Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post22 Feb 2014

Recent storms in UK unearthed a 4,600 to 6,000 year old forest in Cardigan Bay, Wales. An impossibility to the Brahma Kumaris who believe that time is only 5,000 years old and that the United Kingdom sinks below the ocean for 2,500 years of that while they enjoy a heaven on earth in India ... all except for islands around the world where the Brahma Kumari centers used to exist!

What is the BK response to this?
    "Oh, the science is wrong because our god told us so!".
The BKs claim there is a minor nuclear holocaust 2,500 years ago, when the nuclear power stations which provided power for the heaven kingdom on earth exploded corrupting the scientific dating systems, and causing the genetic mutation of animals which then became dinosaurs.

Yes, folks, this is really is what the BKs believe and encourage their followers to think.

To date, we are glad to report there are no Brahma Kumari centres in Aberystwyth. Please don't encourage them ...


A prehistoric forest, including the trunks of hundreds of oaks that died more than 4,500 years ago, has been revealed by the ferocious storms which stripped thousands of tons of sand from beaches in Cardigan Bay.

The forest of Borth once stretched for miles on boggy land between Borth and Ynyslas, before climate change and rising sea levels buried it under layers of peat, sand and saltwater.

Scientists have identified pine, alder, oak and birch among the stumps. The trees stopped growing between 4,500 and 6,000 years ago, as the water level rose and a thick blanket of peat formed. Archaeologists found a timber walkway made from short lengths of coppiced branches, held in place with upright posts dated to between 3,100 and 4,000 years old, built as the local people found ways to cope with living in an increasingly waterlogged environment.

Human and animal footprints were found preserved in the hardened top layer of peat, along with scatterings of burnt stones from ancient hearths.


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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post30 May 2014

Of course, you forget to mention your position relies on the dating being correct ! Any other claim and interpretation you project onto these trees etc is of your own making and only your opinion !
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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post30 May 2014

No, it's the findings of experts, many of whom have made lifetime studies of this specialist field, who cross reference numerous dating methods, including known historical events etc, to ensure accuracy.

The people with "opinions" are generally people who have never picked up a science book or step into a laboratory in the whole of their lives and make faith based decisions.


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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post30 May 2014

The length of time someone has studied the un-observable past through any method in the observable present has absolutely no bearing on the accuracy of the claims being made, that's just one more fallacy ! There is NO getting away from it, regardless of your claims ...The unobserved past remains speculation based upon assumptions ... The title of expert holds no fear for those who are interested in being intellectually honest ...


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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post31 May 2014

Ichewgum wrote:The length of time someone has studied the un-observable past through any method in the observable present has absolutely no bearing on the accuracy of the claims being made, that's just one more fallacy ! There is NO getting away from it, regardless of your claims ...The unobserved past remains speculation based upon assumptions ... The title of expert holds no fear for those who are interested in being intellectually honest ...

An intellectually honest person would be honest enough to give credit to lifetimes spent by scientist to develop techniques to determine ages of objects. Unless, someone proves them scientifically wrong, they are well accepted and being in the field of science, I don't really see objections raised against the dating analysis.

There had been numerous experimental validations performed before the technique was accepted. You can keep talking in language which perhaps only you understand, but marks of the past can easily be studied and age of the objects can be determined accurately. Prove the technique wrong, tell us where the fault lies and science will easily modify its equations.

It's simply not a question of ego there, but with BKs it sure is. Whenever science discovers a thing of past and claim its age more than 5,000 years, it kills something in the BKs and they come back to the same parrot readings that there are things beyond science that these 'would be slaves scientists' don't understand.

Just to start doubting them because they don't fit with BKs claim infact tells contrary to being intellectually honest, to me this is more being intellectually bankrupt. Anyways, when intellect is surrendered, it does not matter where your honesty stands! You can have only one vision and keep enjoying it.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post31 May 2014

ichewgum wrote:Of course, you forget to mention your position relies on the dating being correct ! Any other claim and interpretation you project onto these trees etc is of your own making and only your opinion !

Same can be said of your or Dada Lekhraj’s or even any incarnation or divine light being’s pronouncements on anything.

Looking around, we find in a room together, a possessed Dadi Gulzar, an unusual looking extra-terrestrial in a spacesuit and an ethereal being surrounded in rainbow-coloured light looking all blond, blue-eyed and beatific, with tiny wings where their shoulder blades should be. There is also a scientist, an intelligent looking young woman in blue jeans and T-shirt, a PhD in organic chemistry and years of experience in the field of radio-carbon dating ...

We take them to this uncovered forest and show them what we see, and give each a piece of timber from this forest. We ask each to tell us what they think is the story behind this discovery, and why we should believe them ...

To each, we reply "you are projecting onto these trees your own interpretation and only your opinion” by which we mean" on what basis other than your word can we trust you?”.
    The alien says ”I have not been on your planet long enough to be able to answer ”
    The being with rainbow aura laughs and says, "it is whatever you want it to be”
    Dadi Gulzar possessed whispers ” There are three types of forests - the forest of waste thoughts where BKs with Maya get lost, the forest of honey that is Madhuban, and forests that were picnic grounds last Kalpa"
The physicist explains how carbon-14 loses radio isotopes, how this is correlated to other known processes and other known phenomena, and by triangulating these knowns, correlating with other evidence from the site including geological evidence, we can safely say ...
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Re: Storms in UK unearth 4,500 to 6,000 year old forest

Post31 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote:Dadi Gulzar possessed whispers ” There are three types of forests - the forest of waste thoughts where BKs with Maya get lost, the forest of honey that is Madhuban, and forests that were picnic grounds last Kalpa"

Jeez, you're really good at that stuff. Perhaps you're the true Chariot of Shiva Baba?

When Gulzar dies, you should apply for the job!

Just FYI radiocarbon dating is not the only form of radiometric dating technique. It was invented around 1905 and, like any technology took time to develop.

These flat Earthers criticisms are basically re-hashes of criticisms circa 1906.

Science has moved on since then. They study, refine and reduce the margin of errors and correlate various approaches to make them more accurate.

The Flat Earthers have done nothing but chew their gum and blow bubbles with it.

In the case of the Brahma Kumaris University, they have not even reached 1905 year. They, their god spirit and guru have no scientific understanding. Absolutely none. Zero.

They are at best granny kindergarten teachers spinning fairy stories to children or adults reduced or restricted to spoilt, retarded, egotistical child-like mentalities to put them to a lazy sleep.

Why pretend they are anything else?

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