Why I continue to be a BK

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post11 Sep 2014

SI wrote:Though we sorted out the differences though PM but i think Kumar, something still remains.

There is no differences to be sorted dear, I just agreed ex-I's opinion that there is no need to exaggerate each and every point of ALL the posters. Your posts are comparatively sarcasm, non informative, lengthy and boring many times.

I agree what you said that it is open forum and you are free to post whatever/whenever you wish, but you should also admit that the wise people use the public garden but at the same time take care that their act should not spoil the beauty of it.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post11 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Thanks ex-I, for controlling the forum, it gets noisy some times.

The one thing I agree with the god spirit of the BKWSU is that mostly it is good to be "essenceful" and consider a single point deeply.

It is best to start new topics if one want to discuss more general or related issue, but this topic is addressing Arbit's statement.

BKism gives individuals something to do, a sense of self importance, instant gurudom etc. Perhaps, even for some, an identity for the first time. That is an identity separate from their family. I can see how young women, in particularly, might be attracted to that. A way of escaping their family without being trapped into another one.

To the male ego it might give a feeling of being valuable as a protector/provider of the females in the BK tribe, to old ladies whose families have grown up, it might give a feeling of being valued again as a simple carer. e.g. cooking and cleaning, where they are not criticised so much ... therefore it appeals to very old and deep tendencies within human beings and provides a sense of belonging that most humans need.

Leaving to such individuals would not appear attractive even if they no longer believed any more. I often think, by their behaviour, many BKs no longer believe ... it's just that by "going back" to the real world would only appear like losing what little they have in life.

Individuals might rationalise their continued connection in many ways but deeper down it is just due to very basic human needs, wants or desires.

However, they should still consider the ethics of what they are promoting.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post12 Sep 2014

If you cannot separate the BKs from the teachings then I don't see how you can stay with them for any substantial amount of time.

I don't view BK teachings to be about destruction or the Golden Age, and least of all, about the BKs themselves. In my view human suffering originates from the 5 vices. And the BK teachings taught me how to conquer them.

I cannot evaluate ALL religions, paths, organizations, and their derivatives before adopting the ONE. I evaluate them as I encounter them. SO FAR (note, Pink Panther) the BK teachings provide the best spiritual guidance to me. And that is why I ignore the distractions, PROTECT myself from their corrosive behavior and continue to be a BK. If tomorrow I find a better approach, I will seriously consider switching to it. I consider it my responsibility to uplift myself spiritually - because I believe, to make the world better, I need to first start with myself.
ex-l wrote:I am not Indian and so, for me, the Gita has no great value at all. It's just an old book. It has no religious value for me and it has no business value for me in the business of religion.

If the Gita is merely an old book with no spiritual currency, why did you study it? If the Gita is not about the 5 vices and their conquest then what is it about? If you believe that anger is not a vice but a virtue, why did you go to the BKs in the first place? Why did you spend even a minute following them? What is your definition of spirituality?
Save Innocents wrote:... abandon anger, abandon fear, abandon desire ...". But the Gita does not provide a tutorial on exactly how.

Yes, it does provide & to understand it, you need deeper inner insight. You cannot expect it from an external source lie Dadi or Didi. Most importantly, not from a source which is still in process of learning. You need Lord Krishna for that.

I don't follow your reasoning, SI. In one sentence you admonish me for expecting to understand the Gita from an external source and in the very next you say I "need Krishna for that"! Last time I checked, Krishna would be external to me!! Are you seriously suggesting that one can understand the Gita only through spontaneous "deep inner insight"? And BTW, Gita DOES NOT provide a tutorial on how to conquer the vices - it is more of an abstract. I am happy to discuss the Gita with you verse by verse, in Sanskrit, Hindi or English (but in a separate thread).


Are you insinuating that I am weak (a woman incapable of handling male advances or a non-sexual male incapable of acting out masculine fantasies) and the BKs have fooled me by warping their "Gyan" to match my preconceived notion of spirituality? Or that I am some loser who feels the need to be a BK to acquire some sort of identity "for the first time" in his/her life, or better still, to protect the women in the BK tribe? And you certainly suggested that I am looking forward to the next Nuclear holocaust of humanity, and therefore not doing anything about making this world a better place because it is all going to be Destroyed.

