except this particular uneducated old Indian woman.

Surely it's time to wind up proceedings now?
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post12 Apr 2015

Yes, rationally, it makes one wonder that of all 7 billion plus people on Earth (the BKs' God's estimate was 4.5 billion ... the rest are, at best, just "flies" on a dung heap to him) ... he chose a little old lady who
    grew up being treated like a princess in the cult
    who was never educated or exposed to the real world
    who never held down a job, pay tax or rent
    who never had any family or intimate relationship, and
    whose most formative years were spent in a dwindling, secluded cult waiting for the world to be destroyed and wishing humanity to be annihilated?
And you could add many more to that list, such as 'never gave or did any charity but receives deity-like adulation where ever she goes (... but only goes anywhere while remaining within the BK bubble)', never struggled to overcome oppression, never fought for others right, never cared for the poor, vulnerable or sick etc.

Honestly, what is so great about her ... that she allowed herself to be "mounted by the bull (of their Brahma Baba)"? Has she ever raised her voice against any of the corruption, falsification abuse in the BKWSU?

Someone should kidnap her and take her off to see some of the world before she dies ... milk to death like an old cow by the Kirpalani Klan.

Of course, if she had any integrity, she herself would put an end to much of their monkey business. What is she ... slave to a ghost or slave to Ramesh Shah (Accountants to God™), Inc?

She's not even going to get any retirement ... and then they milk her funeral for more bucks and some VIP asslicking.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

ex-l , your post reminds me of the lyrics to Jesus Christ Superstar, just replace 'Jesus Christ' with ‘BapDada' and 'Israel in 4BC' with ‘Sindh in ’36’

Every time I look at you I don't understand
Why you let the things you did get so out of your hand

You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned
Why'd you choose such a backward time and such a strange land?

If you'd come today you would have reached a whole nation
Sindh in ’36 had no mass communication

Don't you get me wrong - I only wanna know

BK Gulzar, hospitalised.
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Dadi Gulzar, Superstar
Is who speaks through who they say they are?


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

How are they going to pull people, adherents, followers in 2015 / 2016 / 2017 ... 2036?

It's question of interest now.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

because.parmeshwar wrote:How are they going to pull people, adherents, followers in 2015 / 2016 / 2017 /....2036?
Its question of interest now.

They have announced the coming season dates for BapDada' Milan. Let's watch how they will cancel or change dates for the coming of God to Earth:
BapDada PROGRAM 2015-2016.

1-14th OCT
2-3rd NOV
3- 30th NOV
4- 31st DEC
5- 18th JAN
6- 12th FEB
7- 7th MARCH
8- 31st MARCH


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

Minimum 6 months to go ...

Meanwhile, as usual they run their shop by some retreats, shivirs, media programs etc ...

In October, would they ready with new healthy Chariot ... or continue with the old one ... and keep adherents in the suspense of whether Baba is coming .. not coming .. coming .. not coming .. coming .. not coming ...

If Baba fails to come ... it's the fault of the adherents/followers/the group who were not pure enough to pull Baba down.

They were dirty and did not cleanse themselves to get Baba with them ... Baba do not even touch or see the dirty shudras.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

Enjoying all coments here ... hahaha ....epic TV. I am thinking all thanks and gratitude, and praise to Dadi Gulzar. She is indeed a 'rare medium, well done' ... regardless of who Baba is or is not, she played her role in a beautifull way.
She is humble and desireless, and has a most expanded pure heart and consciousness. ... her presence of pure stillness is all pervasive ... and leaves me with a contentment that goes to the core. All else falls away into the nothing-ness of that which it came.

I am sure Baba and the head honcho's have already long time been preparing new medium(s) for part 2 ... it's not like it's an 'unexpected shock' or something that Dadi Gulzar won't be around forever ... and they haven't prepared for next person(s) to come in ... it's all in the pipeline, long time.

And maybe next medium doesn't hold down a job, or pay taxes, want to travel the world, have relationship etc, do charity but, hey , guess what?? ... I think they are kinda a bit busy doing free charity work for life time 'inhouse'.

If Dadi Gulzar recieves 'deity like adulation', it's the choice and behaviour of others to do so. It's their desire and wishes to give that out pouring themselves. She is not requesting, asking, expecting it etc.

It's amazing how appealing someone is when they have no desires and are pure and simple.

I just love her. To know her is to truly dig her. XX
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Apr 2015

because.parmeshwar wrote:If Baba fails to come ... it's the fault of the adherents/followers/the group ...

Terrible, but likely to be what they say ...
quantum wrote:It's amazing how appealing someone is when they have no desires and are pure and simple.

May be ... but did she ever take a stand against any of the crap?


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

I am thinking and wondering whether Dadi Gulzar was even informed of much or/if any of the crap/corruption etc that goes on within the BK Institution? ... And if it would have been appropriate even if she knew some for her to come forward and speak out, but could have to those other Seniors in a more public role? None of the Seniors in roles of authority who have dirt on their hands are willing to own it, nor admit and make big changes ... hence they themselves are 'stuck/trapped' in their own beliefs and behaviours ... so egos are getting bigger instead of smaller.

Can I ask, what is the problem/point, if Dadi Gulzar or any other person who is medium for Bap, is not educated, nor pays rent (hahaha, I love that one), or taxes (that's even funnier) ... especially as she doesn't receive a wage?

BTW, she does have family, and 'she is old lady' ... hahaha. Well, she hasn't always been old, it happens over a life time. It's called ageing. If you look back over her history, she was young for a long time, and her role for Baba was much more demanding then. As I remember when I was there several times, Baba would come much more frequently than now, so the pressures on her body have reduced a lot according to health and age.

An uncluttered mind is an asset here for her.

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