Apologies from raistlin75

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Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014


I owe you all apologies. I almost finished my translation and was going to send it to BK Info but the day before I lost all my data stored in pendrive (8 Gigabytes, including translations) - my fault, all my work was done in text editor and saved in that pendrive (no copies - bad habit, I know that). I had another mental breakdown and few months spent in hospital. I was totally fed up of anything related to the BKs, and ****** off to myself - I promised something important and I failed.

It took me months to be able to start reading what's new in BKInfo, and some more time to log in. I am not ready to try it all again and make translations at the moment. I have to think it over in details (perhaps the safest technique of working would be for me "paper & pencil").

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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014

Look after yourself first.

If doing such a task helps, do it.

If it does not help your own well being, leave it, the world will go on.
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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014

What is more important is that you rest and take a break from anything BK.

Thank you for trying.

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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014

raistlin75 wrote:
I owe you all apologies. I almost finished my translation and was going to send it to BK Info but the day before I lost all my data stored in pendrive (8 Gigabytes, including translations) - my fault, all my work was done in text editor and saved in that pendrive (no copies - bad habit, I know that).

Raistlin, perhaps Baapdada saved you from doing the dis-service, so no need to apologize. Take care of yourself first.
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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Raistlin, perhaps Baapdada saved you from doing the dis-service, so no need to apologize. Take care of yourself first.

Perhaps the "evil spirits" or "ghosts* of BK made him to it in order to stop their corrupt cult from being exposed ... or may be it was just a totally random act? What happened Raistin? Did you lose your USB drive?

Exposing the truth and corruption etc, promoting the idea of ethics can never be "disservice".

Not doing so is conspiracy ... and in the case of BKs, conspiracy to defraud outsiders as to the true nature of their religion.

* I use the term metaphorically here, to mean unconscious tendencies within the individual.
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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post07 Sep 2014

Hello Raistlin75

Great to hear from you please just get well don't feel you have to do anything. The greatest help you can give to the cause is to get yourself well, then you will be amazed at how great life is when you're no longer living the BK lie.


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Re: Apologies from raistlin75

Post11 Sep 2014

Hello again.

Thank you all for reply and understanding.
ex-l wrote:Perhaps the "evil spirits" or "ghosts* of BK made him to it in order to stop their corrupt cult from being exposed ... or may be it was just a totally random act? What happened Raistin? Did you lose your USB drive?

Yes, ex-l. I lost everything stored in my 8Gb USB pendrive (blue Verbatim with sliding plug - never more), including some pdfs, audio classes, my finished translation of the "Brahma Kumaris in a nutshell", other articles from the blog section, and the translation of "FAQ" as well (I started to work on it long before I register to the BKinfo).

Evil BK spirits? I don't think it was them who tried to stop me. It was rather a fatal random incident that I did not predict and wasn't prepare for that in advance (it never happened to me before).

Everything was fine. No short circuit, or anything like that. One time I plugged the USB pendrive and was working with it I saved all my work, plugged the USB drive out (safely removed it), and next time I tried to plug it in it was unrecognizable, no response (even no blinking LED). Dead. And I wasn't completely prepared for that. That was a good lesson for me - always make few copies more and store it on more than one drive.
kumar28061972 wrote:Raistlin, perhaps Baapdada saved you from doing the dis-service, so no need to apologize. Take care of yourself first.

Kumar, thanks a lot for your concern.

I decided to translate the resources of BKinfo to Polish which is my native language so that people who cannot speak English (or speak a little) could easily read it and get to know more about the BKWSU/BKWSO. Is that bad?

Do you think that anyone have the right to decide what you are allowed to know and what you are not? The BKs claim they have that right - they decide what is good for you and what is not.

They decide about it, not you, because you are no more a free person (although the process of enslaving is very pleasant and sweet to you, especially the beginning phase). But from that moment, you are an subject and servant, obedient and loyal to the BapDada and BK Seniors or if you wish a "programmed with the Gyan" unable to question and critize anything human-robot that is not even aware of what the BKs have made of you.

I was one of that "robots" and getting back my true identity and learning of life was for me and still is a very painful experience. But even painful, it is a much better than being stucked inside the BK "coccoon".

If this site would be an example of dis-service it won't be existed that long, don't you think? The act of disservice would be rather hiding the "whole" truth about the organization not only from the public but also from their own adherents. And so the BKs do.

As for "Baapdada" who in your opinion saved me from doing the dis-service. I don't believe in this spiritual being anymore (we had a very cold good-bye 14 years ago, I kicked it out of my life and put it in my personal blacklist filter), so the so called "royal connection with the One/Source" was shut off forever.

As for the translation, I'll complete it in the future (I don't want to set any kind of a "deadline" or anything). I have it on my "to-do" list. Will this be an act of service or disservice - judge for yourselves.

Take care. :)

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