Why is your first reaction to put me down? Is it because my opinions differ from yours? Are you afraid that a different perspective may cause you to re-examine your, what are now ossified, assumptions and conclusions? If my perspectives differ from yours will that mean I am automatically inferior to you or some other benchmark? I have hardly written two posts. How well do you know me? Why the rush to judge and dismiss? Give it time. Despite what the BKs may have told you, the world is not going to end tomorrow! Their predictions are known to have failed in the past!!

I will say this: you guys raise valid points and I will share my thoughts for whatever they are worth - and none of them are going to be profound. But I don't feel like spewing everything in one post. As ex-l said, it is good to be "essenceful" and consider a single point deeply. I wanted to start by pointing out what I find useful in BKism since what is bad about them is already heavily documented.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post12 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I wanted to start by pointing out what I find useful in BKism since what is bad about them is already heavily documented.

I would like to contribute, if they are judging the things unbiasedly. It has happened before in this forum that one who favours BKism more than a limit they abandon him.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post12 Sep 2014

With regards various "types" of individuals attracted to BK, I was talking generally Arbit, not specifically about you.

With regards the Bhagavad Gita, I have read many books. I guess I was influenced by individuals who told me it was extra special and regarded it as "Holy", just as I looked at the Bible and others for the same reasons ... curiosity, cultural interest. It's one of the classics of literature.

At least, in comparison with the god awful Bible, the Gita is short ... but you seem to have misunderstood it's nature. It's not 'the manual', it's the poetic theory, the essence or introduction. It's not faulted, you just did not continue on the study.

For the manual, you should have tried something like the Shrimad Bhagavata Maha Purana or one of the vedas but I am not suggesting you should nor that you would find your answers there; just that you are making an unfair criticism of the Gita, or had unreasonable expectations of it. It is, after all, merely one chapter - 700 verses - of the Mahabharata.

Not the answer to every question.

It's funny how humans invest special powers into one book, ink on paper, whether it be the Granth, the Bible, Koran or Murli, and then never read another one.

But why then identify yourself as a BK, Arbit, if you don't accept the rest of BKism?

Why not just say you are a "spiritual person" or a "seeker of truth"?

kumar28061972 wrote:I would like to contribute, if they are judging the things unbiasedly. It has happened before in this forum that one who favours BKism more than a limit they abandon him.

Yes, this forum has specific purposes which are clearly stated on the way in. It is to help individuals exit the BKWSU or support those individuals damaged by the BKWSU, whether they are BKs or the friends and family of BKs and promote reform of the BKWSU. If you don't want to leave, or reform the BKWSU, you are in the wrong place. If you just want to defend it as it is, you have a rough time.

When we started up, the BKWSO had just shut down the one independent support group for ex-BKs on the internet ... in the whole world. There were no independent critical - by which I mean 'analytical' - voices studying the Brahma Kumari at all, and nothing but PR and advertising whitewash about the Brahma Kumaris.

At the time, the Brahma Kumaris did not even publish their Murli scripture and philosophy (The Knowledge™) in public, so how were individuals expect to make an objective opinion about them? Everything was hidden, no dissenting voices were allowed on the BK forum, not even PBKs.

I do not know about "abandon", Kumar ... where most BKs that come this way fail is on honesty and integrity, e.g. being honest about what they believe, or facing the problems within BKism and being willing to start addressing them. Normally, we ask BKs to contribute something ... to give not just take ... and at that point they stop. They don't want to give anything, e.g. we ask for them to give us copies of the Murlis so we can distribute them to anyone who wants them.

Save Innocents

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post12 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I don't follow your reasoning, SI. In one sentence you admonish me for expecting to understand the Gita from an external source and in the very next you say I "need Krishna for that"! Last time I checked, Krishna would be external to me

So, you do not get who Lord Krishna is in the first place. And I can understand the way you might have interpreted the Gita. I think you were just a bhakt & never tried to understand those whom you prayed just like me. And this ignorance is the main reason which makes everyone so vulnerable that cults like BKism do not leave any chance in fooling innocents.
Are you seriously suggesting that one can understand the Gita only through spontaneous "deep inner insight"?

