How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

Hahaha SI, ... funny as, what a crack up your response! I have a colorful and playful imagination and like to have a good belly laugh if I can make something up. And, yes, some lizards are skinny and small. I remember chasing them as a kid and picking them up by the tail ... but they have a unique ability to "drop their tail off" when you pick em up and run away! But the ones in the hot desert can come in very large fat sizes. Yes, the crocodiles are very big, but not dragon flies. They are just an insect, long and thin, but Dadi janki could catch a few passing by, no worries!...
even BapDada enjoys her gift! ... Sure, just watch the extra big smile on him when she catches a "goodie" with that flying tongue! ... yeah ... it pleases & entertains BapDada a lot ... "wah my special lizard child," and Dadi janki thinks, "wah Baba" ... this is Baba's miracle".

SI, it is also an aspect of my culture. We like to make a good joke out of anything we can, just for the fun. Have a good laugh and share the joy. But being a BK in Auz is not much fun at all. Very strict and no jokes or loud laughing. I was very depressed in the end and it took me a good while to really know how to laugh again and enjoy it naturally. I was sooo depressed. Anyway, I am making up for some lost time now, and love to joke about them. I am definitely having the last laugh now ...

Ah ... can I send a lovely donation to Dadi Janki? ... Can send a jar full of bugs & grubs, (grubbers) for toli snacks when Baba goes ... mmmmm yumo! ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

PP wrote:... and thus began the battle of loyalties, with Satan using all kinds of temptations to lead God’s highest creation, mankind, away from God and towards Satans’ kingdom.
SI wrote:Why does it seem to me that Satan is exactly synonymous to Lekhraj & his clan?

That's the wonderful thing about religious faith, scriptures, folk tales and subjective experiences - they mean whatever they mean to each person.

You yourself use, without qualification, the language of god and karma etc and respond with your own meanings as if they were somehow any more substantial than those you attack - although I’ll grant you that yogic tradition does have a lot more substance & depth based on millenia of practice and its results - the aspects shown in this world. The result fo a belief is what it is, the explanation of the result can be way off the mark and unrelated, even if it promoted the result for the practitioner.

What anyone says about any other world or other life, whether a Lizard planet, Thetans, Paramdham, or reincarnation as a snake or as Golden Aged emperor or cremator - these are all conjecture. The more convincing arguments are just cleverer at presenting unsubstantiated conjecture than the less convincing. They have nothing to support them other than belief. Like old gods or extinct languages, they wither and disappear when no-one believes in them or talks about them.

Show me a rock in the sunshine and I’ll agree with every other person on the planet (and the lizard lying on it) that it’s a rock. Tell me a myth or a fairy story abotu the rock and the lizard and I am happy to weigh up its moral implications or what it reveals psychologically about you, the society or culture.

Tell me that the other people’s stories are all fairy stories or myths but your story is literally true and I think I’ll just leave you to believe that while I go join that lizard on that rock and enjoy the divine truth which is the sunbeams on my back and the daydreams in my head.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

quantum wrote:But being a BK in Auz is not much fun at all. Very strict and no jokes or loud laughing. I was very depressed in the end and it took me a good while to really know how to laugh again and enjoy it naturally.

You surprise me ... living under the direct gaze of the Kirpalani Klan, Jayanti and Janki, we always considered BK Australia to be a bit laid back (read: slack).

Was it really that strict? Who was laying down the law and how?

Interesting metaphor re reptiles. You are right. The kids are frightening themselves horror stories about 12 foot tall monster "reptilian" spirits ... but they might just be the same and power of chameleons.

Of course, chameleon reptiles do have one gift similar to the BKs, how they blend into which ever background or environment they find themselves.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:That's the wonderful thing about religious faith, scriptures, folk tales and subjective experiences - they mean whatever they mean to each person ... these are all conjecture.

Yup. Just stuff people imagined and keep themselves busy with - or kept their minions/subjects busy with - before they had television.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

quantum wrote:Yes, the crocodiles are very big, but not dragon flies. They are just an insect, long and thin, but Dadi janki could catch a few passing by, no worries!...

hahahaha ... my mistake. Actually I was thinking of Komodo Dragon & ended up writing Dragonfly.
But being a BK in Auz is not much fun at all. Very strict and no jokes or loud laughing. I was very depressed in the end and it took me a good while to really know how to laugh again and enjoy it naturally.

