600 million Indians have no toilet

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600 million Indians have no toilet

Post17 Jul 2013

BKs often to rush to defend their masters claiming that they are not wealthy themselves and own very few belonging ... so therefore the BKWSU is not all about the money. Wrong ... it's all about the money.

Let's put this into context with the India they came from and where the unskilled and uneducated Brahma Kumaris would have been if they had not turned their private commune into business religion to reap money, primarily from the vulnerable, superstitious and under-educated Hindu market.
    Even today, half of Indians have no toilet and have to defecate in the open. *
Like I said, what India needs is not more Godmen or Godwomen ... it needs more sanitary engineers. Would the Brahma Kumari build public latrines instead of show off peace parks, luxury video studios and monuments to its gurus ... thereby free millions of women whose lives are enslaved by the caste system to sweep up Indian men's **** ... I might have more respect for them.

The difference we see in Brahma Kumarism to the rest of India is not "spirituality", it is carefully managed wealth gained without labor.

Amartya Sen has written a new book entitled, Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradiction.
"Half of all Indians have no toilet. In Delhi when you build a new condominium there are lots of planning requirements but none relating to the servants having toilets. It's a combination of class, caste and gender discrimination. It's absolutely shocking.

Poor people have to use their ingenuity and for women ... many of whom have to rise before dawn ... that can mean only being able to relieve themselves after dark ... with all the safety issues that entails.

Brahma Kumaris "feminists" ... don't make me laugh. They are not feminists, they are karma-bound caste-ists. They are not about female emancipation, they enslave females to support their own bid for caste ascendency (aka social climbing). The business of god is a middle class business which you have to be wealthy enough to be able to buy into it.

Other sample statistics include:
    50% of children are stunted, the vast majority due to undernourishment.
    50% of women have anaemia for the same reason.
    In one survey, there was no evidence of any teaching activity in 50% of schools in seven big northern states.
    600 million have no electricity (200 million had *never* had any electricity.
    Only 65% of women are literate.
Sen considers that "what holds India back is not lack of resources but lack of clear-sighted, long-term policies and the political will to implement them".

What hold the Brahma Kumaris back from doing any good for the world around it and allow them to spend their wealth on fairly stupid luxuries and international business class air travel is the same but even moreso ... mainly "Destruction" - there is no future - and partly the traditional get out clause of "karma".

The Brahma Kumaris charities worked to relieve poverty ... their own poverty. India can go to hell.

Brahma Kumaris serve humanity ... by spending their donations on making nice gardens for themselves to play goddess in.
Brahma_Kumari_Peace_Park.jpg (60.43 KiB) Viewed 8228 times

(* This figure increases to 77% of homes in Jharkhand, 76.6% for Orissa, and 75.8% in Bihar. In rural areas, it is around 15%).

Only 3.1% of the Indian population has a computer.
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Re: 600 million Indians have no toilet

Post18 Jul 2013

India has no functioning ambulance service.

Honestly, what should come first ... yet another whacky cult with its own Bollywood film production set and gardens with laser shows ... or a state level ambulance service?

And why cannot India, even with the personal attention of the BKs' god, overcome its brainless levels of corruption ... Here, again, is another case where unchallengeable authority leads to a tragedy.

Doctors are fighting to save a group of primary schoolchildren poisoned by their school lunch at a primary school in a poor rural area of eastern India. The number of those who have died so far is 22 with another 25 in hospital, as well as the school cook.

The children, between the ages of five and 12, fell ill after eating the lunch of rice and lentils contaminated with pesticides. India's free school meals programme is is plagued by waste and corruption, and incidents of poisoning are common. There was so much poison in the food that the doctors couldn't save them. In spite of the cook's complaint [over the smell of the cooking oil used for the food], the headmistress insisted on its use and the cook made the food. The children had also complained about the food to the cook.

School meals in India are provided by contractors, many of whom use substandard ingredients and pay local officials to turn a blind eye to the fact. An expert stated that some kind of collusion, all the way up the chain, existed. Potatoes and a sack of pesticides had been found side by side at the school headmaster's home.

Compensation of 200,000 rupees (£2,300) will be paid to the dead children's parents.
According to the World Bank, 43% of Indian children are underweight, the highest level in the world, and a figure that has remained constant for at least 20 years. In China the figure is only 7% and in sub-Saharan Africa, it averages 28%. Poor nutrition among lactating and pregnant mothers means the effects of postnatal malnutrition for children are exacerbated.

It's a good job the BKs have that new, white, Rolls Royce at their venue to bring in VIPs just in case they are forced to witness such "impurities" around them.
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Mr Green


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Re: 600 million Indians have no toilet

Post20 Jul 2013

Relieve poverty! They have no concern for Iron Aged shudras

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