No, never make that attempt ever. The Knowledge in Gita is like Brahmaastra, which if used will uplift you miles above in evolution & if misused it would kill individual's evolution of million births. Thia site is not a spiritual site so I would prefer limiting this discussion but here this is a piece of advice, keep it if you like.
And, BTW, Gita DOES NOT provide a tutorial on how to conquer the vices - it is more of an abstract. I am happy to discuss the Gita with you verse by verse, in Sanskrit, Hindi or English (but in a separate thread).

Discuss it through mails if you want. I would not discuss it so openly ever, you know the threat is there. A stern BK may misuse the information the way they have done in past & it is just degrading them more. You might have heard a saying in Hindi that, "Saap ke muh me doodh jate hi wo jahar ho jata h". This is a saying of omniscient Lord Mahavir, who said that The Knowledge automatically becomes a vice when it is in wrong hands.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post13 Sep 2014

"BKism is an important and significant part of my life, but it is not my life."

Thank you for sharing your position Arbit. You realize nothing and no one in this world is pure. You are empowered enough to realize your own needs and what you can expect and not expect from others.

After becoming a BK, the important thing is to find one's position in relation to the organization and teachings, somewhere you feel comfortable. Yours is an enlightened approach - unlike my own cult like, codependent experience. But that's what I was there to learn! Ultimately we are spiritual beings having earthly experiences of our own design and choosing.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post14 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:I would prefer if you qualified what you consider "do good" as.

Every organization has a specific charter that it follows. A charity that feeds the hungry may not necessarily shelter the homeless.

I am going to talk about the BK charter next. It is likely my description is not going to capture it all - so treat it in the limited scope it is presented in. I am a nobody in the BK organization, so this is in no way official. It is just my view.

BK's stated charter is to usher in the Golden Age through self-transformation. Their "charity" is to help individuals transform themselves by following certain principles and cultivating certain values. One aspect of the teachings is to connect with God and draw powers from Him. Following these values and using the powers, in general, leads to a happier and stress-free life. They help people to better navigate relationships with the rest of the world. This brings attendant benefits in day-to-day life - at work, at home, achieving goals and ambitions, in health, etc. In some sense, BKs are teaching people how to fish instead of providing the fish, given their definition of fishing.

Simply knowing the principles is insufficient, one has to practice them. BKism provides the necessary spiritual guidance to do so. Once you start following the principles, you kind of become a BK. Hence it appears that the "good" the BKs do is obtainable only by BKs and not others.

One can take the 7 day course, attend the classes every day. One can watch the Murli classes live on TV or online. One can also watch other seminars and classes live. Most of these classes are also archived on jewels.brahmakumaris.com. The daily Murlis (whatever version is being sent out now) are all accessible today (may not have been in the past). You can get all of this without paying a penny. If you don't donate, you may not receive the VIP treatment, but you have access to the most important aspects - the spiritual guidance and the meditation.

Now, you can argue whether the BK charter is worthwhile. You can even argue whether the BKs are actually following the charter. But I don't think you can criticize them for not doing something that is not their charter.

I have seen my center-in-charge help people become better individuals, help them in times of illness, help them handle life's challenges, etc. I once asked her about the lack of our engagement with the community at large. Her response was, we can help people work on themselves, but we are not logistically organized to do other things. BKsim believes food affects the soul. She does her best to provide healthy food to center-goers, as per her belief. She helps, but only those who come to the center - which can be BKs or non-BKs. She is not in a position to go out and help a larger number of people.

At another center I have seen the BK Sister refuse donation that she thought the family should save for their children.

I have seen non-BK patients (note the plural) being treated at the Global Hospital (I am not divulging the details to maintain my anonymity).

I have heard about the assistance BKWSU provides at times of widespread disasters (such as earthquakes).

Many many non-BK friends and acquaintances tell me about how they benefit from BK Shivani's programmes on TV. They often ask me to organize a session with her in the city (I yield no such influence).

Dr. Satish Gupta has conducted and published an almost decade-long study on healing cardiac conditions. Please don't dismiss it as another gimmick. It is a substantial study for one project. More studies are going on. Yogic farming is another project they have taken on.

This I consider to be some of the "good" the BKs do. Though I'll admit, to access the good, you may have to do some maneuvering.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post14 Sep 2014

Where is the latest "stated charter"? Or is there one? Of course, we know it will largely be written for the sake of public image but I'd be interested to read it.