Sadly, it is same here at BK centers. The look on face of BKs ... God .... how to describe it ... animated zombies appear somehow better. I feel sorry for them ... those poor guys never laugh & appears to be dealing with some traumatic condition. Practically possible that a newcomer joins BKism out of worries, tension, problems ... but that sadness is reflected not just by newcomers ... pakka BKs are also very sad. That's why I say BKism is good for short term only say 2-3 months.
Ah ... can I send a lovely donation to Dadi Janki?

Surely ... but send biscuits too ... golden biscuits ... if she feels pleased by service ... may transfer all her trance powers to you.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:You missed out "God Prajapati Brahma" and the flip to "Prajapita Brahma" which will not appear so disturbingly exaggerated to Westerners because they won't see or know the difference between "Prajapati" and "Prajapita". They might just think it is an alternative spelling.

Right ... I forgot to mention these two. It reminds me of one more contradiction existing in BKism. Firstly, pita means Father while pati means husband. To avoid objections, they changed it from 'pati' to pita as they want to play safe.
    'Raja' refers to King
    'Rajya' refers to Kingdom
    'Praja' refers to those living in Rajya or kingdom. Praja involves those dependent on Raja. The praja(commoners) is, generally, not Raja(king).

    Who is considered Praja in BKism?
BKs & other supporting army of workers along with contact holes ... no, its fools ... no, no souls (just a tying mistake & Gajini disease ;) , ignore it).

Who is considered Raja in BKism?
Earlier Lekhraj & now the ruling boss.

Atlast, where is the rajya in BKism again?
It exists wherever they buy a new piece of land or property. Local centers too come under their Rajya.

So here comes a joke created by BKWSU on BKs. BKs are praja or commoners & their boss is Raja. But they keep insisting that BK RajYoga makes you king. How do they become a king when in the first place they are praja? The word Praja itself dictates Autocratic rule. BKs getting ruled literally too.
But their alarm bells *should* be ringing at maximum loudness at a man calling himself God for more than 20 years. Or even allowing others to call him God ... approximately 1932 to 1955.

Whatever was his mental problem ... let's skip that. One thing I notice about Lekhraj is that he was very egoistic & when he found all his predictions not falling in place themselves ... he decided to donate all accumulated donations before the next deadline of End of World which he already made. It appears as if, somehow, he was not able to live with whoe prediction things taking him down in front of his followers & this could be one reason for his donating donation decision.

If he died before that date (right or wrong???), then present BKsystem is running completely because of Dadis greed of money & fame, not Lekhraj's wish.
I really wonder what Lekhraj Kirpalani's state of mind was during this time and if he was actually more mentally ill than we realise and if the BK inner circle were basically protecting him and hiding it from the world.

True ... this is what i think about him. At age of 93 when he needed everyone, turning out to be most dependent, it might be possible that these Dadis took revenge for all the abuse they had to face earlier due to him & yes, especially for special kicks of golden nights. This is the condition of many other households here, when husband becomes weak, diseased ... then his wife takes revenge for all abuses she suffered on his account.
Of course, chameleon reptiles do have one gift similar to the BKs, how they blend into which ever background or environment they find themselves.

This is a good one. Difference is that chameleon change only body color while BKism teaches how to change color of body, mind, speech & every possible thing. Seriously, it's good that they do not have reach to souls otherwise they would also paint it the way they are taught.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

I get it Pink Panther. It was a usual one ... sometimes I also write ex-l name instead of other one referring to someone else post.
Pink Panther wrote:You yourself use, without qualification, the language of god and karma etc and respond with your own meanings as if they were somehow any more substantial than those you attack - although I’ll grant you that yogic tradition does have a lot more substance & depth based on millenia of practice and its results - the aspects shown in this world.

Agree. Its actually belief factor which works for me & i think it works for everyone. We do not doubt on every glass of water we have but it can have poison. Also, we do not live highly alert inside home, though earthquake can shake it off anytime. Its a belief & we trust few things coming from experience & faith.
What anyone says about any other world or other life, whether a Lizard planet, Thetans, Paramdham, or reincarnation as a snake or as Golden Aged emperor or cremator - these are all conjecture.

