Love without borders

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Re: Love without borders

Post15 Jul 2014

I am just glad she got out of the BKWSU's clutches. The BKWSU probably owes them 10,000s in wages for all the unpaid work they did for the cult. Now the BKWSU has become a business, it should pay its workers, or at least pay into an independent pension scheme for when any Sister wants to leave or retire.

Of course, real life is not always easy and there are no guarantees in life ... but I wish this couple well.

The BKs will be thinking ... "She will have to come back, and perhaps she will bring her family with her!".

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Re: Love without borders

Post15 Jul 2014

I think they pay their workers in form of food, clothes & shelter. But money matters. I think the reason behind a BK to rise in the hierarchy is ..... no, it cannot be purity, consciousness, blah blah blah ... but it must be according to the money donated by one's medium. More you donate higher you will rise. [you = already working BK teacher who collects money from followers & then deposit it to BKWSU].
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Pink Panther

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Re: Love without borders

Post15 Jul 2014

Arvind: and what was the survey size? I guess, you must have surveyed more than a million people

Indeed, that sarcasm is not only telling in itself, it shows you did not really read what I wrote - I said it was my experience of people I met while I was a BK.

Not all were negative, but as stated, the more highly educated the less likely they were to see the BKs as more than another attention seeking/donation seeking sect. I made no other claim other than about my own experience. Conversely, many wealthy and educated VIPs who graced the BKs’ stage with their name and fame usually had their own agenda.

Now you know Indian culture is infused with the idea that God manifests in many forms, so any group that has a whiff of religion is respected by "the people" automatically, without question. So any regard borne of this cultural predisposition is not based on objective or critical appraisal.

Put on a dhoti, spout recognisable platitudes and demonstrate some self-discipline and you will find followers humbler than you.

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