Is there any mention of "giving courage" to the scientists to use the nuclear arsenal to wipe out 7,000,000,000 members of impure humanity?

I apologise for overstating my point but I've seen other BKWSU charters, e.g. charity registrations, and they are outrightly fraudulent, e.g. alleviating poverty and promoting Hinduism.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post15 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:Hence it appears that the "good" the BKs do is obtainable only by BKs and not others.

I think you have seen only BKWSU & that is why your views are so constrained. There are thousands of organisation, NGOs & non profit organizations along with lacs of volunteers working to benefit people, give them happiness & peace of mind.
At another center I have seen the BK Sister refuse donation that she thought the family should save for their children. I have seen non-BK patients (note the plural) being treated at the Global Hospital (I am not divulging the details to maintain my anonymity).

Nice. At least, they started doing it to save their image & believe me it is all because of impact of this discussion forum. Only such "no to charity" stunts can help them refresh their image once again.
I have heard about the assistance BKWSU provides at times of widespread disasters (such as earthquakes).

OK don't tell who you are, remain anonymous like us but can you tell one such 'specific' disaster & the place where BKWSU helped the sufferers so that one can ask them whether they were really helped or the money collected in name of charity got exhausted in air fairs?

Who is Dr. Satish Gupta? Just wish to know a bit about him.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post15 Sep 2014

BK claims are always terribly vague and exaggerated. The way in which Satish Gupta is being hyped up is one example, the BKWSU exploitation and exaggeration of its response to the Tsunami in India is another and very bad form.

Here's the starting point ... tell us what the overall income of the BKWSU is, and then compare that with how much it has spent on "disaster relief". Please be specific. What and how much did the BKs give?

At this point, the BK usually goes silent and runs with their tail between their legs. Any other statement is just PR whitewash and BS.

In my opinion, the BKs were just forced into having to do something against their habit and teachings because to not do anything would have been bad PR. Having found it it is good PR, they now exploit it.

Sadly, there are good people with good intentions who enter the BKWSU but mostly the BKWSU just resists them, shuts them down, and channels that energy into its own PR campaign. The woman who started the village project in Mount Abu, Dr Vinay was a rare but good example of that. The PBKIVV leaders initially resisted it. They then did as little as possible. Global Hospital was built to serve the BKs because there is no hospital near them and they exploited non-BKs to donate to it I would argue falsely (e.g. the German charity), and it has largely stood underused given the absolutely poverty within walking distance from it.

Satish Gupta "miraculous science" goes as far as "be optimistic, adopt a low-fat and fibre-rich diet, and go for walks at sunrise and sunset". I'll wait until it is critiqued by a proper medical journal. It's not proper science because it avoid a double blind comparison and makes unsubstantiated claims. It's basically promoting BKism under another guise to fat, middle class Indians who are eating too much sugar and animal fats (including dairy). For example, he writes, ""The early morning hours are the time when spiritual energy is at its peak" promoting individuals get up as 4am. Funny but that's exactly what the BKs teach.

OK, provide it scientifically ... give us your theory of "spiritual energy".

The "yogic farming" project is a rip off of Masanobu Fukuoka's work (which is already popular in India), without much credit given to him. In short, it's another re-branding exercise.

Sorry to be so hard edged but those are the facts.

How much money in, and how much charitable money out? BKs choke on that question because they know their leaders won't even tell them ... and yet they will continue to recycle the publicity propaganda without thinking or questioning.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post15 Sep 2014

Once again, the reality is more nuanced.
ex-l wrote:Satish Gupta "miraculous science" goes as far as "be optimistic, adopt a low-fat and fibre-rich diet, and go for walks at sunrise and sunset". I'll wait until it is critiqued by a proper medical journal. It's not proper science because it avoid a double blind comparison and makes unsubstantiated claims. It's basically promoting BKism under another guise to fat, middle class Indians who are eating too much sugar and animal fats (including dairy).

Indian health journal is a peer reviewed journal. The article states why the study coudn't be double blind. I am no expert in the domain. Perhaps you are. I don't know what to make of that statement. The article openly states that they use Raj Yoga. They are pretty much saying they applied the BK teachings. So the BK spiritual aspects shouldn't be a surprise.
The "yogic farming" project is a rip off of Masanobu Fukuoka's work (which is already popular in India), without much credit given to him. In short, it's another re-branding exercise.