All of it cannot be conjecture.
Tell me that the other people’s stories are all fairy stories or myths but your story is literally true and I think I’ll just leave you to believe ...

So, do you mean Past is story & future is unknown? So where should one go? Present, right? And how to know that it is present we deal at each moment before future takes over & present vanishes somewhere in past? All that is past to present is story or myth or just a belief, well i agree with this view, just a bit. A human being does not exist after his death or before birth? It is right as well as wrong on the basis of countless views. It appears mysterious but not much if you try to understand karma laws from a fresh start. It's up to you.


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

ex-l, it's just a matter of seeing BK life in Oz in a complete way. Yes, I agree with you that the situation in UK with Dadi Janki and sidekick Kirpalani jayanti was a lot stricter!! ...I would have hate that. It feels harsh and cold to the core, and would freeze your soul. So comparatively speaking Oz was easier, a bit lighter and some leaverage for small mistakes.

I think it was also just as I said earlier, the Ozzie character and culture is more light hearted, and needs to express life through even to smallish degree in Raja Yoga. There was sunshine on us, as well as dark clouds ... and the longer you stayed and started dying inside, the depression and sadness and aloneness came too. You have no energy, you are exhausted and burnt out, not able to have good Yoga to replenish, poor nutrition due to limited and strict diet etc, social isolation, and sunlight deficient from strict time table and very little free time to enjoy outdoors and get some vitamin D.

But we still had Indian senior, BK Hardick/Iron Balls to keep discipline and rules and fear in place. She is controlling, dominating, headenistick, and bullying etc ... so that wasn't easy to have forced on you, especially when young.

Cultural abuse was severe. We were no longer Ozzies, but had to adopt Indian culture along with the Indian religion!
had to wear Indian dress, grow long plait, eat Indian food, no out door life that we grew up with and needed. No pets.

Auzzies love their pets and they are a huge part of our life. So, I hope this gives a better coverage, as which ever way 'u cut the cake' it's still BKism ...


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

Haha SI, good idea. Yes, I will send some golden cookies to her with insects and bugs and grubes in them. Baked and good to go. Easy street! ... I am sure she will really love the bugs, but will just say the golden biscuits are good gear!... Hahah ... mmmmm, as far as her may transfer her trance powers to me, "Wow Baba" ... Not required!...

I definitely would not want anything transferred from her!... I have my own trance/medium, spiritual gifts which have been cultivated over a long period of time from a good place within my heart and with enormous help and guidance from true egoless light beings of the highest realms of light. It is my private sacred inner self, although I am expressing some here in trust. Needless to say, Janki and the like, in my opinion, and experience of them, are not coming from a pure good space, therefor whatever 'powers' they may exhibit, are questionable and risky at least, and sometimes harmfull ...
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post31 Oct 2014

quantum wrote:But we still had Indian senior, BK Hardick ... She is controlling, dominating, headenistick, and bullying etc ... so that wasn't easy to have forced on you, especially when young.

"Headenistick" ... you mean, like this? (Below)

I don't understand. Hedonism (hedonistic) usually means that pleasure is the primary or most important thing to live for.

Yes, I remember load of Sisters going through that "being Indian" phase with long plaits and wearing saris. It's weird how they thought that was part of or even conducive for "spirituality". I believe it's changed now and most subtle dress codes exist. e.g. beige instead of white and smart casual clothing. I even heard they, even the Seniors, are having beauty treatments like waxing etc.

What did you make of Janki, Jayanti, other Seniors etc when they beamed down to Australia?

Were you aware of any of the financial arrangements necessary for them to appear?

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post31 Oct 2014

hahaha ex-l, very funny pic. will answer q's above and comments later as time permits. did you get my emails x2 recently? can you tell me if the BK's are listed as a "Cult/Sect" with any organisation that records this type of stuff?

Save Innocents

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post31 Oct 2014

quantum wrote:I have my own trance/medium, spiritual gifts which have been cultivated over a long period of time from a good place within my heart and with enormous help and guidance from true egoless light beings of the highest realms of light. It is my private sacred inner self, although I am expressing some here in trust.

Seems you are on right & better path.

Some say that snakes predates their own newborns, so its another characteristic of reptiles like the Baba predating on all those whom he refer as his child. Whatever, its not good to compare senior BK leaders with reptiles. Its very offensive & spoils image of reptiles.
You have no energy, you are exhausted and burnt out, not able to have good Yoga to replenish, poor nutrition due to limited and strict diet etc, social isolation, and sunlight deficient from strict time table and very little free time to enjoy outdoors and get some vitamin D.