I am no expert in yogic farming or Fukuoka's work. But AFAIK Fukuoka's work did not include meditation. BKs' work does. Intersetingly, Fukuoka's work was controversial. Farmers, even in Japan, pointed to its limited success, that too after a certain period of application. BKs' work seems to use a similar simplistic approach, but appears to add meditation to it. They claim initial success, but as these things go, it'll be few years before one knows for sure.

Interstingly, Tamasin Ramsay has written about yogic farming. Here is the link: here. Those who may not know, she is a BK who has also played a role in unearthing old BK facts and maintians an academic bent towards the BK affair. I have no association/acquaintance with the Ramsay family, but I feel my take appears to be similar to theirs on the BK topic - recognizing its value as well as the riddles its history poses.

BTW, I don't think this site does yet, and if it does not indeed, then I request the site Admin to put a link to the Ramsay site which also documents and analyzes the BK history: here.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post15 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:Once again, the reality is more nuanced.

Yes, Tamasin (and her Father Robin) was a member of this forum for a while during the time she wrote her PhD, took our research and used it without crediting us, and then used her PhD thesis to attack us by making false accusations.

I suppose you might call that "nuanced" ... I'd question the ethics of doing so.

She joined the forum without telling us she was doing a PhD and was going to include us in it and never approached us for an "official" statement or opinion. She even used the documents I had paid to have photographed without crediting us.

Part of being "academic" is openly sharing information and resources and the BKWSU has never done that with non-BK researchers. Indeed, they have obstructed researcher and misled them for decades.

There is no doubt her work was directly inspired by us and as a response to our findings ... and she still misses details and gets details objectively wrong. Equally, the MoreAbout website is in response to issue we keep raising. What I notice is how they just ignore us and won't engage with despite us setting much of their agenda.

I've met the Fukuoka family and spent time with them on their farm. I have know people who have work with them and know a bit about the movement in India ... but that's another discussion. 'Being' in a Zen-like way might have been but not particularly meditating except in the nature around them. However, the basic principle is not a new practise within spiritual communities all over the world ... it's been done before ... the only addition is the BK branding.

It does not appear that actually meditation is BK meditation though, e.g. visualising crops full of light and insects becoming weak and dying. Is it really Yoga? It's more like magic.

Why are the BKs trying to save the environment when at the same time they are hoping and waiting for its Destruction and are going to "give courage" to the military scientists to nuke it?

I find that a little confusing and my first assumption is that they are doing for the PR value and using it to market BKism to another community, e.g. farmers, and to appease eco-conscious Westerners. As with Dr Vinay and the Village Project, it was started by a well meaning individual separate from the leadership.

For a very long time, the BKs were against all environmental consciousness and all other charity. I think they started to because they discovered they could get lots of money for it through the German government to build their solar cooker and power systems. Therefore, I say it is not sincere. It's just another front to manipulate others and to avoid criticism that they are only destroying the environment, as up in Abu.

I think that it is also a secret admission that no longer believe in Destruction.

None of the writing hard science or proven yet ... e.g. "positive thoughts as the new fertiliser" will probably be a hard sell to the agriculture industry. Even mind-body connections, the Dr is saying that the mind is more influential than diet or smoking etc is very difficult to replicate and prove and there is no accepted scientific model to explain how. There are connections and many scientists are interested in the area but it is a weak area of science.

I take a look and see why there was no double blind in the heart disease programme. The most simple way to do so is just have the BKs examine 1,200 individuals follow the diet and exercise plan - and doing no meditation, just sitting quietly together; see how many benefit and what the difference is. It may be diet and exercise is 99% of the cure and group influence keeps people following it. A real scientist would have to admit it.

But that's not the intention for them. Again, it's all just primarily a device to promote BKism.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post16 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I consider to be some of the "good" the BKs do.

I too support them for “good” they are doing to me in personal level, for instance

HABIT / AS A BK / AS A NON BK / Advantage

Getting up Early / Yes / Never / Getting more hours a day
Systematic Routine / Yes / Never / Completing daily task the same day
Controlled food intake / Yes / Never / Weight loss, lightness, good digestion etc
Though I'll admit, to access the good, you may have to do some maneuvering.

If we consider the above advantages the BK life has given, it is found to be too costly with the course of time. The stupid sacrifices are more in comparison to the advantages BK life give to an individual. I agree to the fact that today society is completely insecure and un-certain, even though just to get rid of this and adopt BK life, is not advisable. Perhaps the BK use this uncertainty in the society for their own benefit and wrap it under the cover of Destruction so as the people are conveniently trapped in to their webs.

What right do they have to control other’s life?

When they had no idea of Destruction to be happened, then why did they lie, given importance and emphasis on destruction only? They had no right to teach the rubbish of forget your body and bodily relations, because now it’s time to go home. The environment, literature, classes, Murlis, songs etc, everything was provoking to get ready as it is very less time and now you have to go back home. The convinced BK thrown away their lives and decided that now there is no question of getting in to the new relationship, but it’s time to get rid of the existing relatives also. As a result the families got split, the single remained single, the married got separated. Now, how come they say Baba never gave any date of Destruction?

The Destruction date is already overdue. Forget about the evidences of Murlis etc. As per Gyan also Krishna has to be born and the rest of the continents should be under water by now, because they have only 22 years to go. It is ridiculous actually.

Those BK (like me) who came in Gyan around year 2000 were innocent at the time of their inception. It was the moral responsibility of the Seniors to tell them honestly that, “see, it was predicted before also and nothing has happened so far. So you take the wise decisions about your life”. But they said nothing and now these BK are grown up in their 40s-50s and looking for their survival and hence chasing VIPs for monetary security and social climbing. Not able to go back to their lokiks they are struggling to maintain their respect and dignity. They have no other option left. They cannot enjoy social life and if they throw away Gyan / BKism from their life then nothing is left for them.

Aim and object of BKism (good or bad)

The perfect direction is never fixed. But anything fix in their program. If one goes with a skill or art or anything and put it to them, they will welcome him, provided he should be able to speak good of them and if he is a big figure and help them to grow bkism. Right from the ‘prostitutes’ to ‘sanyasis’, everybody is welcome. It sounds good but the hidden intention is to promote BKism only. The system is capable to adopt anything or anybody, may be because there is no system at all.

The teachings goes sub consciously and you automatically gets bounded for doing the best you can do. One automatically get right because internally he is convinced that GOD is watching and Karma Philosophy is rooted in your consciousness. Everything gets rightly controlled, the system appears perfect, the environment looks as heaven.
This all is restricted to BK circle only. When you go out of the BK bubble, face terrible experiences and if you have to survive then you have to come back to the bubble. The real game starts then. You are hooked.

As far as their programs are concerned, all of them are only superficial. Shivani mostly talk on relationship but personally she has several issues on relationship. Not only Shivani, but other Sisters also speak about marital relationship, though they themselves are un-married with no experience of married life. They speak about growing up children. Do they have their own children? What parental experience do they have?

Their only authority is that they know “Baba”. The intoxicated mind takes them at the elevation and then they are able to speak with authority. It is mandatory for them to do Yoga before starting any session as they feel comfortable, that “Baba” is doing everything and they are only instruments. I myself have practiced this many time and it really give surprising results. If this intoxication is dissolved then they are nothing really.

How this meditation works and how does one feels elevated after remembering “Baba” is something very strange.

Save Innocents

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post16 Sep 2014

Kumar wrote:Shivani mostly talk on relationship but, personally, she has several issues on relationship. Not only Shivani, but other Sisters also speak about marital relationship, though they themselves are un-married with no experience of married life. They speak about growing up children. Do they have their own children? What parental experience do they have?

I think they have this chitchat & jabbering skills which keep them going. Now whenever I see Shivani on her serial talking with a male contact soul who was a yesteryear Bollywood actor, I feel like, "why on Earth is she wasting her own & other's time?". May be she is paid a huge sum for rattling continuously & that may also ensure her a good position in BK system. And her pieces of advice (yes, she is considered a BK expert) are like as stupid as noticing the first thought when you wake up in morning & it will affect your whole day. Why on this planet our first thought of the day will take a toll on rest of it. It is simply a joke on Yoga.

Is there a "BK jokes" segment on this site? If it is not there, introduce one & it may become the most visited page ever on this site.

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