BKs are now also missing a real source of light (remember that closed door Yoga & that red light bulb or actually a white light wrapped in red colored plastic, at the local center, I saw a tube-light wrapped with red plastic, considered a symbol of their Baba ... very funny ... very unfortunate ... GOD ... still BKs like it a lot. Why? I think there is more pressure & workload on Didis than on leaders & followers.


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post31 Oct 2014

Haha, yes, that red plastic light is of benefit to Seniors ... reptiles need sunlight to survive. Which is why they can live in very dry hot conditions. The 'red light' used to be fixed on wall above ghudi, so the reptilian Seniors can bath in that artificial heat from light, and catch a few much needed rays ... especially in winter ... so it's a 'must have' in the 'reptilian enviroment'.

Maybe the bigger BK Reptiles have red light above their bed, and 'bath' in that heat when they are in need of 'good top up'?It's a bhukti symbol from the 'Shivites' religion, I think ... it's supposed to represent 'the God Shiva' in the form a Shiva-lingum-or male phallus? ... woh (hot rod) ... they have 'em made of stone at the 'Shiva worshippers temples' ...??

Weird as it gets!


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post31 Oct 2014

It's a very interesting point S1, you make about snakes and some other reptiles being predators of their off-spring!!...

And Baba predating off those he calls 'his Children" ... !! Wow ... I am starting to experience quite an 'expansive' thought field here, due to your Intriging comments. This to me, reflects another aspect of BKism being a path of spiritualism/psychisim as ex-l has clearly explained in previous posts. I am now seeing BKism like a 'kingdom' of "Hosts" and Baba being the original Jumbo Predator/parasite, creating hosts himself, with an umbilical cord each, feeding them up on his energy, and usurping it back to himself whilst taking bits of their own soul essence during the 'feeding' ... thus keeping the hosts dependant on the Jumbo, with the illusion that they are becoming Powerful and Virtuous themselves, 'like Baba' ...!!.. by constantly 'remembering Baba' ...

= staying plugged into source Predator.

After the 'honeymoon' period cracks start to appear in the concrete, but by then you are fairly brainwashed, cut off from family, friends and outside world, so need to keep staying here where it's "God" ... & artificially comfortable & safe ... self-doubt creeps in, and in reality you are being 'usurped' by Jumbo usurper, surrounded by a network of hosts, all being fed and usurped continuously ... similar to "Pyramid Selling" ... everything that is fed down the chain, multiplies and goes back up through the ranks and back to source, Jumbo Creator.

Each host drops spores in their enviroment, (service) and are picked up by others, and on & on the fungus grows ...

And, boys and girls, "that's how fairyland was created" ... (golden & silver ages) !!..??


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

ex-l, as far as my experience of meeting Janki & Jayanti goes, it was not much of an event for me personally. It was many moons ago, and I only remember all the BK's filled the usual Murli room with Dadi janki sitting on the ghudi up front ... and each BK waiting in long line to go and sit in front of her and she is just 'checking each one out' her style, judging them as they go and making some comment ... or not ... either giving 'approval or disapproval' of each person!! ...

As I watch this 'parade of judgement' I felt angry and belittled and an injustice occuring, and a fear and tension in the room that I had not seen before! ... As I am waiting, I was thinking; 'what is this?' ... 'who the hell does she think she is?' ...

Everyone belittled and lining up like 'sheeple' to be 'branded' like cattle in a pen ... hoping to catch a good word or smile ect, to be 'approved' by the crusty old Toad! ... Needless to say, when it was my turn to go up, I had already made up my mind that this was utter ****, and I approve of myself and don't need or accept anything you may think or say to me! ... It is Nothing ... Yes, I had the attitude, and she knew it ... she just waved her hands around in the air a bit, and said a nice word ... like, lovely ... I agreed with her and nodded my head, as if to say, Yes, I am, and don't need any crap for you ... a few laughs flew out from the room at my response, but I was ever ready with the gloves off to challenge her if she was judging me otherwise, although that was still a judgement.

Be nice or there will be a scene right here right now ... you choose, work it out Toad.

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